Руководство по эксплуатации Dell EN 50082-1: 1992

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Dell EN 50082-1: 1992

Устройство: Dell EN 50082-1: 1992
Категория: Компьютерное оборудование
Производитель: Dell
Размер: 12.52 MB
Добавлено: 8/17/2014
Количество страниц: 225
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Pokročilý replikátor portů Dell Latitude L400 - UŽIVATELSKÁ PŘÍRUČKA
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Dell Latitude L400 Advanced Port Replicator - GEBRUIKERSHANDLEIDING
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A Dell Latitude L400 korszerß portreplikÆtor - FELHASZN`LI KZIKNYV

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       USER’S GUIDE www.dell.com support.dell.com

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Notes, Notices, and Cautions Throughout this guide, blocks of text may be accompanied by an icon and printed in bold type or in italic type. These blocks are notes, notices, and cautions, and they are used as follows: NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer system. NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem. CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates the potential for bodily harm and

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Dell™ Latitude™ L400 Advanced Port Replicator User’s Guide The Dell Latitude L400 Advanced Port Replicator (APR) integrates your Dell Latitude L400 computer quickly and easily into a desktop environment. Use the instructions in this document to attach external devices to the APR and to connect your computer to the APR. Safety Instructions Use the following safety guidelines to help protect your APR from potential damage and to help ensure your own personal safety:  Do not attempt to service the

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— 100 V/50 Hz in eastern Japan and 100 V/60 Hz in western Japan — 230 V/50 Hz in most of Europe, the Middle East and the Far East  To help prevent electric shock, plug the AC adapter and peripheral power cables into properly grounded power sources. These cables are equipped with three-prong plugs to help ensure proper grounding. Do not use adapter plugs or remove the grounding prong from a cable. If you must use an extension cable, use a three-wire cable with properly grounded plugs.  If you u

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 If your APR or computer gets wet or is damaged, follow the procedures described in “Troubleshooting Your Computer,” in the User’sGuide. If, after following these procedures, you confirm that your APR or computer is not operating properly, contact Dell. (See “Getting Help,” in the User’s Guide for the appropriate telephone number.) Connecting External Devices to the APR The input/output (I/O) connectors on the back of the APR duplicate the primary connectors on the back and side of your compute

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Use the following instructions to attach external devices to the APR. NOTICE: The NIC and the two PS/2 connectors on the back of the APR are inverted (as viewed while facing the back of the APR). Before attaching any cables, verify that the connector pins are aligned correctly to avoid damaging the connectors. 1. Refer to Figure 1-1 to attach external devices to the appropriate connectors on the back of the APR. NOTES: If the cable connector from the external device has thumbscrews, be sure to t

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Connecting the Computer to the APR Use the following instructions to connect your computer to the APR. 1. Save all your work, and exit all application programs. 2. Shut down the computer. 3. If you have not already done so, connect the AC adapter to the connector on the APR (see Figure 1-1), and plug the AC power cable into an AC power source. 4. Place the back of the computer over the APR platform, aligning the sides of the computer between the platform wings (see Figure 1-2). platform wings AP

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Disconnecting the Computer From the APR Use the following procedure to disconnect the computer from the APR: 1. Save all your work, and exit all application programs. 2. Shut down the computer. 3. Atthesametime,pressdownontheleftandrightreleasebuttonsonthetopof the replicator, as shown in Figure 1-3, to undock the computer. 4. Lift the computer up and away from the APR. release buttons Figure 1-3. Disconnecting the Computer From the APR 1-8 Dell Latitude L400 Advanced Port Replicator User’s Guid

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Security Lock The security lock prevents unauthorized removal of your APR. The security lock swings out of the APR, as shown in Figure 1-4. An antitheft cable device is looped around an immovable object, passed through the security lock on the APR, and then locked to the security cable slot on the computer. For more information see the Dell Latitude L400 User’s Guide. security lock Figure 1-4. APR Security Lock support.dell.com Dell Latitude L400 Advanced Port Replicator User’s Guide 1-9

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Technical Specifications Table 1-2 lists the technical specifications for the APR. Table 1-2. Technical Specifications Physical Height ........................... 38.25mm(1.5inches) Depth............................ 50.0 mm (2.0inches) Width............................ 298.0mm(11.7 inches) Weight........................... 389g(0.86lb) Connectors Expansion (to connect to computer) . . . . APR docking connector Serial (DTE) ....................... 9-pinmaleconnector Parallel. .. .................

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Regulatory Notices Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is any signal or emission, radiated in free space or conducted along power or signal leads, that endangers the functioning of a radio navigation or other safety service or seriously degrades, obstructs, or repeatedly interrupts a licensed radio communications service. Radio communications services include but are not limited to AM/FM commercial broadcast, television, cellular services, radar, air-traffic control, pager, and Personal Communica

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Most Dell computer systems are classified for Class B environments. To determine the electromagnetic classification for your computer or device, refer to the following sections specific for each regulatory agency. Each section provides country-specific EMC/EMI or product safety information. FCC Notices (U.S. Only) Most Dell computer systems are classified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as Class B digital devices. However, the inclusion of certain options can change the rating of

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turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help. The following information is provided on the device or devices covered in

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telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service. If you experience trouble with this telephone equipment, refer to the chapter titled "Getting Help" in your system's troubleshooting documentation or, for some systems, the section titled "Contacting Dell" in your system's online guide to find the appropriate telephone number for obtaining customer assistance. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network,

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should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations. Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alteration made by a user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telephone communications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment. Users should ensure for their own protection, that the electrical ground connections of the po

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NOTE: EN 55022 emissions requirements provide for two classifications:  Class A is for typical commercial areas.  Class B is for typical domestic areas. This Dell device is classified for use in a typical Class B domestic environment. A “Declaration of Conformity” in accordance with the preceding directives and standards has been made and is on file at Dell Computer Corporation Products Europe BV, Limerick, Ireland. EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only) This device belongs to Class B devic

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in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to take corrective actions. VCCI-A Figure 1-5. VCCI Class A ITE Regulatory Mark Class B ITE This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) for information technology equipment. If this equipment is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the equipment accord

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Class A Device Please note that this device has been approved for business purposes with regard to electromagnetic interference. If you find that this device is not suitable for your use, you may exchange it for a nonbusiness-purpose device. Class B Device Please note that this device has been approved for nonbusiness purposes and may be used in any environment, including residential areas. Polish Center for Testing and Certification Notice The equipment should draw power from a socket with an a

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To completely switch off the equipment, the power supply cable must be removed from the power supply socket, which should be located near the equipment and easily accessible. A protection mark “B” confirms that the equipment is in compliance with the protection usage requirements of standards PN-93/T-42107 and PN-EN 55022: 1996.                                

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