Руководство по эксплуатации Motorola CME-12D60

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Motorola CME-12D60

Устройство: Motorola CME-12D60
Категория: Компьютерное оборудование
Производитель: Motorola
Размер: 0.09 MB
Добавлено: 4/11/2014
Количество страниц: 19
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2813 Industrial Ln. • Garland, TX 75041 • (972) 926-9303 FAX (972) 926-6063
email: Gary@axman.com • web: http://www.axman.com
68HC912D60 Microcontroller
Development Board for Motorola

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CONTENTS CONTENTS GETTING STARTED ................................ ................................ ............................ 3 Installing the Software ................................ ................................ ..... 3 Board Startup ................................ ................................ .................. 3 Support Software ................................ ................................ ............ 4 Software Development ................................ ..................

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GETTING STARTED The Axiom CME-12D60 single board computer is a fully assembled, fully functional development system for the Motorola 68HC912D60 microcontroller, complete with wall plug power supply and serial cable. Support software for this development board is provided for Windows 95/98 and NT operating systems. Follow the steps in this section to get started quickly and verify everything is working correctly. Installing the Software 1. Insert the Axiom 68HC12 support CD in your PC. If the se

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Support Software There are many useful programs and documents on the included HC12 support CD that can make developing projects on the CME-12D60 easier. You should browse the disk and copy anything you want to your hard drive. The flash programming utility (AxIDE) communicates with the board via its COM1 port and the supplied cable. This program also includes a simple terminal for interfacing with other programs running on the CME-12D60, such as Mon12, and information from your own programs t

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TUTORIAL This section was written to help you get started developing software with the CME-12D60 board. Be sure to read the rest of this manual as well as the documentation on the disk if you need further information. The following sections take you through the complete development cycle of a simple "hello world" program, which sends the string "Hello World" to the serial port. Creating source code You can write source code for the CME-12D60 board using any language that compiles to Motorola 68

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Assembling source code An example program called “HELLO.ASM” is provided under the \EXAMPLES\D60 directory of the CD and if you installed AxIDE, under that programs \EXAMPLE\HC12D60 directory. You can assemble your source code using command line tools under a DOS prompt by typing: AS12 HELLO.ASM –LHELLO Most compilers and assemblers allow many command line options so using a MAKE utility or batch file is recommended if you use this method. Run AS12 without any arguments to see all the options,

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Running your application After creating a Motorola S-Record file you can "upload" it to the development board for a test run. The provided example “HELLO.ASM” was created to run from RAM so you can use the Mon12 Monitor to test it without programming it into Flash. If you haven’t done so already, verify that the CME-12D60 board is connected and operating properly by following the steps under “GETTING STARTED” until you see the Mon12 prompt, then follow these steps to run your program: 1. Press

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Programming Flash EEPROM After debugging, you can program your application into Flash Memory so it executes automatically when you apply power to the board as follows: 1. Make a backup copy of HELLO.ASM then use a text editor to modify it. Remove the ; character before the following line to initialize the stack pointer which is necessary when running outside of a debugger: LDS #$7FE ; initialize the stack pointer 2. ; character from before the following 2 lines at the end, to set the re

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MEMORY MAP Following is the memory map for this development board. Consult the 68HC912D60 technical reference manual on the CD for internal memory map details for this processor. FFFF U6/7 (Mon12) C000 BFFF U4/5 1000 FFF C00 BFF - see note 2 below Unused = A00-B7F BD0-BDF BA0-BAF LCD / CS7 = BF0-BFF BC0-BCF B90-B9F BE0-BEF BB0-BBF B80-B8F A00 9FF - see note 1 below 800 7FF 000 The Internal Register base address is relocated from $000 to $800 on startup by the debug utilities (Mon12 and NoI

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CONFIG SWITCH The CME-12D60 board is shipped from the manufacturer with the following default CONFIG SWITCH settings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF The 8 position CONFIG SWITCH provides an easy method of configuring the CME-12D60 board operation. Following are the configuration switch descriptions and HC12 I/O port usage: 1 MODE A selection (see Mode chart below) 2 MODE B selection (see Mode chart below) 3 EXT – External Memory enable 4 MON – Monitor Memory enable 5 VPP - Flash V

