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A Sierra Monitor Company
Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)
FS-8700-43 VESDA
Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001
Driver Version: 1.01
Document Revision: 2
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. VESDA Description ..........................................................................................................3 2. Driver Scope of Supply....................................................................................................4 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this Driver.....................................................4 rd 2.2. Provided by Supplier of 3 Party Technology ..
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 3 of 18 1. VESDA Description The VESDA driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices over RS-232 using VESDA protocol. The FieldServer can emulate a VESDA Client. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer. FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Tel: (408) 262-229
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 4 of 18 2. Driver Scope of Supply 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this Driver FieldServer DESCRIPTION Technologies PART # FS-8915-10 UTP cable (7 foot) for RS-232 use FS-8917-02 RJ45 to DB9F connector adapter FS-8917-01 RJ45 to DB25M connector adapter FS-8700-43 Driver Manual rd 2.2. Provided by Supplier of 3 Party Technology PART # DESCRIPTION VESDA PC Link HLI FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, Califo
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 5 of 18 3. Hardware Connections The FieldServer is connected to the Vesda as shown in connection drawing. Configure the Vesda according to manufacturer’s instructions LaserPlus ETA232 FieldServer VESDA HLI LaserPlus X20/X40 LaserPlus VESDAnet LaserPlus (408)-262-2299 FIELDSERVER VESDA CONNECTION CONFIGURATIONS BASE NAME: DATE: 3/17/04 FILE NAME: BY: MC FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fie
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 6 of 18 4. Configuring the FieldServer as a VESDA Client For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer Configuration Manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” sample files provided with the FieldServer). This section documents and describes the parameters necessary for configuring
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 7 of 18 4.2. Client Side Node Descriptors Section Title Nodes Column Title Function Legal Values Up to 32 alphanumeric Node_Name Provide name for node characters Protocol Specify protocol used VESDA Example: Nodes Node_name, Protocol, Port, Timeout, Recovery_Interval, Retry_Interval VESDA_HLI, VESDA, P1, 10.0s, -, - 4.3. Client Side Connection Descriptors Section Title Connections Column Title Function Legal Values Specify w
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 8 of 18 4.4. Client Side Map Descriptors 4.4.1. FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values Up to 32 alphanumeric Map_Descriptor_Name Name of this Map Descriptor characters Name of Data Array where One of the Data Array data is to be stored in the names from “Data Array” Data_Array_Name FieldServer. Only used for section above. Must be of commands 1,4,6,12. type BIT 0 to maximum specified in Data_Array_
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 9 of 18 4.4.3. Map Descriptor Example Map_Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Data_Type, Node_Name, Address, Length, Command, Network, Zone, Sector set_op_vesda_hli, set_op, 0, WRBC, dig_output, VESDA_HLI, 0, 8, 1, 0, 255, - Map_Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, Zone, Sector, node_name, Function, DA_Bit_Name DA_Float_Name, DA_Bit_offset, DA_Float_offset, Data_Array_Offset, Data_Type, Command, Netwo
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 10 of 18 4.5. Common Applications and Examples Each Command on the VESDA has a particular data format. 4.5.1. VESDA data format for command 1 (Set Operation) This command is mandatory as it turns the VESDA system into a master slave relationship and is of type BIT. The content of the data is irrelevant. The format for the data is as follows: Data Arrays Column Title Function Legal Values Up to 15 alphanumeric Data_Array_Name Provide name
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 11 of 18 4.5.2. VESDA data format for command 4 (Zone Update) This request returns the Current Zone Status in a BIT data array. The format for the data is as follows: Data Arrays Column Title Function Legal Values Up to 15 alphanumeric Data_Array_Name Provide name for Data Array characters Data_Format Provides data format BIT Data_Array_Length Number of Data Objects 1 - 16 Client Side Map Descriptors Column Title Function Legal Values
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 12 of 18 4.5.3. VESDA data format for command 6 (Remote Input) This command sends the Remote Input in a BIT data array. Data Array Column Title Function Legal Values Provide name for Data Up to 32 alphanumeric Data_Array_Name Array characters Data_Format Provides data format BIT Data_Array_Length Number of Data Objects 1 - 8 Client Map Descriptors Column Title Function Legal Values Name of this Map Up to 32 alphanumeric Map_Descripto
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 13 of 18 4.5.4. VESDA data format for command 12 (Current Fault Status) This request returns the Current Fault Status in a BYTE data array. The format for the data is as follows: Data Arrays Column Title Function Legal Values Provide name for Data Up to 15 alphanumeric Data_Array_Name Array characters Data_Format Provides data format BYTE Data_Array_Length Number of Data Objects 1 – 21 Client Side Map Descriptors Column Title Function
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 14 of 18 4.5.5. VESDA data format for command 10 (Update Display Status) This request returns the Current Display Status in a split data array (2 data arrays of different type in one map descriptor). The format for the data is as follows: Data Arrays 1 Column Title Function Legal Values Provide name for Data Up to 15 alphanumeric Data_Array_Name Array characters Data_Format Provides data format BIT Data_Array_Length Number of Data Objects
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 15 of 18 6 Data Block 1 Description BIT offset Function 0 Reserved Flash 1 Fault Filter Flash 2 Fault Airflow Flash 3 Fault Network Flash 4 Fault Power Flash 5 Fault Urgent Flash 6 Fault Zone Flash 7 Fault System Flash 8 OK Flash 9 Isolate Flash 10 Fault Minor Flash 11 Fault Major Flash 12 Alarm Fire2 Flash 13 Alarm Fire1 Flash 14 Alarm Action Flash 15 Alarm Alert Flash 16 Reserved 17 Fault Filter 18 Fault Airflow 19 Fault Networ
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 16 of 18 4.5.6. VESDA data format for command 16 (Update Airflow Status) This request returns the Current Airflow Status in a split data array (2 data arrays of different type in one map descriptor). The format for the data is as follows: Data Arrays 1 Column Title Function Legal Values Provide name for Data Up to 15 alphanumeric Data_Array_Name Array characters Data_Format Provides data format BIT Data_Array_Length Number of Data Objects
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 17 of 18 7 Data Block 1 Description BIT offset Function 0 Pipe1 status 1 Pipe2 status 2 Pipe3 status 3 Pipe4 status Data Block 2 Description BYTE offset Function 0 Airflow in pipe 1 as percentage of normalised pipe airflow. 1 Airflow in pipe 2 as percentage of normalised pipe airflow. 2 Airflow in pipe 3 as percentage of normalised pipe airflow. 3 Airflow in pipe 4 as percentage of normalised pipe airflow. 4.5.7. Reading Smoke Levels o
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FS-8700-43 VESDA Driver Manual Page 18 of 18 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: