FieldServer Metasys N2 FS-8700-19 user manual

User manual for the device FieldServer Metasys N2 FS-8700-19

Device: FieldServer Metasys N2 FS-8700-19
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: FieldServer
Size: 1.2 MB
Added : 10/27/2013
Number of pages: 51
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FieldServer Metasys N2 FS-8700-19 User manual - Online PDF
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Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

A Sierra Monitor Company

Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)

FS-8700-19 Metasys N2

Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001
Driver Version: 1.02
Document Revision: 22

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Metasys N2 Description ................................................................................................. 3 2. Driver Scope of Supply.................................................................................................. 4 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver.................................................. 4 rd 2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3 Party Equipment

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 3 of 51 1. Metasys N2 Description The Metasys N2 network supports communications with a diverse range of devices. Many N2 compatible devices use their own version of the protocol and care must be taken to ensure that the device of interest is covered by the FieldServer implementation. At present the FieldServer N2 driver will support communications with the following devices or device classes when acting as a Client: rd 1. N2Open-comp

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 4 of 51 2. Driver Scope of Supply 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver FieldServer Technologies Description PART # FS-8915-10 UTP cable (7 foot) for Ethernet connection FS-8915-10 UTP cable (7 foot) for RS-232 use FS-8917-02 RJ45 to DB9F connector adapter FS-8917-01 RJ45 to DB25M connection adapter SPA59132 RS-485 connection adapter FS-8700-19 Driver Manual. rd 2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3 Party Equipment 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 5 of 51 3. Hardware Connections FieldServer as a Client N2 bus 3rd Party FieldServer System N2 devices FieldServer as a Server NCM, N30 or N2 bus other N2 client (408)-262-2299 MetasysN2 CONNECTION DIAGRAM 3rd Party FieldServer System N2 devices BASE NAME: DATE: 05/31/06 FILE NAME: FS-8700-19 BY: MC 3.1. Hardware Connection Tips / Hints When using the FS-X40 ensure

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 6 of 51 4. Configuring the FieldServer as a Metasys N2 Client For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer Configuration manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” sample files provided with the FieldServer). This section documents and describes the parameters necessary for config

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 7 of 51 4.2. Client Side Connection Descriptions Section Title Connections Column Title Function Legal Values Specify which port the device is 1 Port P1-P8, R1-R2 connected to the FieldServer Protocol Specify protocol used Metasys_N2 Baud* Specify baud rate 9600 None Parity* Specify parity Data_Bits* Specify data bits 8 Stop_Bits* Specify stop bits 1 Handshaking* Specify hardware handshaking None Poll _Delay* Time between internal p

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 8 of 51 4.3. Client Side Node Descriptors Section Title Nodes Column Function Legal Values Title Up to 32 Node_Name Provide name for node alphanumeric characters Node_ID Station address of physical Server node 1-255 Protocol Specify protocol used Metasys_N2 Specify which port the device is connected to the 1 Connection P1-P8, R1-R2 FieldServer Identify type of device If this parameter is omitted the driver treats the configurati

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 9 of 51 4.4.2. Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters N2Open Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values One of the node names Node_Name Name of Node to fetch data from specified in “Client Node Descriptor” above If the vendor device lists a point as BD then use Data_Type=Byte. If the vendor device lists a point as ADI then use Data_Type=Integer. Data_Type Data type If the vendor device lists a point as AD

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 10 of 51 N2Open Attribute Table Data Type Attribute No. Attribute 1 Object Configuration 2 Object Status Analog Input Value 3 4 Low Alarm Limit Analog Input 5 High Alarm Limit 6 Low Warn Limit 7 High Warn Limit 8 Differential 1 Object Configuration Binary Input 2 Object Status 1 Object Configuration Analog Output 2 Object Status 3 Current Value 1 Object Configuration 2 Object Status Binary Output 3 Minimum On-Time 4 Min

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 11 of 51 Point Type Conditions that will trigger a COS report point status change (e.g. override) AI change in alarm or warning status NB: no value changes within the normal band are reported by COS! point status change (e.g. override) AO NB: no value changes within the normal band are reported by COS! BI, BO point status change (e.g. override); includes current value (On/Off) ADI, ADF, BD none; COS cannot be used with internal data types.

