Руководство по эксплуатации Seagate BARRACUDA 9 ST19171W

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Seagate BARRACUDA 9 ST19171W

Устройство: Seagate BARRACUDA 9 ST19171W
Категория: Монитор
Производитель: Seagate
Размер: 0.25 MB
Добавлено: 10/8/2013
Количество страниц: 48
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Barracuda 9
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Disc Drive
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•• •••• •••• •••• ••• •••• •••• •
Installation Guide
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Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Contents Preface.........................................................................................1 Electrostatic discharge protection................................................1 Important safety information and precautions..............................2 Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise ......................................................4 Regulatory agency compliance....................................................8 Seagate technical support services................................

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Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B 1 Preface This manual contains information for users of the Seagate® ST19171 Barracuda™ 9 SCSI disc drives. It provides support services, performance specifications, and initial setup informa- tion. Additional information is available in the Barracuda 9 Prod- uct Manual (part number 83329030). Contact your Seagate sales representative if you need to order this publication. Electrostatic discharge protection Caution. Removal of circuit boards by personnel no

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2 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B • Turn off the power before removing or installing the DC power cable. • Do not remove any circuit boards from the drive. • Never use an ohmmeter on any circuit boards. • When installing the drive on a carrier or tray, discharge the car- rier or tray prior to inserting it into the system. Important safety information and precautions Caution. Use forced-air ventilation when bench-testing the drive to ensure proper cooling of drive components. Use proper sa

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Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B 3 Always observe the following warnings and precautions: • Perform all maintenance by following the procedures in this manual. • Follow all cautions and warnings in the procedures. • Use sound safety practices when operating or repairing the unit. • Use caution when troubleshooting a unit that has voltages present. Turn off power to the unit before servicing it. • Wear safety shoes when removing or replacing heavy parts. • Ensure that the internal temperatu

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4 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B As a component, this drive is designed to be installed and oper- ated in accordance with UL1950, EN60950, CSA C22.2 950- M89, and VDE0805. Seagate takes all reasonable steps to ensure that its products are certifiable to currently accepted standards. Typical applica- tions of these disc drives include customer packaging and sub- system design. Safety agencies conditionally certify component assemblies, such as the Barracuda disc drive, based on their fina

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Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B 5 aratur der Einheit. Einige Verfahren erfordern Spezialwerkzeuge; diese müssen zur sachgemäßen Ausführung der Wartungsarbe- iten und aus Sicherheitsgründen den Empfehlungen entsprech- end verwendet werden. Die Verfahren in diesem Handbuch und die Aufkleber auf dem Gerät enthalten Warn- und Vorsichtshinweise. Diese Hinweise sind sorgfältig durchzulesen und zu beachten, um das Risiko von Verletzungen auf ein Mindestmaß zu beschränken oder ganz zu vermeiden.

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6 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B • Wenn eine Einheit unter Spannung steht, gehen Sie bei der Fehlerdiagnose besonders vorsichtig vor. Schalten Sie die Einheit aus, bevor Sie mit den Reparaturarbeiten beginnen. • Tragen Sie Sicherheitsschuhe, wenn Sie schwere Teile aus- bzw. einbauen. • Wenn das Laufwerk in einem Einbaugestell oder Gehäuse montiert ist, sorgen Sie dafür, daß die Temperatur im Inneren des Gestells oder Gehäuses die für das Laufwerk vorgege- benen Grenzwerte nicht übersteig

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B 7 Als Teilkomponente ist dieses Laufwerk für die Installation und den Betrieb in Übereinstimmung mit UL 1950, EN60950, CSA C22.2 950-M89 und VDE0805 vorgesehen. Seagate ist ständig bemüht, die Zulassungsfähigkeit von Seagate-Produkten im Rahmen der gegenwärtig geltenden Standards zu gewährleisten. Zu den typischen Anwendungen dieser Festplattenwerke zählen Systemeinbau durch den Kunden und die Konstruktion von Untersystemen. Sicherheitsbe- hörden gewähren e

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8 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B Regulatory agency compliance Electromagnetic susceptibility As a component assembly, the drive is not required to meet any susceptibility performance requirements. It is the responsibility of those integrating the drive within their systems to perform those tests required and design their system to ensure that equipment operating in the same system as the drive or external to the sys- tem does not adversely affect the performance of the drive. See DC powe

