Руководство по эксплуатации Dell POWEREDGE R710

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Dell POWEREDGE R710

Устройство: Dell POWEREDGE R710
Категория: Компьютерное оборудование
Производитель: Dell
Размер: 0.98 MB
Добавлено: 8/17/2014
Количество страниц: 58
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technical GuiDebOOk
insiDe the POWeReDGe R710

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook TABLE OF CONTENTS sectiOn 1. system O veR vieW 6 A. Overview / Description 6 B. Product Features Summary 6 sectiOn 2. mechanical 7 A. Chassis Description 7 B. Dimensions and Weight 8 C. Front Panel View and Features 8 D. Back Panel View and Features 8 E. Power Supply Indicators 9 F. NIC Indicators 9 G. Side Views and Features 9 H. Rails and Cable Management 10 I. Fans 10 J. Control Panel / LCD 11 K. Security 11 I. Cover Latch 11 II. Bezel 12 III. Hard

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook sectiOn 5. bl Ock Dia GRam 19 sectiOn 6. PROcessORs 21 A. Overview / Description 21 B. Features 21 C. Supported Processors 21 D. Processor Configurations 22 sectiOn 7. memOR y 23 A. Overview / Description 23 B. DIMMs Supported 23 C. Speed 24 D. Slots / Risers 27 E. Supported Configurations 27 F. Mirroring 28 G. Advanced ECC (Lockstep) Modes 28 H. Optimizer (Independent Channel) Mode 28 sectiOn 8. chiPset 29 A. Overview / Description 29 sectiOn 9. biO s 3

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook D. Storage Controllers 39 I. SAS 6/iR 39 II. PERC 6i 40 E. LED Indicators 41 F. Optical Drives 41 G. Tape Drives 41 sectiOn 13. viDe O 42 A. Overview / Description 42 sectiOn 14. a uDiO 43 A. Overview / Description 43 sectiOn 15. Rack infORmatiOn 43 A. Overview / Description 43 B. Cable Management Arm (CMA) 43 C. Rails 44 sectiOn 16. OPeR atinG s ystems 45 A. Overview / Description 45 sectiOn 17. viRtualizatiOn 47 A. Overview / Description 47 sectiOn

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook the Dell™ POWeReDGe™ R710 The Dell PowerEdge R710 is designed to be the cornerstone of today’s competitive enterprise. Engineered in response to input from IT professionals, it is the next-generation 2U rack server created to efficiently address a wide range of key business applications. The successor to the ® ® PowerEdge 2950 III, the R710 runs the Intel Xeon 5500 Series Processors and helps you lower the total cost of ownership with enhanced vi

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook strategic technology usage. Secure, efficient, and more user friendly than its predecessors, the Dell Unified Server Configurator (USC) delivers “Instant On” integrated manageability through a single access point. You get quick, persistent access to the tool because it is embedded and integrated into the system for increased flexibility and capabilities. The USC is a one-stop shop for deploying operating systems with built-in driver installations

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook featuRe Details RAID PERC 6i utilizing battery backed 256MB DDRII 667 NIC/LOM Broadcom 5809C (2 cards/4ports) USB Five (two front, two rear, one internal) Two hot-plug high-efficient 570W PSU OR Power Supplies Two hot-plug 870W PSUs (1+1) Front Control The system control panel is located on the front of the system chassis to provide Panel user access to buttons, display, and I/O interfaces System ID Front and rear (0x0235) Five hot-swappable Fans Additi

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook b. Dimensions and Weight Height 8.64cm (3.40") Width 44.31cm (17.44") Depth 68.07cm (26.80") Weight (maximum config) 26.1kg (57.54lbs) . c. front Panel view and f eatures Front I/O panel access including USB and VGA interfaces. The following components are located on the front: • Expr es s servic e tag (Inf orma tion tag). A slide-out panel f or s y s t em identifica tion labels • P o w er on indica t or , po w er butt on • NMI indica

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook e. Power supply indicators The PSUs on the PE R710 have one status bi-color LED: green for AC power present and amber for a fault. leD POWeR suPPly status AC power is not present AC power is present Fault of any kind is detected DC power is applied to the system PSU mismatch (when hot-added/swapped) Table: Power Supply Indicator f . nic indicators inDicat OR inDicat OR c ODe Link and activity indicators are off The NIC is not connected to the network L

