Руководство по эксплуатации Lava Computer PAYLINK IP/232

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Lava Computer PAYLINK IP/232

Устройство: Lava Computer PAYLINK IP/232
Категория: Компьютерное оборудование
Производитель: Lava Computer
Размер: 0.53 MB
Добавлено: 3/9/2013
Количество страниц: 16
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LAVA PayLink-IP/232
Quick Installation Guide

Rev. C00

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Getting Started 1 Congratulations on your purchase of a LAVA PayLink-IP/232. PayLink-IP devicess securely connect payment terminals to payment processors over an Ethernet/TCP/IP connection. Payment terminals that can transmit transaction information over a COM (RS-232) port can send information to the LAVA PayLink-IP/232.The LAVA PayLink-IP/232 establishes an SSL-secured connection to the payment processor, places the serial data in a TCP/IP wrapper and sends it out its Ethernet port. Data movin

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Hardware Setup 2 1. Connect the power supply to the LAVA PayLink-IP/232 and to AC power.The power (red) LED will light to indicate that the unit is receiving power. 2. Connect an Ethernet cross-over cable to the Ethernet RJ-45 jack of the LAVA PayLink-IP/232. Attach the other end of the crossover network cable to a host PC directly. Network status is indicated by two LEDs on the RJ-45 connector. The left (yellow) LED indicates network activity. It is on by default, turning off when network activ

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3 3. Open a web browser to the IP address of the PayLink-IP and configure the device as described in the "Configuration" section of this manual. 4. After configuring the LAVA PayLink-IP/232, attach it to your network and connect a payment terminal to its serial port. Serial port activity is indicated by two status LEDs per port.The yellow LED lights when the serial port is transmitting data.The green LED lights when the serial port is receiving data. Serial Tx indicator Serial connector Serial R

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4 Configuration Configuration consists of the following: A. Configuring network settings B. Port configuration C. Host configuration D. Terminal Side Data and Protocol configuration E. Password selection F. Upgrading software A. Configuring network settings PayLink-IP devices installed on your network will need unique IP addresses.These are set by using a web browser. The factory default network settings for the PayLink-IP are: IP address: Subnet mask: Gateway address:

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5 5 Opening scr Opening screen een Click "C Click "Configur onfigure" if no passw e" if no passwor ord has been set d has been set,, or ent or enter the er the passw passwor ord f d for the P or the Pa ayLink y yLink you ar ou are c e configuring onfiguring,, and then click and then click "C "Configur onfigure e.." " T The C he Configur onfiguration menu will open. ation menu will open. C Configur onfigura ation Menu tion Menu

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6 If not using a DHCP server to assign network addresses, choose the "Manually configure" option for Network Settings. In the configuration screen that appears, enter the network settings you wish for that PayLink-IP. Once the new values are entered and accepted, the PayLink-IP will reboot to implement the new network settings. Advanced network settings can also be accessed from this page by clicking on the "Advanced" link. Network Settings NOTE: Changing the network settings of a PayLink-IP dev

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7 Device name Use this field to supply a “friendly” name for the LAVA PayLink- IP/232 device being configured.The friendly name is optional, and can be chosen to provide a conveniently-remembered name for the unit. IP address The IP address for the LAVA PayLink-IP/232 will identify the device on the LAN on which it is located. Any conventional IP address can be used.The LAVA PayLink-IP/232 ships with its default IP address as; ensure that this IP address is available on the LAN onto

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8 “DHCP enabled” checkbox has been set.The LAVA PayLink-IP/232 will then act as a DHCP client and obtain its IP address from the DHCP server on its LAN that first leases an IP address to the LAVA PayLink-IP/232. Assigned local TCP port Use this dialog box to change the TCP port number assigned to the serial port of the LAVA PayLink-IP/232. By default the LAVA PayLink- IP/232 assigns TCP port 2300 to its serial port; if another device on the network is already using this TCP port number, reassign

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9 B. Port configuration The PayLink-IP/232 serial port can be configured through a web browser.The settings for the LAVA PayLink-IP/232's serial port should match the settings of the serial port on the payment terminal. Serial Port Settings The following port parameters can be configured for the LAVA PayLink-IP/232: Baud rate This parameter can be set from 110 to 115200 bps. By default this parameter is set to 19200 bps.

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10 Data bits This parameter can be set from 5 to 8. By default this parameter is set to 8 bits. Parity This parameter can be set even, odd, none, mark, or space. By default this parameter is set to none. Stop bits This parameter can be set 1, 1.5, or 2. By default this parameter is set to 1. Flow control This parameter can be set XON/XOFF, hardware, or none. By default this parameter is set to none. Terminal ID This parameter gives an identifying name, if needed, that a remote server will identi

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11 C. Host configuration The PayLink-IP/232 Payment Host configuration screen has fields for entering IP address/DNS name and TCP port information for up to four payment processing hosts. Each host can also be configured for the PayLink to use a fallback address By default, these fields are empty. Users will need to supply the addressing information suitable to their specific payment processing hosts on this screen and on the Terminal Side Data and Protocol Configuration screens that can be reac

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12 D. Terminal Side Data and Protocol Configuration The PayLink-IP/232 permits each host connection to be configured with specific data format and protocol configurations, using the screens shown below.These parameters are described in detail in the PDF manual supplied with the PayLink software. Terminal Side Data and Format Configuration

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13 Protocol Configuration By default, the LAVA PayLink-IP/232's connection to the payment processor is set up using an SSL Ver. 3.0 link. Disabling this setting will send data over an unsecured TCP/IP link.

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14 E. Password selection The PayLink-IP/232 password configuration screen can be accessed through a web browser.The password permits securing the PayLink-IP against unauthorized configuration of network settings, port settings, processor gateway settings, and advanced configuration features.The password supplied here is required to access the web browser configuration screens. By default the PayLink-IP is shipped with no password set. LAVA recommends applying a password immediately to any PayLin

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LAVA Technical Support 9:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday (Eastern Time) Tel: +416 674-5942 Fax: + 416 674-8262 E-mail: tech@lavalink.com Internet: www.lavalink.com ™ LAVA Computer MFG Inc. Toronto, Canada This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. LAVA Computer MFG I

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