Руководство по эксплуатации Blodgett CTBR Series

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Blodgett CTBR Series

Устройство: Blodgett CTBR Series
Категория: Конвекционная печь
Производитель: Blodgett
Размер: 0.69 MB
Добавлено: 10/5/2014
Количество страниц: 39
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44 Lakeside Avenue, Burlington, Vermont 05401 USA Telephone (800) 331-5842, (802) 860-3700 Fax: (802)864-0183
PN 11361 Rev K (10/06)
E2006 --- G.S. Blodgett Corporation

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IMPORTANT WARNING: IMPROPER INSTALLATION, ADJUSTMENT, ALTERATION, SERVICE OR MAINTENANCE CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE, INJURY OR DEATH. READ THE IN- STALLATION, OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE IN- STRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR SERVICINGTHISEQUIPMENT FORYOURSAFETY Donotstoreorusegasolineorotherflammablevaporsor liquidsinthevicinityofthisoranyotherappliance. Theinformationcontainedinthismanualisimportantfortheproper installation,use,andmaintenanceofthisoven.Adherencetothese proceduresandinstru

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THEREPUTATIONYOUCANCOUNTON Foroveracenturyandahalf,TheBlodgettOvenCompanyhasbeenbuilding ovensandnothingbutovens.We’vesettheindustry’squalitystandardforall kindsofovensforeveryfoodserviceoperationregardlessofsize,application orbudget. Infact, no oneoffers moremodels, sizes, and ovenapplications thanBlodgett;gasandelectric,full-size,half-size,countertopanddeck,con- vection, Cook’n Hold, Combi-Ovens andthe industry’shighest qualityPizza Ovenline.FormoreinformationonthefulllineofBlodgettovenscontac

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Model: Your Service Agency’s Address: Serial Number: Your oven was installed by: Your oven’s installation was checked by:

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Table of Contents Introduction OvenDescriptionand Specifications................................ 2 OvenComponents ............................................... 3 Installation Delivery and Location............................................. 4 Stand Assembly ................................................. 5 Stand Options ................................................ 5 Stand Assembly .............................................. 5 OvenAssembly .............................................

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Introduction OvenDescriptionandSpecifications Cookinginaconvectionovendiffersfromcooking Blodgettconvectionovensrepresentthelatestad- inaconventionaldeckorrangeovensinceheated vancement in energy efficiency, reliability, and air is constantly recirculated over the product by ease of operation. Heat normally lost, is recircu- afaninanenclosedchamber.Themovingaircon- lated within the cooking chamber before being tinually strips away the layer ofcool air surround- vented from the oven: resulting in

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Introduction OvenComponents Heating Elements --- located on the side of the RackSupports --- hold oven racks. oven, the elements provide heat to the baking BlowerWheelCover --- located on the side interi- chamber on electric ovens. or wall of the oven. Protects the blower wheel. ControlPanel ---containswiringandcomponents Blower Wheel --- spins to circulate hot air in the to control the oven operation. baking chamber. OvenRacks --- five racks are provided standard. Convection Motor --- provides

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Installation DeliveryandLocation DELIVERYAND INSPECTION OVENLOCATION All Blodgett ovens are shipped in containers to The well planned and proper placement of your preventdamage.Upondeliveryofyournewoven: ovenwillresultinlongtermoperatorconvenience and satisfactory performance. D Inspecttheshippingcontainerforexternaldam- age.Anyevidenceofdamageshouldbenoted Thefollowingclearancesmustbemaintainedbe- onthedeliveryreceiptwhichmustbesignedby tweentheovenandanycombustibleornon-com- the driver. bustib

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Installation StandAssembly STAND OPTIONS STAND ASSEMBLY Small Stands WithoutShelves Small Stands WithoutShelves D The 5-3/4” (15cm) stand is used for a single 1. Placestandframeupsidedownonaworksur- oven,whenshortlegsarerequiredforcounter- face. top use. 2. Attachonelegtoeachofthecornerstudbolts D The 7” (18cm) stand is used for a double on the bottom of the stand top. stackedoven,whentheovenistobelocatedon 3. Placealockwasherandnutoneachstud,and the floor. tighten securely. StandsWithShelves 4.

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Installation StandAssembly OpenStands WithRacks 6. Placealockwasherandnutoneachbolt,and tighten securely. See the Figure 2. 1. Lay stand frame top down on the floor as 7. Repeat Steps 3---6 for the top shelf. shown. See Figure 3. NOTE: Be sure the slots in the top shelf are 2. Position the four leg assemblies and support aligned with the support angles. angles as shown. Attach with the 5/16-18 nuts provided.DONOTtightenlegboltscompletely. 8. Insert the top of the rack stops into the two backclip

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Installation OvenAssembly OVENASSEMBLYTOSTAND Single Section DoubleSection 1. Place the assembled stand in the location 1. Assemblethelowersectiontothestandasde- where the oven is going to be used. scribed. DO NOT replace the side control compartmentorclosethefrontcontrolpanel. 2. Remove the side control compartment cover and open the front control panel of a single 2. With a tool, punch out the knock-outs in the oven (or lower section). oven top of the lower oven. 3. With a tool, punch out the

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Installation OvenAssembly 4”(10CM) LEG ATTACHMENT OVEN LEVELING 1. Lay the oven on its side. After assembly, the oven should be leveled and moved to the operating location. 2. Screw one leg into each of the corner nuts. 1. Theovencanbeleveledbyadjustingthefeet orcasterslocatedonthebottomof eachleg. ADJUSTMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH INITIAL INSTALLATION Each oven, and its component parts, have been thoroughly tested and inspected prior to ship- ment.However,itisoftennecessarytofurthertest oradjusttheov