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Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B 9 Electromagnetic compliance for the European Union If this model has the CE Marking it complies with the European Union requirements of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Direc- tive 89/336/EEC of 03 May 1989 as amended by Directive 92/31/ EEC of 28 April 1992 and Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993. Australian C-Tick If this model has the C-Tick Marking it complies with the Austra- lia/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS3548 1995 and meets the Electromagnetic Comp

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10 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B Seagate technical support services If you need assistance installing your drive, consult your dealer. Dealers are familiar with their unique system configurations and can help you with system conflicts and other technical issues. If ® you need additional assistance with your Seagate drive or other Seagate products, use one of the Seagate technical support ser- vices listed below. SeaFONE® 1-800-SEAGATE Seagate’s 800 number (1-800-732-4283) allows toll-fr

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Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B 11 Seagate CompuServe forum Online technical support for Seagate products is available on CompuServe. To access our technical support forum, type go seagate. This forum provides information similar to that found on SeaBOARD. In addition, you can type questions or browse through previous questions and answers on the forum mes- sages. SeaBOARD® SeaBOARD is a computer bulletin board system that contains information about Seagate disc and tape drive products an

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12 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B FAX services SeaFAX® You can use a touch-tone telephone to access Seagate’s auto- mated FAX system to receive technical support information by return FAX. This service is available 24 hours daily. Location Phone number Australia 61-2-9756-5170 England 44-1628-894084 USA 1-800-SEAGATE or 408-456-4496 Seagate technical support FAX You can FAX questions or comments to technical support spe- cialists 24 hours daily. Responses are sent during business hours.

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Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B 13 Direct-support services Seagate technical support For one-on-one help, you can talk to a technical support special- ist during local business hours. Before calling, note your system configuration and drive model number (STxxxx). Location Phone number Australia 61-2-9725-3366 (9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., M–F) England 44-1628-894083 (10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., M–F) France 33 1-41 86 10 86 (9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M., 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

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14 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B Customer service centers Seagate direct OEM, Distribution, and System Integrator cus- tomers should contact their Seagate service representative for warranty information. Other customers should contact their place of purchase. Seagate offers comprehensive customer support for all Seagate drives. These services are available worldwide. Location Phone number FAX number Asia Pacific and Australia 65-485-3595 65-485-4980 Europe, Middle East, and Africa 31-2

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Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B 15 General description Barracuda 9 SCSI disc drives are high-speed, random-access digital-data storage devices. The drive is a component for installation in an enclosure designed for the drive. This is often a rack within the system or an external enclosure designed to house one or more disc drives or other peripheral units. In either case, the disc drive must receive adequate cooling (refer to “Providing adequate cooling”) and it must be sufficiently grou

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16 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B Characteristics ST19171 Interface SCSI Fast-20 (also called 1 Ultra SCSI) Capacity Unformatted 11.7 Gbytes 2 Formatted 9.1 Gbytes Recording Cylinders (user) 5,274 Read/write data heads 20 Servo heads Embedded 3 Seek time Average read 9.7 msec Average write 10.7 msec Disc rotation RPM 7,200 ±0.5% Average latency 4.17 msec Internal transfer rate 80 to 124 (Mbits/sec, variable with zone) Max sync. SCSI transfer rate N 20 Mbytes/sec W/WD/WC/DC 40 Mbytes/sec

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Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B 17 DC power requirements Single-ended Differential 11 11 +5V +12V +5V +12V 5 2 2 Voltage regulation ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% Amps 1 Maximum operating current 0.93 0.89 1.17 0.89 Maximum starting current 3, 6 Peak DC 0.92 2.18 1.04 2.18 3 Peak AC — 3.1 — 3.1 1, 4 Delayed motor start (max) 0.82 0.08 0.90 0.08 Peak operating current 1 Typical DC 0.92 0.84 1.12 0.84 1 Maximum DC 0.93 0.89 1.17 0.89 Maximum (peak) 1.00 1.8 1.89 1.8 Track following (DC) 1 at OD 0

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18 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. B 2 A –10% tolerance is permissible during initial start of the spin- dle but must return to ±5% before reaching 7,200 RPM. The ±5% must be maintained after the drive signifies that its power-up sequence has been completed and that the drive is able to accept selection by the host initiator. 3 See the +12V current profile in the Barracuda 9 Product Man- ual (publication number 83329030). 4 This condition occurs when the Motor Start option is enabled and th

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