Руководство по эксплуатации National Instruments HPC467064

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства National Instruments HPC467064

Устройство: National Instruments HPC467064
Категория: Компьютерное оборудование
Производитель: National Instruments
Размер: 0.42 MB
Добавлено: 4/28/2014
Количество страниц: 34
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Краткое содержание страницы № 5

30 MHz AC Electrical Characteristics e g e a (See Notes 1 and 4 and Figures 1 thru 5 ). V 5V 10%, T 0§Cto 70§C for HPC467064. CC A Symbol and Formula Parameter Min Max Units Notes f CKI Operating Frequency 2 30 MHz C t e 1/f CKI Clock Period 33 500 ns C1 C t CKI High Time 22.5 ns CKIH t CKI Low Time 22.5 ns CKIL e t 2/f CPU Timing Cycle 66 ns C C e t t CPU Wait State Period 66 ns WAIT C t Delay of CK2 Rising Edge after CKI Falling Edge 0 55 ns (Note 2) DC1C2R t Delay of CK2 Falling Edge after CK

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30 MHz AC Electrical Characteristics (Continued) e g e a (See Notes 1 and 4 and Figures 1 thru 5 ). V 5V 10%, T 0§Cto 70§C for HPC467064. (Continued) CC A Symbol and Formula Parameter Min Max Units Notes t e (/4 t b 5 ALE Falling Edge to RD Falling Edge 12 ns ARR C e a b t t WS 32 Data Input Valid after Address Output Valid 100 ns ACC C e a b t (/2 t WS 39 Data Input Valid after RD Falling Edge 60 ns RD C e a b t (/2 t WS 14 RD Pulse Width 85 ns RW C e b t */4 t 15 Hold of Data Input Valid after

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CKI Input Signal Characteristics TL/DD/11046±4 Note: AC testing inputs are driven at V for logic ``1'' and V for a logic ``0''. Output timing measurements are made at V /2 for both logic ``1'' and logic ``0''. IH IL CC FIGURE 2. Input and Output for AC Tests Timing Waveforms TL/DD/11046±5 FIGURE 3. CK1, CK2, ALE Timing Diagram TL/DD/11046±6 FIGURE 4. Write Cycle 7

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Timing Waveforms (Continued) TL/DD/11046±7 FIGURE 5. Read Cycle TL/DD/11046±8 FIGURE 6. Ready Mode Timing TL/DD/11046±9 FIGURE 7. Hold Mode Timing 8

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Timing Waveforms (Continued) TL/DD/11046±10 FIGURE 8. MICROWIRE Setup/Hold Timing TL/DD/11046±11 FIGURE 9. UPI Read Timing TL/DD/11046±12 FIGURE 10. UPI Write Timing 9

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Functional Modes of Operation There are two primary functional modes of operation for the The HPC167064 emulates the HPC16064 and HPC16083, HPC167064. except as described here. # EPROM Mode # The value of EXM is latched on the rising edge of RESET. Thus, the user may not switch from ROMed to Normal Running Mode # ROMless operation or vice-versa, without another EPROM MODE RESET pulse. In the EPROM mode, the HPC167064 is configured to ``ap- # The security logic can be used to control access to th

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Functional Modes of Operation (Continued) Security Level 2 An erasure system should be calibrated periodically. The distance from lamp to unit should be maintained at one inch. This security level prevents programming of the on-chip The erasure time increases as the square of the distance. (If EPROM or the ECON registers thereby providing WRITE distance is doubled the erasure time increases by a factor of protection. Read accesses to the on-chip EPROM or ECON 4.) Lamps lose intensity as they age

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Pin Descriptions The HPC167064 is available only in 68-pin LDCC package. POWER SUPPLY PINS V and CC1 I/O PORTS V Positive Power Supply CC2 Port A is a 16-bit bidirectional I/O port with a data direction GND Ground for On-Chip Logic register to enable each separate pin to be individually de- fined as an input or output. When accessing external memo- DGND Ground for Output Buffers ry, port A is used as the multiplexed address/data bus. Note: There are two electrically connected V pins on the chip,

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Connection Diagram TL/DD/11046±17 Top View Order Number HPC167064, EL See NS Package Number EL68C PortsA&B The highly flexible A and B ports are similarly structured. A write operation to a port pin configured as an input causes The Port A (seeFigure 11), consists of a data register and a the value to be written into the data register, a read opera- direction register. Port B (seeFigures 12 thruFigure 14) has tion returns the value of the pin. Writing to port pins config- ured as outputs causes

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PortsA&B (Continued) TL/DD/11046±20 FIGURE 12. Structure of Port B Pins B0, B1, B2, B5, B6 and B7 (Typical Pins) TL/DD/11046±21 FIGURE 13. Structure of Port B Pins B3, B4, B8, B9, B13 and B14 (Timer Synchronous Pins) 14