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Installation UtilityConnections --- StandardsandCodes THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CON- U.S.andCanadianinstallations TAINED HEREIN ARE FOR THE USE OF QUALI- All ovens, when installed, must be electrically FIEDINSTALLATIONANDSERVICEPERSONNEL groundedinaccordancewithlocalcodes,orinthe ONLY. INSTALLATION OR SERVICE BY OTHER absenceoflocalcodes,withtheNationalElectrical THAN QUALIFIED PERSONNEL MAY RESULT IN Code,ANSI/NFPA70---LatestEditionand/orCana- DAMAGE TO THE OVEN AND/OR INJURY TO dian Nation

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Installation ElectricalConnection Wiring diagrams are located in the control com- 1. Thesupplyconduitentersthroughtherearof partment area. the oven and electrical block secured to the perforated panel at the back of the control Ovens are supplied for operation in several volt- compartment. age choices, single or three phase grounded cir- THE BLODGETT OVEN COMPANY CANNOT AS- cuits. SUMERESPONSIBILITYFORLOSSORDAMAGE The electric motor, indicator lights and related SUFFEREDASARESULTOFIMPROPERINSTAL

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Operation SolidStateManual COMPONENTDESCRIPTION 1. SELECTOR SWITCH - controls power to the oven and selects CoolDown mode. 2. PANEL MOUNT FUSE HOLDERS - provide 2 oven circuit protection. 1 3. OVENREADYLIGHT-whenlit,indicatesheat- er operation. When the light goes out, the oven has reached operating temperature. 4. COOKTHERMOSTAT-controlsoventemper- ature at the desired setting. Thermostat is available in either infinite (shown)orsetpointcontrol.Settingforsingle andthreesetpointcontrolscanbecust

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Operation SolidStateDigital COMPONENTDESCRIPTION 1. SELECTORSWITCH-turnspowertotheoven on or off. Allows selection of Cook or Cool Down modes and fan speed (if applicable). 2. DISPLAY -displaystime,temperature,oroth- er information related to oven function. 3. HEAT LAMP -lights when heater is on. 4. PULSELAMP -lightswhenPulsed FanMode is turned on. 1 5. HOLDLAMP-lightswhenHoldModeisturned on. 6. DIAL -used to enter set points in display. 7. START/STOP KEY -starts or stops the timer. 8. TIME KEY

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Operation SolidStateDigital OPERATION CookwithPulse NOTE: ThePULSElightisonwhenpulsemodeis Cook on and off when pulse mode is off. 1. Turn the SELECTOR SWITCH (1) to the de- 1. Turn the SELECTOR SWITCH (1) to the de- sired position. sired position. 2. Enter the cook time and temperature. 2. Enter the cook time and temperature. 3. Load product into the oven. 3. PressthePULSEKEY(11).Enterthepulsetime. NOTE: The display reads LOAD when the NOTE: Pulsetimeisaportionofthecooktime oven is near set tem

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Operation FanDelayandPulsePlusControl COMPONENTDESCRIPTION 1. SELECTOR SWITCH - controls power to the oven for cook and cool down positions 2. PANEL MOUNT FUSE HOLDERS - provide 2 oven circuit protection. 1 3. AMBER FAN DELAY LIGHT - indicates the oven is in pulse plus. 4. FAN DELAY TIMER - activates pulse plus for 0-10 minutes. The blower and burners pulse on for 30 seconds and off for 30 seconds for the duration of time set. 5. REDINDICATORLIGHT-indicatestheovenis in the cook timer cycle. 6. C

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Operation CookandHold COMPONENTDESCRIPTION 1. SELECTOR SWITCH - controls power to the oven and selects cooldown mode. 2. PANEL MOUNT FUSE HOLDERS - provide 2 oven circuit protection. 1 3. OVENREADYLIGHT-whenlit,indicatesheat- er operation. When the light goes out, the oven has reached operating temperature. 4. COOKTHERMOSTAT-controlsoventemper- ature in the cook cycle. 5. COOK TIMER - activates an electric buzzer that sounds when the cook time expires. 6. HOLDLIGHT-indicatestheovenisinthehold cy

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# Руководство по эксплуатации Категория Скачать
1 Blodgett COMBI BC-142G Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 19
2 Blodgett CNV14E Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 6
3 Blodgett BC-20G Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 9
4 Blodgett CONVEYOR OVEN MT1820E Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 15
5 Blodgett B14-G Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 9
6 Blodgett Convection Steamers None Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 1
7 Blodgett CNVX-14 Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 1
8 Blodgett CN14E Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 1
9 Blodgett CONVEYOR OVEN REPLACEMENT PARTS MT1828G Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 12
10 Blodgett MARK V Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 31
11 Blodgett DFG-50 Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 16
12 Blodgett FA-100 Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 44
13 Blodgett MT2136 E Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 3
14 Blodgett CTBR Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 19
15 Blodgett KCO-25E Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 10
16 Alto-Shaam Inc.767-SK/III Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 14
17 AEG KB7100000 Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 10
18 Alto-Shaam Inc.1000-TH/III Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 1
19 Alto-Shaam PLATINUM ASC-2E Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 1
20 AEG BE3013021 Руководство по эксплуатации Конвекционная печь 69