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Gyration Full-Size Keyboard
User Manual
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PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Spec Full-Size Keyboard RF Receiver System Full functionality on IBM compatible PCs running Windows 2000, ME, XP, or higher Requirements Limited functionality on MAC OS 8.0 and higher and Windows 98 (Second Edition)* Available USB port Size 8.5"L x 19.5"W x 1.4"H (21.5cm 3.15"L x 2.85"W x .73"H (8cm x 49.5cm x 3.6cm) x 7.2cm x 1.8cm) Weight 35 ounces (1000g) with 2.16 ounces (67.2g) batteries (not including wrist rest) Radio 49 MHz (U.S.) with 8 channels N/A and 36,
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Full-Size Keyboard ..............................................................1 Setting Up and Synchronizing ............................................ 1 Determining the Channel................................................... 3 Changing the Channel....................................................... 4 Powering On and Off ........................................................ 4 Special Keyboard Media Keys............................................. 5 Keyboard Usag
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Gyration Full-Size Keyboard Ergonomically-designed, the Full-Size Keyboard has a sleek, refined look with an exceptional feel. Due to Gyration’s powerful radio frequency technology, this keyboard is ideal for your desk, the office conference room, and even your home office. Setting Up and Synchronizing the Keyboard and the Gyration RF Receiver When installing the Full-Size Keyboard for the first time or when adding additional Gyration devices to the system, it is necessary to perform a Te
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2. Insert four AA batteries into the keyboard. 3. Press and hold the Learn button on the receiver for two seconds, and then release it. The Status light will blink slowly, indicating the receiver is in “Learn Mode.” 4. Press and release the Teach button located on the back of the keyboard (see below). The Status light on the receiver will blink rapidly for four seconds, then begin to blink slowly. Note: At this time, press the Teach button on any additional devices (such as a second keyboa
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above) and then press the Teach button on each device before exiting Learn Mode. However, do not press the Learn button on the receiver for each device to be added (see “Installing 3 or More Devices” on page 9). When the receiver is put into Learn Mode, it erases its mem- ory of previously learned devices and looks for new devices. Therefore when adding a new device to a system, it is neces- sary to put the receiver into Learn Mode and then press the Teach button on all the devices that wi
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Changing the Channel the Keyboard is Using When two devices are being used in the same proximity, each device should be set to operate on a unique channel. For the best reception, space the channels apart by one or more chan- nels. For example, setting the channels to “2” and “4” is rec- ommended over setting the channels to “2” and “3”. If you are installing three or more devices on a single receiver, see “Installing 3 or More Devices” on page 9. Remember if a Teach/Learn sequence has alrea
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Special Keyboard Media Keys Key OS Program Function Support Support Win 2000, Windows CD CD or Media player scans for ME, XP Player, Default previously played track Media Player Win 2000, Windows CD Toggles player between Play ME, XP Player, Default and Pause modes Media Player Win 2000, Windows CD CD or Media player scans for ME, XP Player, Default next track on CD or music file Media Player Win 2000, Windows CD Puts player into Stop mode ME, XP Player, Default Media Player Win 2000, Wi
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Special Keyboard Media Keys (Continued) Key OS Program Function Support Support Win 2000, Microsoft Re-loads a page you viewed ME, XP Internet Explorer before clicking the Back button Win 2000, Microsoft Stops the loading process in ME, XP Internet Explorer the browser window Win 2000, Microsoft Re-loads the currently ME, XP Internet Explorer displayed page in the browser window Win 2000, Microsoft Launches Brower (if closed) ME, XP Internet Explorer and loads your Home page in the brow
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ness, weakness), consult a qualified health professional. To reduce the risks of such injuries, follow these precautions: Take breaks frequently. Experts suggest taking at least one 5-10 minute break every hour. Avoid prolonged, repetitive tasks. Vary your tasks throughout the day. Assess your workstation and position frequently used items closest to you. Maintain proper shoulder, elbow and wrist alignment. Shoulders should be relaxed with elbows at your side and wrists should be kept s
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Gyration RF Receiver Learn Button Pressing the Learn button for two seconds puts the receiver into Learn Mode allowing you to synchronize one or more devices with the receiver. After the devices have been synchronized, pressing the Learn button again for two seconds takes the receiver out of Learn Mode. If the receiver is not manually taken out of Learn Mode, it will automatically return to Normal Mode after five minutes. Status Light The Status light displays useful information about the
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Mode and no devices are transmitting. Blinks slowly (one blink per second) when the receiver is in Learn Mode and is awaiting a Teach instruction from a device. Flickers rapidly when the receiver is operating in Normal Mode and a synchronized device is transmitting. If there is radio interference, the flickering light will be inconsistent. Blinks rapidly for a four-second burst when it is in Learn Mode processing a Teach instruction, and synchronizing the receiver with the device. Keyb
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channels be separated by at least one unused channel. For example, setting the channels to “2” and “4” is recommended over setting the channels to “2” and “3”. Any of the devices installed on one channel may be used simultaneously with any of the devices on the other channel. Two devices that share a channel may be used alternately. When installing the devices try to determine which devices will be used simultaneously and set them on opposite channels. Example: Mouse One is used by a pre
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Keyboard Troubleshooting Tips Symptom Reason Solution Computer does not Keyboard and Perform a Teach/Learn sequence recognize data input Receiver not syn- (see “Setting Up and Synchroniz- chronized ing the Keyboard and the Gyration RF Receiver” on page 1). Radio interference Change the device’s channel set- ting (see “Changing the Channel the Keyboard is Using” on page 4). Move receiver away from other electronic devices (e.g. monitor, speakers, radio, etc.). Keyboard is off Power it on (se
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Regulatory Information Attention! This device emits radio frequencies and has not been certified by the FAA for use onboard aircraft. Do not use this device at any time onboard civil aircraft. To minimize the possibility of interference, power off the Full-Size Keyboard to ensure the device remains off during flight. FCC Statement The Full-Size Keyboard and RF Receiver have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. T
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The Compact Keyboard operates in the frequency band of 49.825 to 49.895 MHz with RF output power of less than 30 MicroWatts EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power). Warning: Using these products in any way other than as described in this manual or altering the antenna in any way may violate FCC rules. FCC ID: JJ4-GP221-001 Compact Keyboard; Receiver: AS00262-001 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We GYRATION, INC. 12930 Saratoga Avenue, Suite C Saratoga, CA 95070 Phone 408-255-3016 D
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Contacting Gyration If you have any questions on your new Gyration product, please contact us. Main Office Gyration, Inc. Phone: 408-255-3016 Fax: 408-255-9075 Sales Phone: 800-316-5432 (Toll-free in US and Canada) Fax: 408-387-5130 E-mail: sales@gyration.com Technical Support Phone: 408-973-7086 Fax: 408-973-7669 E-mail: support@gyration.com Product Support: www.gyration.com/support.htm World Wide Web www.gyration.com 14
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Warranty Information Gyration products come with a two-year hardware warranty. Gyration, Inc., (Gyration) warrants products against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase from Gyration or an authorized Gyration agent. This warranty applies only to the original purchaser and is not transferable. This warranty does not cover any incompatibilities due to the user's computer, hardware, software or any other related system configuration in which
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Gyration Full-Size Keyboard User Manual DL00070-001 Rev A Gyration, Inc. 408.255.3016 www.gyration.com