Руководство по эксплуатации GE ZET938

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства GE ZET938

Устройство: GE ZET938
Категория: Конвекционная печь
Производитель: GE
Размер: 2.9 MB
Добавлено: 10/31/2013
Количество страниц: 48
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Краткое содержание
Краткое содержание страницы № 1

27" and 30"
Wall Oven
ZEK938 - 27" Single _:all Oven
ZEK958 - 27" Double Wall Oven
ZET938 - 30" Single Wall Oven
ZET958 - 30" Double Wall Oven

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Consumer Inff)rmation l:l%l[ Oven Introduction Yore" new Monogram wall oven makes all eloquent statement of style, convenience and kitchen i)lanning flexibility. Whether you chose it fl_r its pm'ity of design, assiduous attention to detail-- or fin" both of these reasons--you'll find that yore" Monogram wall oven's superior blend of fin'm and ftmction will delight you fl)r years to come. Your Monogram wall oven was designed to provide the flexibility to blend in with your kitchen cabinetry. Its

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Read this manual carefully. It is intended to Be[bre If you don't understand something or need help )ou operate and maintain ``our new wall more help, there is a list of toll-fl'ee consumer using your service nmnbers included in tile back section o``en i)roperlx, wall oven (sf this manual Kee I) it hand) for ans``_ers to )our questi(ms. OR Visit our \'\Tebsite at: ge.com -Write You'll find them on a label on tile side trim Before sending in this card, please write these numbers here: or (m tile

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING! For xour saiety, tile infornmtion in this manual must be followed to mininlize tile risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prexent propert) damage personal ii_jury or loss of life. IMPOR 7ANT SA[i 'TY NO TICE " The California Safe Drinking Water and " The fiberglass insulation in self-cleaning Toxic Enforcement Act requires tile Governor ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon of CaliJ_m'nia to publish a list of substances monoxide during th

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

SAP 2 TY PRE CA U7 70NS " Do not leave children alone--children shoukl " Place the oven rack in the desired position not be leit alone or unattended in an area while the oven is cool. If racks must be handled where all appliance is ill use. They should when hot, do not let pot holder contact the never be allowed to sit or stand on ally part heating elements. of the appliance. "Never leave jars or cans of fat drippings in or , Do not touch the heating elements or the near your oven. interior surf

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

Features of Your Wall Oven I.l_lll Ove*_ Design ® inJbrmation ® (NO1 all [bal*_r_

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Oven Control, (;lock & Timer 14%II Oven ooo 2oo Doubleovencontrolshown.(Appearance mayvary.) 1 BAKE. Press to select the bake flmction. 9 COOKTIME. Use fi)r Timed Bake, Timed k atures of Convection Bake and Timed Convection yO_llT 07}C72 2 BROIL HIGH/LOW. Press to select the Roast operatiollS. broil flmction. control, 10 DELAY START. Use along with the clock and 3 CONV BAI_]/MULTI. Press to select baking COOK TIME or SELF CLEAN STD/LOW with convection on multiple racks. tim pads to set the o

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

Oven Control, Clock & Timer l;Va 11 Ove_ Clock The c[od_ must be set f>r the automatic oven timir_g" ,]'Unctions to work prop_,rly, The time of day clock cammt be changed during Delay Start. (It can be changed during a regular bake or broil operation.) 7b set 1 Press the CLOCK pad. the clock @ 2 Press the number pads the same way you read them. For example, to set ] 2:34, press @@@®®®@®®® the number pads 1, 2, 3 and 4 in that order. If number pads are not pressed within one minute aiier you pres

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Using 1 Press tile TIMER ON/OFF pad. the timer @ 2 Press tile nmnber pads to set tile time. For example, to enter 2 hours and 45 minutes, ®®®®®®®®®@ touch 2, 4 and 5 in that order. (/you make a mislake, press lhe 77MER ON/OFF @ pad a_d b_q'it_ ag'aim 3 Press tile START pad. After pressing tile START pad, "SET" To reset the timer: disappears; this tells you the time is cotmting down, although the display does not change If tile display is still showing tile time remaining, until one minute has pa

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

Special Features 5 ecial }bur new touch pad cot_trol has additiot_al fi_atu**,s fifilure, except fiw tile Sabbath ibature, which *_ill have to be reset. that you may choose to use. .[eatures q[ They remain ill tile control's memory until Tile special tbatm'e modes can only be activated .yOUr OUgTI the steps are repeated. When the display shows while tile displa} is showing tile time of da_ clock, control your choice, press the START pad. The special Tile follo,_ing are tile features and ho*_ }ou

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

12-hour, _bur control is ,set to use a 12-hour clock. (/you would pr@_r lo have a 24-hour mililary lime dock or 24-hour @+@ bla_k out the dock di@la3, fidlow the steps below. or clock Press the BAKE and BROIL HIGH/LOW blackout @ pads (on double oven models, use the upper oven controls) at the same time for 3 seconds until the display shows "SIL" 2 Press the CLOCK pad once. The display will show "12 hr." If this is the choice you want press the START pad. Press the CLOCK pad again to change to th

