Руководство по эксплуатации Acer RA19WAANU

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Acer RA19WAANU

Устройство: Acer RA19WAANU
Категория: Монитор
Производитель: Acer
Размер: 6.07 MB
Добавлено: 1/12/2014
Количество страниц: 36
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Service Manual
Table of Contents
Important Safety Notice------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01
01. Product Specification--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02
02. OSD Menu-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------08
03. Exploded Diagram--------------------------------

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Important Safety Notice ACER X193HQ 1 Go to cover page Product Announcement: This product is certificated to meet RoHS Directive and ! Using Lead-Free solder to well mounted the parts. Lead-Free produced definition. Using approved critical ! The fusion point of Lead-Free solder requested in the components only is recommended when the situation degree of 220°C. to replace defective parts. Vender assumes no liability express or implied, arising out of any unauthorized modification of design or rep

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

ACER X193HQ 2 1. Product Specification Go to cover page The LCD monitor consists of an interface board , a power 1.1 SCOPE board , a function key board and two speaker(1W)(with audio) This document defines the design and performance The interface board will house the flat panel control logic , requirements for a 19W inch diagonal , flat panel monitor brightness control logic, audio function control (option), key .The display element shall be a WXGA(1366X768) function control, DDC and DC to DC co

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ACER X193HQ 3 1. Product Specification (continued) Go to cover page No. Symbol Item Min Normal Max Unit Remark Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Red-Video 6 Red-GND 11 NC 1 Fh Horizontal Frequency 31 83 kHz Minimum range 2 Green-Video 7 Green-GND 12 DDC-SDA 3 Blue-Video 8 Blue-GND 13 H-SYNC 2 Fv Vertical Frequency 56 75 Hz Minimum range 4 NC 9 +5V 14 V-SYNC 3 Vih Hi Level Input 2.0 5.0 V Note 1) 5 Connection Detect 10 GND 15 DDC-SCL 4 Vil Low Level Input 0 0.8 V Note 1) RGB Analog Video Connect

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ACER X193HQ 4 1. Product Specification (continued) Go to cover page Sync Signal Loading OSD adjustment TTL input loading shall be equivalent to one TTL ITEM CONTENT input load. When logic 0 is asserted by a sync AUDIO VOLUME To increase or decrease the sound level input , the maximum current source from any BRIGHTNESS Back light Luminance of the LCD panel is adjusted. single monitor sync input to the driver is 1.6 mA CONTRAST A gain of R , G and B signal is adjusted. AUTO CONTRAS

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ACER X193HQ 5 1. Product Specification (continued) Go to cover page Mode Recognition Pull-in Video Stretching The monitor shall recognize preset modes within a The monitor shall contain provisions to “stretch” the range of +/-1KHz whichever is less for horizontal ; video signal, so that an input signal from the and within +/-1Hz for vertical. computer in any resolution smaller than 1366 x User Display Modes 768 is automatically expanded to fill the entire In addition to t

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ACER X193HQ 6 1. Product Specification (continued) Go to cover page The lamps shall extend a sufficient amount from 1.3.8 Display Communications Channel the edge of the light guide that sputtering over the The monitor assembly shall provide a display life of the lamps shall not cause degradation of the communications channel that conforms to VESA luminance uniformity (such as non-illuminated DDC2Bi hardware requirements. This configuration bands along the edges of the display). shall contain the

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

ACER X193HQ 7 1. Product Specification (continued) Go to cover page Defect Terminology 1.5 Optical Characteristics Table 3 gives the descriptive terms used in classifying Depends on the LCD supplier's spec. Details refer to QA Inspection Spec. defects. S p o ts o r lin es th at ap p ear d ark in th e d isp lay p attern s an d are usu ally th e resu lt of contam in ation . D efects do no t vary in Dark / Spots / Lines s iz e o r in te n s ity (c o n tra s t) w h e n c o n tra s t v o lta

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

ACER X193HQ 8 2 OSD Menu Go to cover page 2.1 MAIN OSD MENU Outline: The description for control function: The description for control function: Main Sub Sub Menu Ad ju stm ent Menu Menu D escrip tion Reset Value Ite m R ange Ic o n Ic o n S et the co lor tem p erature to N/A W arm N/A The color warm w hite. tem p erature w ill b e S et the co lor tem p erature to N/A Cool N/A set to coo l. coo l w h ite. U ser /R ed 0-100 100 Ad justs R ed /U ser/G reen U ser/G reen 0-100 100 G reen/B lue in te