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PortsA&B (Continued) TL/DD/11046±22 FIGURE 14. Structure of Port B Pins B10, B11, B12 and B15 (Pins with Bus Control Roles) Operating Modes To offer the user a variety of I/O and expanded memory DOG logic is engaged. A logic ``1'' in the EA bit enables options, the HPC167064 has four operating modes. The accesses to be made anywhere within the 64 kbytes ad- various modes of operation are determined by the state of dress range and the ``illegal address detection'' feature of both the EXM pin and

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HPC167064 Operating Modes SINGLE CHIP NORMAL MODE In this mode, the HPC167064 functions as a self-contained microcomputer (see Figure 15 ) with all memory (RAM and EPROM) on-chip. It can address internal memory only, con- sisting of 16 kbytes of EPROM (C000 to FFFF) and 512 bytes of on-chip RAM and Registers (0000 to 02FF). The ``illegal address detection'' feature of the WATCHDOG is enabled in the Single-Chip Normal mode and a WATCH- DOG Output (WO) will occur if an attempt is made to access ad

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HPC167064 Interrupts (Continued) TL/DD/11046±24 FIGURE 16. 8-Bit External Memory TL/DD/11046±25 FIGURE 17. 16-Bit External Memory 17

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HPC167064 Interrupts (Continued) TABLE II. Interrupts Vector Arbitration Interrupt Source Address Ranking FFFF:FFFE RESET 0 FFFD:FFFC Nonmaskable external on rising edge of I1 pin 1 FFFB:FFFA External interrupt on I2 pin 2 FFF9:FFF8 External interrupt on I3 pin 3 FFF7:FFF6 External interrupt on I4 pin 4 FFF5:FFF4 Overflow on internal timers 5 FFF3:FFF2 Internal on the UART transmit/receive complete or external on EXUI 6 FFF1:FFF0 External interrupt on EI pin 7 For the interrupts from the on-boar

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19 TL/DD/11046±26 FIGURE 18. Block Diagram of Interrupt Logic

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Timer Overview (Continued) (Clock Input/16) rate. It is used for WATCHDOG logic, high dividing the clock input. Timer T2 has additional capability of speed event capture, and to exit from the IDLE mode. Con- being clocked by the timer T3 underflow. This allows the sequently, it cannot be stopped or written to under software user to cascade timers T3 and T2 into a 32-bit timer/coun- control. Timer T0 permits precise measurements by means ter. The control register DIVBY programs the clock input to

Краткое содержание страницы № 1

HPC167064/HPC467064 High-Performance microController
with a 16k UV Erasable CMOS EPROM
August 1992
HPC167064/HPC467064 High-Performance
microController with a 16k UV Erasable CMOS EPROM
General Description
The HPC167064 is a member of the HPC family of High further current savings. The HPC167064 is available only in
Performance microControllers. Each member of the family 68-pin LDCC package.
has the same core CPU with a unique memory and I/O
configuration to suit specific application

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Absolute Maximum Ratings b If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, V with Respect to GND 0.5V to 7.0V CC please contact the National Semiconductor Sales a b All Other Pins (V 0.5V) to (GND 0.5V) CC Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Note: Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond Total Allowable Source or Sink Current 100 mA which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electri- b a Storage Temperature Range 65 Cto 150 C cal specifications are not ensu

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20 MHz AC Electrical Characteristics e g eb a e g (See Notes 1 and 4 andFigures 1 thru5 ). V 5V 5%*,T 55§Cto 125§C for HPC167064 and V 5V 10%, CC A CC e a T 0Cto 70 C for HPC467064 § § A Symbol and Formula Parameter Min Max Units Notes f CKI Operating Frequency 2 20 MHz C e t 1/f CKI Clock Period 50 500 ns C1 C t CKI High Time 22.5 ns CKIH t CKI Low Time 22.5 ns CKIL e t 2/f CPU Timing Cycle 100 ns C C e t t CPU Wait State Period 100 ns WAIT C t Delay of CK2 Rising Edge after CKI Falling Edge 0

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20 MHz AC Electrical Characteristics (Continued) e g eb a e g (See Notes 1 and 4 andFigures 1 thru5 .) V 5V 5%*,T 55§Cto 125§C for HPC167064 and V 5V 10%, CC A CC e a T 0Cto 70 C for HPC467064 (Continued) A § § Symbol and Formula Parameter Min Max Units Notes t Delay from CKI Rising Edge to ALE Rising Edge 0 35 ns (Notes 1, 2) DC1ALER t Delay from CKI Rising Edge to ALE Falling Edge 0 35 ns (Notes 1, 2) DC1ALEF e a t (/4 t 20 Delay from CK2 Rising Edge to ALE Rising Edge 45 ns DC2ALER C e a t (/

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