Руководство по эксплуатации Whirlpool MC8991XT

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Whirlpool MC8991XT

Устройство: Whirlpool MC8991XT
Категория: Конвекционная печь
Производитель: Whirlpool
Размер: 2.64 MB
Добавлено: 7/1/2014
Количество страниц: 44
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MC8990XT Models

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h .: 13 i 14 17 3 19 WARM 22 23 to 26 30 31 34 : : : : : : : : : : : : 34 35 : : 36 For 37 : 1. 37 : : 38 11 If or 40 12 44 I I I I LOWER /q 1 D For If or a 1. (from on of on of 2. from a 2 product. this with furnished Card Registration Number Phone Company Service Owner the mail and complete Please place. handy in together slip sales your and book this Keep spaces. these in information this Copy Date Purchase slip. sales date Purchase oven]. the back

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

out If of to... Whirlpool 2000 M-63 49022 if a to - m . . . . . follow found on 35 of Guide!’ I - - . . . & for a for future I It to : l from micro- I a 50°F fc )r l on a to l to l not to l l for of a I WAW to door if It for door harmful to micro- no a It to not not to or (1) or (2) or (3) front door or con- con- or to if on door -I 3 removed. surfaces. broken. is window the cabinet outer the with sealing accumulate oven microwave vection o

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

WARNING 1. jars 0. 1. INSTRUCTIONS THESE SAVE result may shock electric or 30. and 26 pages See cooking. water in plug or cord immerse not Do 2. combination or convection for heating result. may shock electric or )ven pre- when except empty is it when pliance the to damage for outdoors use not Do ap- this operate not Do CAUTION: 18. result. may fire for appliance, he 38. page on opening any block or cover not Do on starting PRECAUTIONS” SAFETY ATING OPER- “MICROWAVE follow and

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

When first a 888:88. If off for a for on follc Di ital in 8 lights When not When to to do A to to 6 for informa- on on on While (or on to a food temperature. oven an - temperature, - pads Number doing. is oven the what show be will lights] Light Indicator an running, is oven the Pad. mand Com- the touch you when comes Light Indicator The display. digital the Light Indicator an lights SET] CLOCK and RESET TEMP SENSOR, AUTO PAUSE, CANCEL, START, [except Pad, Com

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

a a If a not or If a a not a not If to If to If to of of 60 60 l door. l 0, l door. l door. l l l l . for l not for If off, a When first a 888:88. If off, on. or DO THIS... a “0” to first 5 or 1. 3:25. 2. for of 3. If “Err” on on to 6 above. shown as clock the set Continue flash. will colon the and Display the show will time current The SET. CLOCK touch clock, resetthe To NOTE: over. start and SET CLOCK Touch Display. the show will as12:65, such time,

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

not or It or It a for to 99 99 DO THIS... on a “01’ first 5 or 1. of 1 45 2. for on to 3. to on When a 3 of minute timer minute timer. to If first, to to of to count- not on When a 3 door not or door to or defrosting. cooking continue START touch and the Close defrosting. cooking any stop does it however, countdown; Timer Minute the stop does oven the Opening sound. will signal second up, is time the Display. the show will but down, continue will Timer Minute The opera

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

to l What l food l What l l to a l for different foods. to to l food for If or for to food. l turn or food for l If a not or a to l When on to food or foods off When of from food, to finish food. to a [for a food If food 7) If food 9) to turn or of “Err” on if door first of If “Err” finish not on for of food to DO THIS... 1. food door. 2. 2. 3. for on 8 chart.) SENSOR AUTO separate and frame oven interior guide (See want. you category cooklng the Pad(s) Numb

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

C 4. (7) or (9) if to 5 if do not to or to of on 19. a for not door of 5. When 2 door if to turn or food. When on 4 door or on a 60 (to food door or of day. time the show then will Display The touched. is CANCEL opened is the until oven] the in left is that you remind seconds every sound will beep and play Dis- the remain will “End” CANCEL.) touching by the opening by beeping the stop can (You sound. will beeps and Display the show will “End” ends, time cooking t

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

SLOW 0) to a food different for a of 2-4 hours or a of 12 hours Warm). If find food a 9) SLOW 7) SLOW 1. on. 2. 0 (SLOW 3. 9 if to If not, to 4. 4. WIII of of on door to turn or if When food four food forthe of 12 hour or to food from l l not on l or l Warm SLOW l . It first of 19. l “Err” on if door first of “Err” on if to food or finish food, setting. Power Cook approximate and cycle COOK the using oven the Reset time. cooking remaining the estimate cooking To underc

