Руководство по эксплуатации BenQ FP73G

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства BenQ FP73G

Устройство: BenQ FP73G
Категория: Монитор
Производитель: BenQ
Размер: 1.6 MB
Добавлено: 8/4/2014
Количество страниц: 36
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Краткое содержание
Краткое содержание страницы № 1

LCD Color Monitor
17.0" LCD Panel Size
User’s Manual

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

i Copyright Copyright © 2006 by BenQ Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of BenQ Corporation. ii Disclaimer BenQ Corporation makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with res

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i Table of Contents Getting started ...................................................................................................................... 5 Getting to know your monitor ............................................................................................ 6 Front View ...................................................................................................................6 Back View .................................................................................

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4 Table of Contents

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1 1 1 Getting started 1 When unpacking please check you have the following items. If any are missing or damaged, please contact the place of purchase for a replacement. BenQ LCD Monitor Quick Start Guide CD-ROM Power Cord Signal Cable: D-Sub Signal Cable: DVI-D (optional) Consider keeping the box and packaging in storage for use in the future when you may need to transport the monitor. The fitted foam packing is ideal for protecting the monitor during transport. Getting started 5

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1 1 2 Getting to know your monitor 1 Front View Back View 1. Power AC input jack 2. DVI-D Connector 3. D-Sub Connector 6 Getting to know your monitor

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1 1 3 How to assemble your monitor hardware 1 If the computer is turned on you must turn it off before continuing. Do not plug-in or turn-on the power to the monitor until instructed to do so. 1. Attach the monitor base. Please be careful to prevent damage to the monitor. Placing the screen surface on an object like a stapler or a mouse will crack the glass or damage the LCD substrate voiding your warranty. Sliding or scraping the monitor around on your desk will scratch or damage the mon

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2. Connect the PC video cable. Either Do not use both DVI-D cable and D-Sub cable on the same PC. The only case in which both cables can be used is if they are connected to two different PCs with appropriate video systems. Connect one end of the DVI-D cable to the monitor DVI-D socket and the other end to the DVI-D port on your computer. (optional) The DVI-D format is used for direct digital connection Or between source video and digital LCD monitors or projectors. The digital video s

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4. Route the cables via the cable clip. Release the cable retaining clip by squeezing the clip inwards as illustrated. Position the cables together and reinsert the clip over them to retain the cables neatly in place behind the monitor stand. 5. Connect-to and turn-on the power. Plug the other end of the power cord into a power point and turn it on. Turn on the monitor by pressing the power button on the front of the monitor. Turn on the computer too, and follow the instructions in Sectio

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How to detach the stand base 1. Prepare the monitor and area. Turn off the monitor and the power before unplugging the power cable. Turn off the computer before unplugging the monitor signal cable. Please be careful to prevent damage to the monitor. Placing the screen surface on an object like a stapler or a mouse will crack the glass or damage the LCD substrate voiding your warranty. Sliding or scraping the monitor around on your desk will scratch or damage the monitor surround and contr

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How to use the monitor wall mounting kit The back of your LCD monitor has a VESA standard mount with 100mm pattern, allowing the installation of a wall mount bracket. Before starting to install a monitor wall mounting kit, please read the precautions carefully. Precautions: • Install your monitor and monitor mounting kit on a wall with flat surface. • Ensure that the wall material is stable to support the weight of the monitor. • Turn off the monitor and the power before disconnecting the cab

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3. Remove the rear cover. Pull around the edge of the rear cover and slightly lift it to reveal the screw plate at the back of the monitor. 4. Follow the instruction manuals of the wall mount bracket you purchased to complete the installation. To attach the rear cover: 1. Tilt the rear cover forward and insert the two tabs on the front edge into the recesses of the screw plate. No tools are required. 2. Position the two tabs on left side of the rear cover to fit into the grooves in the scre

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1 1 4 Getting the most from your BenQ monitor 1 To gain the most benefit from your new BenQ color LCD flat screen monitor, you should install the custom BenQ LCD Monitor driver software as provided on the BenQ LCD Monitor CD-ROM. The circumstances under which you connect and install your BenQ LCD Monitor will determine which process you need to follow to successfully install the BenQ LCD Monitor driver software. These circumstances relate to which version of Microsoft Windows you are using,

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How to install the monitor on a new computer This instruction details the procedure for selecting and installing the BenQ LCD Monitor driver software on a new computer which has never had a monitor driver installed before. This instruction is only suitable for a computer which has never been used before, and for which the BenQ LCD Monitor is the first ever monitor to be connected to it. If you are adding the BenQ LCD Monitor to an existing computer that has already had another monitor connec

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How to upgrade the monitor on an existing computer This instruction details the procedure for manually updating the existing monitor driver software on your Microsoft Windows computer. It is currently tested as compatible (and recommended only) for Windows 2000, and Windows XP Operating System (OS). The BenQ LCD Monitor driver for your model may well function perfectly with other versions of Windows, however, as at the time of writing, BenQ has done no testing of this driver on other versio

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How to install on Windows XP system 1. Open Display Properties. The quickest shortcut to Display Properties is through the Windows desktop. Right-click the desktop and select Properties from the popup menu. Alternatively, the Windows menu to Display Properties is located in Control Panel. In Windows XP version, Control Panel is located directly under the main Start menu item. The menu options displayed will depend upon which type of view is selected for your system. • Under the Classic view,

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How to install on Windows 2000 system You do not need to follow this instruction if you are installing onto a computer which has a Windows XP (or later) version system. In that case, see the instructions at How to install on Windows XP systems on page 16. 1. Open Display Properties. The quickest shortcut to Display Properties is through the Windows desktop. Right-click the desktop and select Properties from the popup menu. Alternatively, the Windows menu to Display Properties is located in Co

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How to complete the Windows Upgrade Device Driver Wizard 1. Load the BenQ LCD Monitor CD-ROM which came with your monitor. Insert the CD-ROM into a CD drive on the computer you attached the monitor to. The autorun User’s Guide language selection page will display in your web browser. You can select a language and view the online version of this manual from the next window. You could then print it out for reference if you wish to work off-line. When you’re ready, Cancel the browser as it is no

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This will close the Display Properties window, and if you made any changes to the screen resolution, Windows 2000 will prompt you for confirmation to effect the changes, and further confirmation to accept the changes. Click OK and Yes respectively. Getting the most from your BenQ monitor 19

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1 1 5 How to adjust the screen resolution 1 Due to the nature of liquid crystal display (LCD) technology, the picture resolution is always fixed. The best possible picture for your FP73G is achieved with a resolution of 1280x1024. This is called “Native Resolution” or maximal resolution – that is, the clearest picture. Lower resolutions are displayed on a full screen through an interpolation circuit. Image blurring across pixel boundaries can occur with the interpolated resolution depending

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