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JUMPERS MON-SEL JUMPER Selects which firmware monitor in External EPROM (U6/7) the board will execute upon reset in expanded mode with monitor enabled by CONFIG SWITCH position 4. ON Mon12 Debug Monitor Third party firmware support ( NoICE, Metrowerks, etc.) OFF PG_PULL / PH_PULL JUMPERS Pull up or Pull down I/O line bias resistor option jumpers. When port G or Port H are configured as inputs these options select which way the internal pull resistor’s operate. Port H should be in the pull down

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PORTS AND CONNECTORS LCD_PORT The LCD_PORT interface is connected to the data bus and memory mapped to locations BF0 – BFF hex assigned to CS7. For the standard display, address BF0 is the Command register, address BF1 is the Data register. The interface supports all OPTREX DMC series displays in 8 bit bus mode with up to 80 characters and provides the most common pinout for a dual row rear mounted display connector. Power, ground, and Vee are also available at this connector. 2 1 $BF0 4 3

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MCU_PORT The MCU_PORT provides access to the peripheral features and I/O lines of the HC12 as follows: D0 1 2 D1 D0 – D7 Low Byte of the Data Bus in Wide Expanded D2 D3 3 4 Mode. Port B in Single Chip Mode. D4 5 6 D5 XIRQ interrupt input . D6 D7 7 8 /XIRQ, PE0 9 10 /DBE, PE7 VFP Programming voltage, 12v, when CONFIG switch VFP 11 12 /LSTRB position 5 is on. PG6 13 14 PG7 /LSTRB LSTRB (PE3) output indicates 8 bit bus access. PG4 15 16 PG5 Should be enabled in software for bus use. PG2 17 18 PG

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COM1 1 The port has a Female DB9 connector that interfaces to TXD0 2 6 the HC12 internal SCI0 serial port. It uses a simple 2 wire asynchronous serial interface and is translated to RS232 3 7 signaling levels. 4 8 5 9 Pins 1, 4, and 6 are connected for default handshake standards. Pins 7 and 8 are connected for default handshake standards. Handshake pins can be easily isolated and connected to I/O ports if necessary. COM2 1 2 The connector interfaces to the HC12 internal SCI1 TXD1 serial port

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BUS_PORT The BUS_PORT supports off-board memory devices as follows: D11 1 2 D8 - D15 High Byte Data Bus in Wide Expanded Mode and D10 3 4 D12 Peripheral 8 bit data bus. Port A in Single Chip Mode. D9 5 6 D13 Memory Addresses 0 to 15. D8 7 8 D14 A0 9 10 D15 /OE Memory Output Enable signal, Active Low. Valid with A1 11 12 A2 ECLK and R/W high. A10 13 14 A3 CS0 – CS7 Peripheral chip selects, 16 bytes each located at / OE A4 15 16 $200 - $27F hex, 8 bit access (narrow bus). A11 17 18 A5 A9 A6

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TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLESHOOTING The CME-12D60 board is fully tested and operational before shipping. If it fails to function properly, inspect the board for obvious physical damage first. Ensure that all IC devices in sockets are properly seated. Verify the communications setup as described under GETTING STARTED and see the Tips and Suggestions sections following for more information. The most common problems are improperly configured communications parameters, and attempting to use the wron

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Tips and Suggestions Tips and Suggestions Following are a number of tips, suggestions and answers to common questions that will solve many problems users have with the CME-12D60 development system. You can download the latest software from the Support section of our web page at: • If you’re trying to program memory or start the utilities, make sure all jumpers and CONFIG SWITCH settings are correct. • Be certain that the data cable you’re using is bi-directional and is connected securely to bot

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TABLES TABLE 1. LCD Command Codes Command codes are used for LCD setup and control of character and cursor position. All command codes are written to LCD panel address $B5F0. The BUSY flag (bit 7) should be tested before any command updates to verify that any previous command is completed. A read of the command address $B5F0 will return the BUSY flag status and the current display character location address. Code $01 Clear Display, Cursor to Home $02 Cursor to Home Entry Mode: $04 Cursor Decr

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TABLE 3. Mon12 Monitor Commands BF < StartAddress> < EndAddress> Fill memory with data [] BR [

] Set/Display user breakpoints BULK Erase entire on-chip EEPROM contents CALL [
] Call user subroutine at
G [
] Begin/continue execution of user code HELP LOAD [< AddressOffset>] Load S-Records into memory MD < StartAddress> [< EndAddress>] Memory Display Bytes MM < StartAddress> Examine/Modify next location or <=> Examine/Modify same location

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