FieldServer FS-8700-23 user manual

User manual for the device FieldServer FS-8700-23

Device: FieldServer FS-8700-23
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: FieldServer
Size: 0.14 MB
Added : 6/13/2013
Number of pages: 13
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FieldServer FS-8700-23 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to FieldServer FS-8700-23. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

A Sierra Monitor Company

Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk

Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001
Driver Version: 1.00
Document Revision: 4

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. CB-Link Description........................................................................................................3 2. Driver Scope of Supply...................................................................................................4 2.1. Provided by FieldServer Technologies for this driver ..................................................4 rd 2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3 Party E

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 3 of 13 1. CB-Link Description The CB-Link driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices over RS-485 using CB-Link protocol. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer. Refer to “Model 833-2771 CB-Link” Manual #65-0216 and “Model 833-2757 General Purpose Interface ControlBus Module” Manual #65-0220 from Cleaver B

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 4 of 13 2. Driver Scope of Supply 2.1. Provided by FieldServer Technologies for this driver Fieldserver Technologies Part # Description RS-485 7-way connector adapter with attached SPA59137 cable rd 2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3 Party Equipment PART # DESCRIPTION CB-Link Controller FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Gnd _ + FG Gnd _ + FG _ 5V 500mA + 12V 5 00mA _ 12V 5 00mA + 5V 1 .5A 0V '43 5 6 ' '43 5 6 FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 5 of 13 3. Hardware Connections The FieldServer can be connected to the CB – Link device as shown below. Configure the PLC according to manufacturer’s instructions    !" #$%$   &         % 

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 6 of 13 4. Configuring the FieldServer as a ChB-Link Client For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer Configuration Manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” sample files provided with the FieldServer). This section documents and describes the parameters necessary f

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 7 of 13 4.3. Client Side Connection Descriptions Section Title Connections Column Title Function Legal Values Specify which port the device is connected to the Port R1-R2 FieldServer Baud Specify baud rate 9600 Parity Specify parity None IC_Timeout Inter-Character Timeout >10.0 s Squelch_Timer Squelch suppression time >0.02 s Poll_Delay Minimum time between polls 0,55 Example // Client Side Connections Con

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 8 of 13 4.4. Client Side Node Descriptors Section Title Nodes Column Title Function Legal Values Node_Name Provide name for node Up to 32 alphanumeric characters See Section 4.4.1 A, B, and C CB Link_ID Device address below Protocol Specify protocol used CB_Link Port Port connection R1-R2 Specify controller connected to CB- Node_Type See Section 4.4.2 Link Example // Client Side Nodes Nodes

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 9 of 13 4.5. Client Side Map Descriptors 4.5.1. FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values Name of this Map Descriptor. This Name Any of the variable names in Map_Descriptor_Name refers to the variable in the related .bp2 property file. the related .bp2 property file. Name of Data Array One of the Data Array where data is to be Data_Array_Name names from “Data Array” stored in the secti

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 10 of 13 4.5.4. Map Descriptor Example // Client Side Map Descriptors Map_Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, Scan_Interval, Timeout Control_Source, DA_AI_01, 1, RDBC, CBH1, 10, 30 Oper_Pressure, DA_AI_01, 2, RDBC, CBH1, 10, 30 FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Tel: (40

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 11 of 13 Appendix A. Advanced Properties Appendix A.1. Property Files Each Controller interfacing to the FieldServer requires associated property files (denoted by file extensions .bp1 and .bp2) to be loaded into the FieldServer. At present, the property files listed in the device information table below are preloaded onto the FieldServer when delivered. Other property files may be available upon request. Appendix A.2. Configuratio

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

* * FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 12 of 13 Appendix B. Device Information Table NETWORK INTERFACE UNIT MAKE MODEL NAME Honeywell Q7700 Network Interface Unit Cleaver 833-2771 CB-Link Brooks CONTROL MODULES MODEL No. PROPERTY FILE CONFIGURATION FILE MAKE OF MODULE NAME NOTES NAME (.BP1;.BP2) NAME (.CSV) MODULE Honeywell QS7700A BCS7700 N/A N/A Honeywell QS7800A 7800 SERIES Control N/A N/A Data Acquisition Honeywell QS7800C QM40XX Data A

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

FS-8700-23 Cleaver Brooks Hawk Driver Manual Page 13 of 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:

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