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2. OSD Manu (continued) ACER X193HQ 9 Go to cover page

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ACER X193HQ 10 3. Exploded Diagram Go to cover page 3.1 Packing Exploded Diagram

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ACER X193HQ 11 3. Exploded Diagram (continued) Go to cover page 3.2 Product Exploded Diagram

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ACER X193HQ 12 4. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures Go to cover page 4.1 Assembly procedures: Take the key function cable out from the hole Connect the cable between power board(P802) S4 shown as photo S1 and interface board (P301) Fix the function key cable with a PVC tape Connect the function key cable into interface board(P304) Connect the FFC cable into interface board P802 P304 P301 FFC Turn the monitor faced down and put it on the S5 bracket chassis module till both parts firmly Use a Ph

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ACER X193HQ 13 4. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures (continued) Go to cover page Take lamp cables out from the holes shown as the Put arc ear overontheassembledunitand S10 S6 photo. pm ress on force echanismslockedandfirmly attached. 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 Plug 2 lamp cables to the connectors of inverter Use a Phillips-head screwdriver screw 1 screw S7 board. S11 (No1 Screw Size=M4x10; Torque=7.5~9.5KGFxCM). 1 Assemble the stand upper side to the rear cover Use a Hex-head and Phillips-head screwdrive

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ACER X193HQ 14 4. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures (continued) Go to cover page Stick a screen card on the front bezel with two Put accessories of stand, DVI cable, and S18 S14 tapes. user’s manual ,power cable on specific positions as photo below. POWER CABLE DVI CABLE D-SUB CABLE Stick Vista and TC003 label on the correct position the same as below photo S15 USER’S MANUAL Move previous assembled parts into the carton S19 then stick Vista and feature label on the carton then packing the cart

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ACER X193HQ 15 4. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures (continued) Go to cover page 4.2 Disassembly procedures Put returned unit on a protective cushion,then Open the carton with a proper tool. S4 S1 remove LDPE+EPE bag. Tear off tapes to remove the screen protector card then turn over the LCD monitor (screen FEATURE LABEL faced down), VISTA LABEL Take out all accessories including D-SUB S2 cable power cable, DVI cables, user’s manual, and packing material from the carton. (Note: It depends on wh

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UP SIDE DOWN SIDE ACER X193HQ 16 4. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures (continued) Go to cover page Put the dissembled monitor closed to by myself Separating all of the locking mechanism of the S12 S8 front bezel in turn RIGHT SIDE LEFT SIDE Wedge your finger between the front bezel and the S9 panel, then pry up on the front bezel to disengage the locking mechanism. Turn over the LCD monitor (screen faced up). S10 Hold the one upside corner of the front bezel S13 after separating the upside of

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

ACER X193HQ 17 4. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures (continued) Go to cover page Unplug 2 lamp cables Hold one side of down side that had been S14 separated from front bezel S17 Use properly force to pull up front bezel Disconnect the FFC cable to the connector of S18 panel. Use finger to push the lock according to arrow direction then take out the FFC cable Unhook the key function board from front bezel, S15 disconnect the key function cable Take out lamp cables right through the No.1-2 Use a

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ACER X193HQ 18 4. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures (continued) Go to cover page Examine the panel surface accoring to inspection Disconnect all of the cable S20 S23 criteria. Put it aside. P802 P304 P301 FFC Use a Phillips-head screwdriver unscrewed the S21 No.1~2 screws to release the interface board. (No1~2 screw size=M3x6; Torque=9~10KGFxCM). 1 2 Use a Phillips-head screwdriver unscrewed the S22 No.1~4 screws to disassemble the power board. (No 1~3 screw size=M3x6; No 4 screw size=M4x8; To

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ACER X193HQ 19 5. Troubleshooting Go to cover page 5.1 No display on the screen (Screen is black and colour of LED is amber.) Does OSM display when you push PROCEED buttom. No Proceed "No OSM display" section. When a signal isn't being inputted, it is indicated with "No Signal Input". it is indicated with "Out Of Range" at the time Yes of the frequency that it can't be distinguished. Check if the sync signal from computer is output and if the video cable is connected normally. Input the sync sig

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