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

Special Features Wall Oven t' threnheit _bur oven conlrol i,s sel lo use lhe Fakre_keil lemperalure seleclions, bul you may eha_ge lkis or Celsius @.@ to use the Cel,siu,s ,se#clio_,s. temperature 1 Press the BAKE and BROIL HIGH/LOW selection pads (on double oven models, use the upper oven controls) at the same time ti)r 3 seconds until the display shows "SK" @ 2 Press the BROIL HIGH/LOW and COOK TIME pads at the same time. The display will show "F" ([_ahrenheit). Press the BROIL HIGH/LOW and CO

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

Using the Sabbath Feature I.l?lll Oven Desig_,ed for use on theJewish Sabbath and Holidays. 77w Sabbath fieatlm, can be used for bahin@roastit_g', , NO'I_2: The ovcr_/{@t comeson automatically (on so*tw only. It cannot be usedfi,' convection, b_dling; modds) whe_ thedoor is opem,d aml goes q/]w/m, the self=c bat_ing', or Delay Start cool¢i_g: dooris clo,sed.The btdh m(O,be *mno'ued. See the ()ver_ L{qg_t I{@/accmc+_zt sectiot_.()n modek with a I{@tswi>h on th,_co_lml pa,e/, the o'uc_z /iqT_t m,O

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

Using the Sabbath Feature 14?HIOven Sabbath Make ,surt_the clod_ sho'ws the correct time of day and the oven i,s OFI'7 f_ature: 1 Press and hold both the BAKE and BROIL HOw to set fbr HIGH/LOW pads, at the same time, until % timed baking the displa} shows "SF2' or roasting - NOTE: .!]bake or broil appea_s in the display, immediate start the BAI_2 and BROIL HIGH/LOW pads were not touched at the same time. 7buH_ the and automatic CLEAR/OFF_ /)ad and beffin, a_'ain, ®®@®@®®®®@ stop 2 Tap the DELAY

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

How to exit 1 Touch the CLEAR/OFF pad. the Sabbath 2 If the oven is cookino wait for a random ® dela} period of approximatel} 30 seconds Jeature to 1 minute, until onl} D is in the displa}. +6_3 3 Press and hold both the BAKE and BROIL HIGH/LOW pads, at the same time, until the displa} sho,_s "SF2' % Tap the DELAY START pad until "12 shdn" or "no shdn" appea*3 in the @ display. "12 shdn" indicates that the o\ en will automatically turn oft after 12 hours. "no shdn" indicates that the oven will

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

Baking or Roasting Be/oreyou To avoid possible bur*_s, place ltze racks in lhe de,sbvd posilion b{,fiav you llo'n lke oven on. begin... The racks haxe stop-locks, so that when placed correctlx on the sui)ports, the) will stop ® befi)re coming completely out, and will not tilt. ® X4hen placing and removing cookware, pull the rack out to the bran I) on the ® rack sui)port. @ To remove a rack, pull it toward you ® tilt the front end up and pull it out. ® To replace, place the end of the rack (stop-

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

P heating Preheat the oven if the recipe calls flw it. To Baking results will be better if baking pans are preheat, set the o\ en at the correct temperature. centered in the oven as much as possible. Pans and pan should not touch each other or the walls of the Preheating is necessary for good results when placement baking cakes, cookies, pastry and breads. oven. If you need to use two racks, stagger the pans so one is not directly abo\ e the other, and For oven,s without a pwheat b_dicator lig'

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

Broiling I,I_lll Oven How to set 1 Place the meat or fish on the broiler grid in the broiler pan. the oven jbr 2 Follow suggested rack positions in the broiling Broiling Guide. (/your oven is connected to 208 volts, raw steaks may be broiled by prehealing lhe broi&r and posilioning" lhe oven rack one po,sition h_ffhe_: 3 Press the BROIL HIGH/LOW pad once for HI Broil, To change to LO Broil, press the BROIL HIGH/LOW pad again. 4 Press the START pad. Leavethe door open to the broil stop position.

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

First Side Second Side Quantity and/ Rack Broiling guide Food or Thickness Position Contllnents Time (rain.) Time (rain.) ./br 27" ovens Ground Beef ]0 7 1 lb. (4 patties) Space evenly. L 1) to 8 patties take (OTg SOllte X\kql I)one 1/2 to 3/4" thick about the same time. modds) Beef Steaks Rarc *€ 1" thick Steaks less than 1" thick cook C 6 5 1 to 1½ lbs. Medium C 8 6 through bel_)re l)rowning. Pan Well I)one C 12 11 tkying is vccomnmnde(l. 1½" thick 7-_ Rar(*! C l 0 Slash tht. Medium 2 to 2½ lb

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

Broiling l,V(dl Ovt,_ First Side Second Side Broiling guide Quantity axld/ Rack Food or 33fickness Position Conmmnts Time (rain.) Time (mlu.) .[br 30" over s Gromld Beef 10 7 1 lb. (4 patties) Space m enly. Lp to 8 patties take (07t SO_Zg Well I)one 10 9 about the same time. 1/2 to 3/4" thick models) Beef Steaks Ral-e_ 1" thick E 8 6 Steal<.,, less than 1" thick cook Medium 1 to 1_ lhs. E 10 8 thlough befk)le blowning. Pan 77msi:< w_,ig]d;thhkm<_s, Well I)one E 12 10 hyiHg is lecomlnen(led. stml

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