Руководство по эксплуатации SOYO SY-7IWB

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства SOYO SY-7IWB

Устройство: SOYO SY-7IWB
Категория: Компьютерное оборудование
Производитель: SOYO
Размер: 0.69 MB
Добавлено: 7/18/2014
Количество страниц: 22
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Quick Start Guide
Crystal Audio The SOYO CD
Quick BIOS Hardware Introduction
Driver Setup Installation

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SOYO ™ SY-7IWB Motherboard y * These specifications are subject to amend without notice 2 7IWB Serial - Version 1.0 - Edition: July 1999 "http://www.soyo.com.tw". on the Internet. The address is Web Site For further information, please visit our is subject to amend without notice. to the correctness of the contents there is no guarantee given. The information in this document has been carefully checked for reliability; however, the Motherboard. Information in this guide This Quick Start Guide

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1 Introduction 1 Congratulate on your purchase of the SY-7IWB Motherboard. This Quick Start Guide illustrates the steps for installing and setting up your new Motherboard. This guide provides all users with the basic steps of Motherboard setting and operation. For further information, please refer to SY-7IWB Motherboard Uses ’ Guide and Technical Reference online manual enclosed in the CD-ROM package with your Motherboard. Unpacking When unpacking the Motherboard, check for the following items:

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SY-7IWB Motherboard Layout 4 WOL PS/2 Mouse 2 Connector KB Header Connector 13 1 Ac97 JP1 Winbond Codec F 1 3 11 W 1 1 11r AMR1 44 1IR JP15 1 1 1 r N 1*3 3 5 t 1 1 1 PCI Slot #2 1 3 1 t VGA Port AU8810 Intel l FW82801AB J6 0 CMOS Clear JP5 Jumper + JP2 1 3 1 3 Power Reset LED _ 3V PWRBT m Keylocky + + Speaker ACPI _ 22 + Intel C HDD _ _ 82802AB 1 4M B 3 2 1 1 1 D D D 1 I I I M M M M M M 1 2 3 4 Introduction Socket 370 IDE JP10 IDE LED FD LED JP9 Batter Lithiu FW8281 Inte GAME Por PCI

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Key Features Ø Supports Intel Celeron ™ processors Ø Power failure resume (300A-500MHz) Ø Supports onboard hardware monitoring Ø Supports 100 & 66 MHz Front Side Bus and includes Hardware Doctor ™ utility Frequency Ø Fan speed control Ø Auto detect CPU bus Frequency (66/100) Ø Battery Low voltage Detect Ø Auto-detect CPU voltage Ø Support 7 sets of voltage monitoring Ø Adjustable CPU Core Voltage (Normal, Ø Supports multiple-boot function 5%) Ø Y2K Compliant Ø Chipset integrated 3D AGP Acceler

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2 Installation 2 To avoid damage to your Motherboard, please follow these simple rules while handling this equipment: l Before handling the Motherboard, ground yourself by holding on to an unpainted portion of the system's metal chassis. l Remove the Motherboard from its anti-static packaging. Hold the motherboard by the edges and avoid touching its components. l Check the Motherboard for damage. If any chip appears to be loosened, press carefully to seat it firmly in its socket. Follow the dire

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Install the Motherboard To perform the installation of your new SY-7IWB Motherboard, follow the steps below CPU Installation Record the working frequency of your CPU that should be clearly marked on the CPU cover. 300MHz (66 x 4.5) 333MHz (66 x 5.0) 366MHz (66 x 5.5) 400MHz (66 x 6.0) 433MHz (66 x 6.5) 466MHz (66 x7..0) 500MHz (66 x7.5) This Motherboard is designed to support processors with 100MHz FSB. However, Socket 370 processors with 100MHz FSB are not available at present. TM To

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Connections to the Motherboard This section tells how to connect internal peripherals and the power supply to the Motherboard. Internal peripheral is composed of IDE devices (HDD, CD-ROM), Floppy Disk Drive, Chassis Fan, Front Panel Devices (ACPI LED, Internal Speaker, Reset Button, IDE LED, and KeyLock Switch.), Wake-On-LAN card, VGA card, Sound Card, and other devices. For more details on connecting internal and external peripherals to your new SY-7IWB Motherboard, please refer to SY-7IWB Mo

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Configure Memory Your board comes with three DIMM sockets, and provides support up to 512MB main memory using PC100 DIMM modules from 8MB to 256MB. 1 2 MHz 2. y y Set J6 &JP2 to configure CPU FSB Frequency If the user wants to use the CPU at its standard FSB (Front Side Bus) Frequency, J6 has to be closed. This will make sure the system will provide the CPU with the FSB Frequency it was specified to run at. Make sure that JP2 is open when using this setting. If th

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J6 JP2 Set power up FSB frequency to 66MHz if the user wants to run the CPU at a FSB frequency of Short pin Open J6 66MHz. Only 66~83MHz FSB can be set in the 1-2 BIOS. 1 2 1 2 3 J6 JP2 Set Power up FSB frequency to 100MHz if the user wants to run the CPU at an FSB frequency of 100MHz or higher. This setting will allow the user to Short pin Open J6 run the CPU at a higher FSB frequency, especially 2-3 when the user wants to urn a 66MHz FSB CPU at 1 2 1 2 3 100MHz and higher FSB frequencies. Note

