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68HC912D60/ DG128/ DT128 and MC9S12DP256
Development Board for Motorola 68HC912
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CONTENTS CONTENTS GETTING STARTED ................................ ................................ ............................ 3 Installing the Software ................................ ................................ ............. 3 Board Startup ................................ ................................ .......................... 3 Support Software ................................ ................................ ..................... 4 Software Development ..........................
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GETTING STARTED The Axiom CMD912X single board computer is a fully assembled, fully functional development system for the Motorola 68HC912D60/ DG128/ DT128 and MC9S12DP256 microcontrollers, complete with wall plug power supply and serial cable. Support software for this development board is provided for Windows 95/98 and NT operating systems. Follow the steps in this section to get started quickly and verify everything is working correctly. Installing the Software 1. Insert the Axiom 68HC12 sup
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5. Apply power to the board by plugging in the power adapter that came with the system. 6. If everything is working properly, you should see a message to “PRESS KEY TO START MONITOR…” in your terminal window. Press the ENTER key and you should see: Axiom MON12 - HC12 Monitor / Debugger > _ 7. Your board is now ready to use! If you do not see this message prompt, or if the text is garbage, see the TROUBLESHOOTING section at the end of this manual. Support Software There are many programs and do
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TUTORIAL This section was written to help you get started developing software with the CMD912X board. Be sure to read the rest of this manual as well as the documentation on the disk if you need further information. The following sections take you through the complete development cycle of a simple "hello world" program, which sends the string "Hello World" to the serial port. Creating source code You can write source code for the CMD912X board using any language that compiles to Motorola 68HC12
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Assembling source code An example program called “HELLO.ASM” is provided under the \EXAMPLES\ 912x directory of the CD and if you installed AxIDE, under that programs \EXAMPLE directory. You must use the example for the PM Module you have installed on the CMD912x board. The PM Label is located beside the microcontroller. For example: \EXAMPLE\HC12D60\HELLO.ASM Example program for the PM12D60 \EXAMPLE\HC12D128\HELLO.ASM Example program for the PM12D128 \EXAMPLE\HC12D256\HELLO.ASM Example pro
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Running your application After creating a Motorola S-Record file you can "upload" it to the development board for a test run. The provided example “HELLO.ASM” was created to run from RAM so you can use the Mon12 Monitor to test it without programming it into Flash. If you haven’t done so already, verify that the CMD912X board is connected and operating properly by following the steps under “GETTING STARTED” until you see the Mon12 prompt, then follow these steps to run your program: 1. Press an
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Programming Flash EEPROM After debugging, you can program your application into Flash Memory so it executes automatically when you apply power to the board as follows: 1. Make a backup copy of HELLO.ASM then use a text editor to modify it. 2. Change the ORG location for the program start to the internal flash if needed. 3. ; character before one of the following lines to initialize the stack pointer which is necessary when running outside of a debugger: LDS #$ 3FFE ; DG/DP128 or DP256 – i
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BDM OPERATION The CMD912X board will emulate supported HC12 device internal flash memory in external ram. This feature allows BDM (Background Debug Modules) such as the AX-BDM12 to load and control the execution of code being developed without the necessity of the internal flash memory being programmed many times during the development process. This feature improves updating time and allows the use of may software breakpoints instead of being limited to only 2 hardware breakpoints. Operation N
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MEMORY MAPS Following is the memory map for the CMD912X development board and the various Microcontroller PM Modules that it supports. Consult your MCU technical reference manual on the CD for internal memory map details for the processor. PM12DP256 Memory Map FFFF Special (BDM) Expanded Expanded Wide Mode Single Chip Mode Wide Mode U5/6 (Mon12) C000 BFFF Flash Page 8000 – C000 8000 U3/4 4000 3FFF 3E00 – 3FFF used by Mon12 1000 FFF 800 7FF 000 NOTE 10 a Register Following Peripheral Area. : t