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook h. Rails and cable management Rack installation components such as rails are provided with the PowerEdge R710 Rack Kit. The rack installation components are as follows: Sliding rack mount with latest generation Cable Management Arm (CMA). When the system is installed in a rack, please observe the following guideline: When the system is installed in a rack, only Dell-approved CMAs should be installed behind the chassis. Rails • Enable the r

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook J. c ontrol Panel / lcD The control panel board is connected to the planar via a 60-wire ribbon cable and a separate 5-wire cable for USB signals only. The LCD plugs into the control panel through a 20-pin ZIF connector and flex cable. The system control panel is located on the front of the system chassis to provide user access to switches, display, and I/O interfaces. Features of the system control panel are: • A CPI-c ompliant po w er butt on

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook II. Bezel A metal bezel is mounted to the chassis front to provide the Dell ID. A lock on the bezel is used to protect un-authorized access to system peripherals and the control panel. System status via the LCD is viewable even when the bezel is installed. III. Hard Drive The optional front bezel of the system contains a lock. A locked bezel secures the system hard drives. IV. TPM The TPM is used to generate/store keys, protect/authenticate passwords,

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook section 3. electrical a. v olatility See Appendix A of this Technical Guidebook b. ePPiD (electronic Piece Part identification) ePPID is an electronic repository for information from the PPID label that is stored in non-volatile RAM. The BIOS reports the ePPID information using SMBIOS data structures. ePPID includes the following information: • Dell part number • P art r e vision le v el • C ountry of origin • Supplier ID c ode

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook sectiOn 4. POWeR, theRmal, a c Oustic a. Power efficiencies One of the main features of the 11th generation of PowerEdge servers is enhanced power efficiency. PowerEdge R710 achieves higher power efficiency by implementing the following features: • User-selectable po w er cap ( subs y s t ems will thr ottle t o maintain the specified po w er cap ) • Impr o v ed po w er budgeting • A c cur a t e inlet t emper a tur e • PSU / VR effici

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook c. Power supply specifications ac POWeR suPPly (PeR POWeR suPPly) 870 Watt (High Output) Wattage 570 Watt (Energy Smart) Voltage 90-264 VAC, autoranging, 47-63Hz 2968.6 BTU/hr maximum (High Output) Heat Dissipation 1944.9 BTU/hr maximum (Energy Smart) Under typical line conditions and over the entire system ambient Maximum Inrush Current operating range, the inrush current may reach 55A per power supply for 10ms or less. 15

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook D. environmental specifications temPeR atuRe 10° to 35°C (50° to 95°F) with a maximum temperature gradation of Operating 10°C per hour. Note: For altitudes above 2950 feet, the maximum operating temperature is derated 1°F/550 ft. -40° to 65°C (-40° to 149°F) with a maximum temperature gradation of Storage 20°C per hour Relative humiDity 20% to 80% (noncondensing) with a maximum humidity gradation of Operating 10% per hour 5% to 95% (noncondens

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook e. Power c onsumption t esting featuRe eneRG y smaRt Psu hiGh OutPut Psu 1 Dimensions L-206.4 mm x W-67.5 mm x H-76.5 mm Status Indicators 1 x bi-color Light Emitting Diode Integrated Fans 1 x 60 mm Fixed Input Plug IEC-C14 AC Cord Rating 15 Amps @ 120 VAC, 10 Amps @ 240 VAC Input Voltage 90 – 264 VAC Auto-ranging Yes Line Frequency 47 – 63Hz Maximum Inrush Current 55 Amps per supply for 10 ms or less Hot-Swap Capability Yes Output Power 570W 870W Maximu

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook h. a coustics The acoustical design of the PowerEdge R710 reflects the following: • A dher enc e t o Dell’ s high sound quality s tandar ds. Sound quality is diff er ent fr om sound po w er level and sound pressure level in that it describes how humans respond to annoyances in sound, like whistles, hums, etc. One of the sound quality metrics in the Dell specification is prominence ratio of a tone, and this is listed in the table below. • Offic

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook sectiOn 5. bl Ock Dia GRam Figure: PowerEdge R710 Main Components 19

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ R710 Technical Guidebook 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 11 10 1. Embedded Network Interface Ports (4) 7. Heat Sink / Processor Socket 2. PCIe Gen2 Riser / Slots 8. DIMM Slots 3. Broadcom 5709c Network Interface Chip 9. Hot plug, redundant fans 4. PCIe Gen2 Riser / Slots 10. Hard drive bay, 6" x 3.5" 5. iDRAC6 Enterprise (Optional) 11. Internal SD Module 6. iDRAC6 Express / Lifecycle Controller (Embedded Hypervisor Optional) 20

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