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Enable/Disable Power-On by Keyboard (JP1) You may choose to enable the Power-On through Keyboard function by shorting pin 1-2 on jumper JP1; or short pin 2-3 to disable this function. 1 2 3 1 2 3 PC speaker redirection (JP10) Through this jumper the case speaker output can be redirected to the external (amplified) speakers (if connected) through the on-board Audio-Codec. 1 2 3 1 2 3 CPU Core Voltage Adjust (JP15) In case your CPU is running on a frequency higher then it is specified for, incr

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CMOS Clear (JP5) After you have turned off your computer, clear the CMOS memory by momentarily shorting pins 2-3 on jumper JP5, for a few seconds. Then restore JP5 to the initial 1-2 jumper setting in order to recover and retain the default settings. Jumper JP5 can be easily identified by its white colored cap. Short pin 2-3 for Short pin 1-2 to at least 5 seconds to retain new settings JP5 Setting clear the CMOS 1 2 3 1 2 3 The SY-7IWB provides over-clocking capability. Due to the over-clockin

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3 Quick BIOS Setup 3 This Motherboard does not require any hardware jumpers to set the CPU operating frequency. Instead, CPU settings are software configurable with the BIOS [Soyo Combo Feature]. The [Soyo Combo Feature] menu combines the main parameters that you need to configure. They are all in one menu to enable a quick setup in BIOS. After completion of hardware installation, turn the power switch on, then press the key while the system diagnostic is checking to enter the Award BIOS S

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4 The SOYO CD 4 The SOYO-CD will NOT autorun if you use it on an Operating System other than Windows 9x or NT. Your SY-7IWB Motherboard comes with a CD-ROM labeled "SOYO CD." The SOYO CD contains (1) the user's manual file for your new Motherboard, (2) the drivers software available for installation, and (3) a database in HTML format with information on SOYO Motherboards and other products. Insert the SOYO CD into the CD-ROM drive The SOYO CD will auto-run, and the SOYO CD Start Up Menu will be

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Please note that if the Start Up program was unable to determine which SOYO Motherboard you own, the manual selection menu will pop up, as shown below. Then select the user's manual file that corresponds to your Motherboard model name and click OK. SOYO CD Manuals Please select your manual in the box below and click OK. 686 boards: 586 boards: 7IWB O K Back (Manual Selection Menu) The user's manual files included on the SOYO CD can be read in PDF (Postscript Document) format. In order to read a

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. x x T 8 Display all drivers l K O on the SOYO CD (Driver Installation Menu) Ø Ø Ø . T f Ø 7IWB Your motherboard comes with a hardware monitoring IC. By installing this utility Temperature, Fan speed and Voltages can be monitored. It is also possible to set alarms when current system values exceed or fall below pre-set values. Select which driver you want to install and click OK, or click Cancel to abort the driver installation and return to the main menu. 16 The SOYO CD Winbond hardw

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Note: Once you have selected a driver, the system will automatically exit the SOYO CD to begin the driver installation program. When the installation is complete, most drivers require to restart your system before they can become active. Check the Latest Releases Click the 'Check the latest Releases' button to go the SOYO Website to automatically find the latest BIOS, manual and driver releases for your motherboard. This button will only work if your computer is connected to the internet throug

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5 Crystal Audio Driver Installation 5 Installing Crystal Audio Drivers under windows 9x 1. Open Device Manager. 2. PCI Multimedia Device will have a yellow marker the first time the operating system is installed. 3. Select "Properties" on the yellow marker. 4. Select the "Driver" tab. 5. Click on "Update Driver" 6. Select the following directory: D:\driv-all\crystal\window9x\image and click OK. You will need the Windows Second Edition to complete the WDM installation. 7. The entry that will show

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1. The Headphone does not mute the audio when the headphone slider is adjusted to the minimum value. 2. SW Synth slider jumps to max value, when Synth state is switched from Stop to Play or viceversa. 3. Master Volume levels are quite low when compared to Headphone volume levels. 4. Fastforward and Rewind Controls in the Media Player can not enabled. 5. When resuming from sw wavetable playback, midi is paused. 6. Digital CD Audio is recorded by loopback mux selection. 7. Mono Mix volume is low.

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n n . , : : : 20 : support@soyo.nl ail Em )181 569 4134 Fax: +44 (0 Fax: +31-79-3637575 Tel : +44 (0)181 569 4111 Tel : +31-79-3637500 Technical Support: Technical Support: sales@soyo.co.uk E-mail: : sales@soyo.nl ail Em )181 569 4134 Fax: +44 (0 Fax: +31-79-3637575 Tel : +44 (0)181 569 4111 Tel: +31-69-3637500 Sales Sales www.soyo.co.uk Web Site: europe.com Republic of Ireland www.soyo- , www.soyo.nl Web Site: Covered: United Kingdom and Region Switserland Germany, Austria and Hounslow

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