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

DO THIS... 1. food door. on four 2. 1 30 3. for to to or food on 19. on to 4. to When on 4 door or on a 60 (to food door or of or 29. or I. 2. for 3. 11 START Touch time. new the numbers Touch COOK. Touch START. touching after before time cooking the change can You time cooking the Changing page see TIME, ROAST by followed preceded be can COOK day. time the show then will Display The touched. is CANCEL opened is the until oven] the in left is that you remind

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

For for for a different of to or of for, of full 4 of full 9 of full 3 of full 8 of full 2 of full 7 of full 1 of full LOW 6 of full 0 (fan off] 5 of full DO THIS... 1. food door. on four 2. 7 30 3. for . . -. on to full 4. 5 for of full 5. a for 12 want. you Power Cook the Pad Number Touch power. 50% Pad Number touched Ra you shows example This touched. you what show will Display The power. POWER. COOK Touch (HIGH] at cook programmed pre- is oven the shows T

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

on to first a 6. to 0Wl-l When on 4 door or on a 60 (to food door or of or l l a for l forthe l if to a to . to food For defrost on or DO THIS... 1. food door. on four 2. on page next continued DEFROST. QUICK Touch O’s show will Display the and come will Light Indicator DEFROST QUICK The the close and oven the in frozen Put HAPPENS... THIS cookbook. MENUS8 MICRO CONVECTION your in frame oven interior the guide the see times, suggested cooking. before frozen t

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

2 45 3. for to to to turn food. on 19. on to to 4. When on 4 door or on a 60 (to food door or of from to DO THIS... 1. food door. on four 2. 4 30 3. for on four 4. func- of 14 cycle.) COOK the use shows example (This TIME. BROIL except tion cooking any Touch O’s show will Display the and come will Light Indicator cycle cooking The want. you time defrostlng the Pads Number Touch seconds. minutes, shows example This them. touched you order the in touched you

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

3 25 5. for on “P-HI!’ to full 6. if to 8 If to 6 for of full 7. a for When on. off. to defrost 8. When defrost food for of for tor on fan off. If door d 0Wf-l door to When 2 BEEPBEE~ on on if a to on page next continued cycle. Cook the in left is time much how show time the down counts Display The high. than other Power Cook using are you be also will Light Indicator POWER COOK The cycle. cooking the during be will Light Indicator COOK The start will c

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

When on 4 door or on a 60 (to food door or of time For food to for a of food for When function follows a to for If door door for ,,,,,,........,,,..,,,......,, ..,,,.....,,,....,,....,,, of full . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . defrost food time or . l for l of full to of l door. l food fork; if to l door to if no l for 16 time. defrosting additional instructions new in Touch OR... needed. is time additional cycle the continue STA

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

out of to turn off 26) or 30) to for of food DO THIS... ~3 b 2. food 3. 1. of not of on food. door. DO THIS... on “F.” 4. a of 140°F. 5. for 90°F 200°F. on to full 6. if to 6 for of full 7. for on. on page next continued stay will Lights Indicator want. you Power Cook the POWER COOK and TEMP PROBE The Pad Number the Touch power. 60% Pad Number touched you shows example This touched. you what show will Display The power.) high use want you START Touch (O

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

to food 90°F. food of 8. food for 5°F When off. on 4 door or on a 60 [to food door or of “Err” if 90°F or 200°F). for DO... l hot from l or of food or food from l foods l foil (if from foil if l . or too l foil a l force foods. foil if to l for foods to l from not foods a a to follow or to to out. on to to to When or for to If of food, off. 18 shut will oven the the temperature the than lower is temperature new the temperature. new the cooking continue

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For For of For of on a or of of food. foods of not of fat or l If l of from foods. of not not l l do not l l micro- for a 1. from hot 2. a hot a to foods. to or of or to to or turn food, to or to DO THIS... 1. food door. on page next continued the close and oven the in frozen Put HAPPENS... THIS DEFROST QUICK with PAUSE Using probe. the in plug ingredients add the stir you allow COOK and TIME ROAST TIME ROAST and COOK between and SENSOR, AUTO part automatic th

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2 30 3. for 4. on to to 5. oft. on on. 6. or food door. off on 7. When defrost on 4 door or on a 60 [to food door or of 20 day. time the show then will Display The touched. is CANCEL opened is the until oven) the in left is that you remind onds sec- every sound will beep and Display the remain will “End” CEL.) CAN- touching by the opening by beeping the stop can [You sound. will beeps and Display the show will “End” ends, time the START. Touch time. remaining

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