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PM12DG128 / PM12DT128 Memory Map FFFF Special (BDM) Expanded Expanded Wide Mode Single Chip Mode Wide Mode U5/6 (Mon12) C000 BFFF Flash Page 8000 – C000 8000 U3/4 4000 3FFF 3E00 – 3FFF used by Mon12 2000 1FFF 1000 FFF 800 7FF Unused = 400-7BF 7D0-7DF 7A0-7AF LCD / CS7 = 7F0-7FF 7C0-7CF 790-79F 7E0-7EF 7B0-7BF 780-78F 400 3FF 000 The Peripheral Area ( A00-BFF ) is set to Narrow (8-bit) data width by the debug utilities. If using this memory, you must also do this in your software when booting
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PM12D60 Memory Map FFFF Special (BDM) Expanded Expanded Wide Mode Single Chip Mode Wide Mode U5/6 (Mon12) C000 BFFF U3/4 1000 FFF C00 BFF - see note 2 below Unused = A00-B7F BD0-BDF BA0-BAF LCD / CS7 = BF0-BFF BC0-BCF B90-B9F BE0-BEF BB0-BBF B80-B8F A00 9FF - see note 1 below 800 7FF 000 The Internal Register base address is relocated from $000 to $800 on startup by the debug utilities (Mon12 and NoICE). To preserve this memory map, you must also do this in your software when booting from
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OPTION SWITCHES CONFIG SWITCH The CMD912X board is shipped from the manufacturer 1 2 3 4 5 with the following default CONFIG SWITCH settings: ON ON OFF OFF OFF The 5 position CONFIG SWITCH provides an easy method of configuring the CMD912X board memory operation. Following are the configuration switch descriptions: 1 EXT – External Memory and PRU enable 2 MON – Monitor Memory enable 3 MON SEL - Select NOICE Debug kernel ECS Enable - Enable ECS (Emulation Chip Select) signal to ram for 4 pagin
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MODE SWITCH The 3 to 5 position MODE SWITCH on the PM12xxx Module provides an easy method of configuring the HC12 operating Mode and Options from RESET. NOTE : Expanded Narrow Mode is not available on this board, Expanded Wide operation is required due to the memory application and that any expanded bus operation requires both HC12 I/O ports A and B in any case. Following are the Mode Switch selections and descriptions: PM12D60 Default: 1 and 2 ON, 3 - 5 OFF. OFF POSITION OPTION 1 and 2 Operati
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PORTS AND CONNECTORS PRU PORT The Port Replacement Unit (PRU) provides simulation of the HC12 bus and control ports A, B, E, and K so expanded memory can be used for single-chip application development. operation is enabled with external memory by CONFIG Switch 1 ON. The PRU also provides control of the external memories and peripherals on the CMD912x board. Care should be taken not to violate PRU operation constraints or user code operation could be rendered inoperable until a RESET is perfo
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PRU PORT CONNECTOR +5V 1 2 +5V Note: PE0 and PE1 are the same signals as the XPB6 3 4 XPB7 HC12 Port E. XPB4 5 6 XPB5 XPB2 7 8 XPB3 XPB0 9 10 XPB1 XPA6 XPA7 11 12 XPA4 13 14 XPA5 XPA2 XPA3 15 16 XPA0 17 18 XPA1 XPE6 19 20 XPE7 XPE4 21 22 XPE5 XPE2 23 24 XPE3 PE0 PE1 25 26 XPK4 27 28 XPK7 XPK2 XPK5 29 30 XPK0 31 32 XPK3 33 34 XPK1 MCU_PORT 1 +5V 1 2 The MCU_PORT1 provides access to the peripheral PP0 3 4 PP1 features and I/O lines of the HC12. Note: PP2 PP3 5 6 PP4 7 8 PP5 PP6 PP7 9 10 1) Not al
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MCU_PORT 2 PK0 1 2 PK1 The MCU_PORT 2 provides access to the PK2 3 4 PK3 Expanded Bus and I/O lines of the HC12. Note: PK4 5 6 PK5 PB0/D0 7 8 PK7/ECS 1) Not all I/O Ports are provided by all HC12 PB2/D2 9 10 PB1/D1 PB4/D4 PB3/D3 11 12 PB6/D6 13 14 PB5/D5 2) The A14 - A19 address signals are provided PE0/XIRQ* PB7/D7 15 16 by the PRU. The A16 - A19 signals are PE6/MODB 17 18 PE3/LSTRB* derived from the HC12 PK0 - PK5 signals A14 19 20 PE5/MODA when emulating internal flash paging A15 21 22 PE7 o
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ANALOG PORT PAD0 1 2 PAD8 The port provides access to the Port AD0 and PAD1 3 4 PAD9 Port AD1 Analog-to-Digital input lines. PAD2 5 6 PAD10 HC12 Port AD0-15 is an input port or A/D PAD3 7 8 PAD11 Converter inputs. PAD4 9 10 PAD12 PAD5 PAD13 11 12 VRL HC12 A/D Converter Reference Pins. See PAD6 13 14 PAD14 A/D Reference Section. To provide an external reference PAD7 PAD15 15 16 voltage, R3 ,4,10 and 32 may need to be removed. See VRL0 17 18 VRH0 schematic. VRL1 19 20 VRH1 COM1 1 The port has
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CAN1 - 4 PORTS These ports provide the CAN Bus input and output. Each port has a CAN Transceiver (Philips PCA82C250) capable of up to 1M Baud data rate. Not all HC12 devices support all of the channels, refer to the device data for capability. Each transceiver receive output has a COM Switch position associated with it. For proper operation the COM Switch should be turned on for each CAN channel that is used for CAN communication. The switch provides isolation for the HC12 I/O port if the CA
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LCD_PORT The LCD_PORT interface is connected to the data bus and memory mapped into the Register Following memory area of the HC12. Note that the DP256 does not support the LCD Port due to no Register following area is available. Refer to the PM12xxx board memory map for LCd Port address location. For the standard display, the base address of the LCD Port is the Command register and the Base+1 address is the display Data register. The interface supports all OPTREX DMC series displays in 8 bi