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 12 of 51 Driver Data_Type MN2_Type values 2 3 Point Type Known Value Suggested Value AI 1 AO 2 BI 3 BO 4 ADF 5 ADI 6 BD 7 If a large number of points are to be monitored, optimal efficiency is achieved by using the COS mechanism instead of reading each individual point directly. An N2Open device responds to a COS poll with a change record if a change has taken place. On startup the device will report the state of all its po

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 13 of 51 DX9100 Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values One of the node names Name of Node to fetch Node_Name specified in “Client Node data from Descriptor” above Length Length of Map Descriptor 1 Starting address of read Address 0 - 2397 block For DX9100 addresses please refer to the DX9100 user documentation. This lists the name, function (read/write) and data format of all available points. Alternat

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 14 of 51 4.4.4. Map Descriptor Example 1 – N2Open // Client Side Map Descriptors Map_Descriptors MN2_Function Map_Descriptor_Name, DA_Name, DA_Offset, Function, Node_name Address Data_Type Scan_Interval , AI_READ, DA_AI3, 0, RDBC, -, Node_A, 1, Ana_Input 5s COS_POLLER, DA_COS, 0, COS_Poller, -, Node_A, -, -, 30s AI_BY_COS, DA_AI3, 1, COS_Read, -, Node_A, 1, Ana_Input, - BI_BY_COS, DA_BI, 3, COS_Read, -, Node_A, 2, Dig_

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 15 of 51 4.4.6. Map Descriptor Example 3 - DX9100 // Client side Map Descriptors Map_Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, DA_Name, DA_Offset, Function, Node_name, Address, Scan_Interval D191_ZN1-T, DA_AI3, 0, RDBC, Node_DX, 1223, 5s D191_ZN1-S, DA_AO3, 0, WRBX, Node_DX, 1225, - The address alone is sufficient to specify DX9100 point. The Data Type is determined by the device. FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas,

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 16 of 51 5. Configuring the FieldServer as a Metasys N2 Server For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer Configuration Manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” files on the driver diskette). This section documents and describes the parameters necessary for configuring the Fi

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 17 of 51 5.2. Server Side Node Descriptors Section Title Nodes Column Title Function Legal Values Up to 32 Node_Name Provide name for node alphanumeric characters MetasysN2 station address of physical Node_ID 1-255 Server node Protocol Specify protocol used Metasys_N2 Specifies time FieldServer will reserve 5 Server_Hold_Timeout* Server side connection while waiting for the < 0.175s Client side to update data in Data_Array Identify

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 18 of 51 5.3. Server Side Map Descriptors 5.3.1. FieldServer Specific Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values Name of this Map Up to 32 alphanumeric Map_Descriptor_Name Descriptor characters Name of Data Array where One of the Data Array Data_Array_Name data is to be stored in the names from “Data Array” FieldServer section above Starting location in Data 0 to maximum specified in Data_Array_Offset Array “Data Array

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 19 of 51 5.3.3. Map Descriptor Example. // Server Side Map Descriptors Map_Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Data_Type, Function, Node_name, Address, Length A1, DA_AI3, 10, Ana_Input, Server, Node_A, 1, 256 The Data_Array_Offset sets The Server function tells the Note that a single Server Map the start of the data range FieldServer that this Map Descriptor of length 256 can covered b

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 20 of 51 Appendix A. Advanced Topics Appendix A.1. Writing to DX9100 Binary Outputs When writing to DX9100 Binary Outputs, it is important to understand that each binary output has three bits associated with it as described in the table below: 6 Bit Description Address Output The status bit will indicate the actual status of the output in the field. This bit cannot be Address 5 status bit modified by the FieldServer as it is read only, a

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