FieldServer LonWorks FS-8700-21 user manual

User manual for the device FieldServer LonWorks FS-8700-21

Device: FieldServer LonWorks FS-8700-21
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: FieldServer
Size: 1.94 MB
Added : 6/13/2013
Number of pages: 62
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FieldServer LonWorks FS-8700-21 User manual - Online PDF
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Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

A Sierra Monitor Company

Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)

FS-8700-21 LonWorks

Effective for all systems manufactured after April 2009
Driver Version: 1.25
Document Revision: 6

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

FS8700-21 LonWorks Manual Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 2 Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 NV Updates/Polls ...........................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Table of Contents 6.2.1 Connections.......................................................................................................................................... 17 6.2.2 Nodes ................................................................................................................................................... 17 6.2.3 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters .............................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 4 of 62 1 DESCRIPTION The LonWorks driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices using LonWorks protocol. The FieldServer can emulate either a Server or Client. The FS-B4011 FieldServer is supplied with a LonWorks Card, while the FS-B2011 and FS- B30 Series FieldServers have a built-in LonWorks Interface. A Fieldbus connection is available on the FieldServer. The FS-B30 and FS-B4011 can handle up to 4096 Network Variables and t

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 5 of 62 2.3 Clients/Servers The FieldServer functions as a Client when polling or sending updates on the LonWorks network and as a Server when being polled or receiving updates. The FieldServer can be bound to a maximum number of 15 LonWorks Nodes. The FieldServer recommended point limit is 1000 points for the FS-B2011 Series and 4096 points for the FS-B30 and FS-B4011. 2.4 Explicit/Implicit Clients can address Servers using explicit or implicit add

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 6 of 62 3 DRIVER SCOPE OF SUPPLY 3.1 Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver FieldServer Technologies Part # Description FS-8700-21 Driver Manual. rd 3.2 Provided by the Supplier of 3 Party Equipment Part # Description N/A LonMaker® Integration Tool from Echelon Corporation (Optional Network Management Software) N/A LonWatcher from Distech Controls Inc. (Optional Network Management Software) N/A Circon System Integrator from Circon

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 7 of 62 4 HARDWARE CONNECTIONS LonWorks devices are available with several different physical interfaces. The screw plug supplied with the FieldServer LonWorks interface will connect the FieldServer to the FTT-10 network. The 9 pin D-connector can also be used to connect to the network (FS-B4011 only). The 2-wire twisted-pair connection to the network is polarity insensitive. The FTT-10 network is a free topology network which supports star, loop and

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 8 of 62 4.2 Neuron ID The driver prints the Neuron ID on the Driver Message Screen as its starts. On FS-B2011 and FS-B4011 FieldServers it is possible to print the Neuron ID on the Error Screen at any time by pushing the Service Button on the side of the FieldServer. On all platforms, the driver can store the Neuron ID in a Data Array so that it can be read by a Client node – Refer also to Appendix C.3. 4.3 Lon LED’s The location of the Lon LED vari

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 9 of 62 5 IMPLICIT CONFIGURATIONS 5.1 Special considerations Implicit addressing is used when a Network Management Tool such as LonMaker® is used to connect a FieldServer to other LonWorks nodes - the FieldServer is assigned its data transfer (binding) parameters by the Network Management Tool. 5.1.1 Map Descriptor Names (Network Variable Names) When using Implicit configuration, the LonWorks driver provides a table of Network Variables for other Node

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 10 of 62 5.1.5 Network Management Capability When commissioning an implicitly configured FieldServer using the "Traditional" binding method, the configuration parameters below are all that is needed to achieve this purpose. For hints and tips on how to commission the FieldServer using the various Vendor devices that do this, see Appendix B It is possible to set the FieldServer Online and Offline using the Network Management Tools. This is a LonWorks

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 11 of 62 5.2.2 Node Parameters Section Title Nodes Column Title Function Legal Values Node_Name Provide name for Node Up to 32 alphanumeric characters Protocol Specify protocol used LonWorks Example // Client Side Nodes Nodes Node_Name ,Protocol LON_1 ,LonWorks 5.2.3 FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values Name of this Map Descriptor. (Network Variable Map_Descriptor_Name Up to 16 alphan

