Руководство по эксплуатации Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07

Устройство: Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07
Категория: Компьютерное оборудование
Производитель: Renesas
Размер: 2.93 MB
Добавлено: 10/8/2013
Количество страниц: 146
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07
® ® ® ®
(for Windows 98SE/Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP)
User's Manual
Renesas FLASH Microcomputer Programming System
Rev. 9.00
Revision Date: Oct. 31, 2006

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Notes regarding these materials 1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information in this do

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Table of Contents i. Cautions............................................................................................ i ii. Preface.............................................................................................. ii iii. Abbreviations ................................................................................... iii iv. Document Conventions.................................................................... iv Chapter 1 Introduction.....................................

Краткое содержание страницы № 4 Opening data files from the command line with Access Rights password security enabled...................................................................................................19 Opening w4f Script Configuration files from the command line.........................19 Opening w4f Script Configuration files from the command line with Access Rights password security enabled............................................................19 Starting FDT

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Chapter 4 Wait For Script................................................................................. 43 4.1 Wait For Script Overview.................................................................................................43 4.2 Wait For Script – New Configuration...............................................................................43 4.2.1 Script File Page ...................................................................................................43 Des

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5.3.6 Close....................................................................................................................59 Chapter 6 Configuring the User Interface ........................................................ 61 6.1 Arranging Windows .........................................................................................................61 6.1.1 Minimising windows...........................................................................................61 6.1.2 Tiling wind

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7.4.8 Field Programming..............................................................................................69 7.5 Tools Menu ......................................................................................................................70 7.5.1 Administration.....................................................................................................70 7.5.2 Customise......................................................................................................

Краткое содержание страницы № 8 Properties.............................................................................................................77 Set as current Project...........................................................................................78 Remove Project ...................................................................................................78 Unload Project............................................................................................

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8.8.8 Toggle ASCII Column.........................................................................................93 8.8.9 Create Selection...................................................................................................93 8.8.10 Fill... ....................................................................................................................93 8.8.11 Find... ...........................................................................................................

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10.2 Dialog Controls ................................................................................................................105 10.2.1 Exit......................................................................................................................105 10.2.2 Download File radio button.................................................................................105 10.2.3 Download File Area ...................................................................................

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i. Cautions Renesas neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Renesas’ or any third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document. Renesas bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, including intellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document. Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confi

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

ii. Preface About this guide This guide explains the use of the Renesas Flash Development Toolkit(hereafter referred to as FDT). Chapter 1 , Introduction, provides a brief explanation to the tool and lists its key features. Chapter 2 , System Overview, describes how the different facilities make up the FDT Graphical User Interface. Chapter 3 , Using FDT, describes how FDT is activated and the FLASH ROM is written. Chapter 4 , Wait For Script Chapter 5 , Access Rights describes configura

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iii. Abbreviations Target / Device Refers to the programmable microcontroller or microcomputer that is connected to the PC ready for programming. DLL Dynamic Linked Library FDT Flash Development Toolkit ® F-ZTAT Flexible Zero Turn-Around Time QzROM One time programmable memory HEW Renesas High-performance Embedded Workshop PC Personal Computer USB Universal Serial Bus 1.1 or above FDM Flash Development Module (USB interface board) UPB Universal Programming Board – Legacy HMSE interf

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iv. Document Conventions This manual uses the following typographic conventions: CONVENTION MEANING Bold text with ‘->’ is used to indicate menu options (for example, [Menu->Menu Option] [File->Save As...]). ‘dialog name’ The ‘’ is used to indicate the name of a dialog box or menu. ‘Filename.ext’ Bold Courier Font is used to indicate filenames. “enter this string” Used to indicate text that must be entered (excluding the “” quotes). Key+Key Used to indicate required key presses. For e

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

Chapter 1 Introduction The RenesasFlash Development Toolkit (FDT) is an on-board FLASH programming tool for Renesas F- ZTAT microcomputers that provides a high-performance and user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). Embedded software development projects created using the Renesas High-performance Embedded Workshop (HEW) may be programmed into Renesas F-ZTAT devices using FDT. FDT may also be used as a general purpose S-Record or Hex editor. 1.1 Key Features ® • Standard window

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Chapter 2 System Overview FDT provides a method of programming, erasing and reading from Renesas Flash devices. Workspaces and Projects can be used in order to save the settings between sessions, for easy switching between different settings, and to allow experienced users to configure the settings for less experienced operators. FDT is designed to provide a common look and feel, independent of the actual device to be programmed. FDT employs a hierarchical structure so that work can be or

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2.1 User Interface ® The FDT Graphical User Interface is a Windows application that presents a work environment, which allows the user to program FLASH memory. Figure 2-1 FDT Graphical User Interface 2.1.1 Menu bar Commands are grouped into related areas on the Menu bar as indicated by the menu titles. Using the mouse the user can select a command operation, invoke a dialog box or a window to interact with the system. Clicking the left mouse button on a menu title will pull down tha

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Figure 2-2 Menu Ellipsis If a menu item can also be invoked by pressing a hot key (a combination of keys), then the hot key is displayed to the right of the item. If a menu item toggles a feature ON or OFF then a check mark ( ) will be displayed next to its text when it is ON: Figure 2-3 Checked Menu Items If a menu item has the symbol ( 8) next to it then a cascading or hierarchical menu is available. Clicking on the menu item will reveal the cascading menu: Figure 2-4 Cascadin

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2.1.2 Toolbars FDT has several toolbars located below the Menu bar. This provides quick access to FDT features by clicking the respective button with the mouse. Figure 2-5 FDT Toolbars The buttons on each toolbar are arranged in associated groups. To find out the function of the button, move the mouse over the button and a hint will be displayed next to the button and in the status bar. The toolbar buttons can be customised to provide a button for the majority of the features availabl

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