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 12 of 62 5.2.4 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values One of the node names Name of Node to fetch data from or send data to. Needed for Explicit Node_Name specified in “Client Node Addressing. Descriptors” above SNVT_Type Standard network variable type of the data See Appendix D SNVT_Option* Specifies which record out of a complex SNVT we are after. See Appendix A.9.1 SNVT_Units* Specifies the measurement un

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 13 of 62 5.2.6 Client Side Map Descriptor Example // Client Side Map Descriptors Map_Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name ,Data_Array_Name ,Data_Array_Offset ,Lon_Function ,Function ,Node_Name ,SNVT_Type ,Nv_Delta_Value ,Min_Scan_Time ,Max_Scan_Time ,Scan_Interval TempOut1 ,DA_FO_01 ,0 ,NVUOIMT ,Wrbc ,LON_1 ,SNVT_Temp_f ,10 ,5 ,20 ,- TempOut2 ,DA_FO_01 ,1 ,NVUOIMX ,Wrbc ,LON_1 ,SNVT_Temp_f ,- ,- ,- ,- TempOut3 ,DA_FO_0

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 14 of 62 6 EXPLICIT CONFIGURATIONS 6.1 Special considerations With Explicit configuration, the FieldServer communicates directly with other devices by specifying the remote device address in the FieldServer configuration. All the Servers and their Clients need to be on the same domain to be able to communicate. If the LonWorks device’s Node ID is not known, it may be read using a utility program e.g. NodeUtil or using a LonWorks Analyzer. All the Cl

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 15 of 62 6.1.4 Domain Table Setup To be able to communicate with other nodes on the LonWorks network, the FieldServer must have its Domain, Subnet and Node ID’s set. Explicit configuration requires the user to set these parameters. There are 3 ways in which the FieldServer DSN (Domain,Subnet,Node address) can be set: Set the DSN using a Network manager by commissioning the FieldServer into the Network Manager Project. When doing it this way, it is

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 16 of 62 Example 2: Setting the Domain and Subnet from the configuration file FieldServer System_Station_Address ,Title [node_id] ,“:D*Domain_ID]:S[Subnet_ID+:*Title continued…+” The Title field must start with “:D”, followed by the Domain_ID in hexadecimal notation, followed by “:S”, followed by the Subnet_ID in hexadecimal notation and enclosed by “:”. The domain length is automatically determined by the number of digits in the [Domain_ID] field

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 17 of 62 6.2 Client Side Configuration 6.2.1 Connections Section Title Connections Column Title Function Legal Values Adapter Adapter Name LonWorks Protocol Specify protocol used LonWorks Example // Client Side Connections Connections Adapter ,Protocol LonWorks ,LonWorks 6.2.2 Nodes Section Title Nodes Column Title Function Legal Values Up to 32 alphanumeric Node_Name Provide name for Node characters Server (destination) Node’

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 18 of 62 6.2.3 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values One of the node names Name of Node to fetch data from or send data to. Needed for Explicit Node_Name specified in “Client Node Addressing. Descriptors” above SNVT_Index Server Network Variable Index 0-4095 SNVT_Type Standard network variable type of the data See Appendix D SNVT_Option* Specifies which record out of a complex SNVT we are after. See Appen

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 19 of 62 6.2.5 Map Descriptor Example 1 - Explicit Configuration using Network Management Polls The Map Descriptor pollTemp_p shows the use of SNVT_Units for Scaling when polling temperature The Map Descriptor pollSwitch shows the use of SNVT_Option for Selective data scanning. This only brings in the “State” portion of SNVT_Switch Map_Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name ,Data_Array_Name ,Data_Array_Offset ,Lon_Function ,Function ,Node_Name

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 20 of 62 6.2.7 Using Neuron ID to Address Devices (Client Drivers only) It is possible to poll remote LonWorks devices using their Neuron ID's instead of the traditional Network Manager method. The Neuron ID is the 12 Digit Hex identifier of the associated LonWorks Device. An example configuration follows. Note that Neuron ID addressing is considered explicit addressing so the station address, domain ID and subnet ID must be set as described in Sectio

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