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QuickCarrier USB-DEV-DO
MTD-EV3 User Guide
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QUICKCARRIERUSB-DMTD-EV3USERGUIDE QuickCarrierUSB-DMTD-EV3UserGuide Models: MTD-EV3 Part Number: S000570, Version 1.2.4 Copyright This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the specific and express prior written permission signed by an executive officer of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright© 2014byMulti-TechSystems,Inc. Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties, whether express, implied or by estoppels, with respect to the cont
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CONTENTS Contents ProductOverview....................................................................................................................................................5 Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Documentation..............................................................................................................................
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CONTENTS Sending Text Messages............................................................................................................................................. 16 Deleting Messages.................................................................................................................................................... 17 RegulatoryStatements .......................................................................................................................................
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PRODUCTOVERVIEW ProductOverview Overview The QuickCarrier USB-D is a cellular dongle designed and built for M2M applications. Documentation The following documentation is available on the Multi-Tech Installation Resources website at www.multitech.com/setup/product.go. Document Description QuickCarrier USB-D MTD-EV3 User Guide This document. Provides an overview, specification, safety and regulatory information, and basic operations. USB Driver Installation Guide EV3 and C2 Instructions for insta
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PRODUCTOVERVIEW Category MTD-EV3-xx SMS Text mode and PDU mode per 3GPP TS27.005 set for SMS. Mobile-Terminated SMS Mobile-Originated SMS CertificationsandCompliance EMC Compliance FCC Part 15 Class B Radio Compliance FCC Part 22 FCC Part 24 RSS 132 RSS 133 Safety Compliance UL 60950-1 cUL 60950-1 Dimensions LinkStatusLED LinkStatus Description Off No power to unit. TM 6 QuickCarrier USB-D EV-DO MTD-EV3 User Guide
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PRODUCTOVERVIEW LinkStatus Description On Continuously lit Powered on. Slow blink (-0.2Hz) Registered on network. TurningtheDeviceOnorOff This USB-powered device does not have a power button. Connecting the device to a computer's USB port turns it on. Disconnecting it or shutting off the computer, turns it off. Note: When reconnecting the device, use the same USB port that you used when installing drivers. Otherwise, you may need to re-install the driver. PowerDraw Radio CellularCallBox AverageM
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SAFETYNOTICESANDWARNINGS SafetyNoticesandWarnings GeneralSafety The modem is designed for and intended to be used in fixed and mobile applications. Fixed means the device is physically secured at one location and cannot be easily moved to another location. Mobile means the device is used in other than fixed locations. CAUTION: Maintain a separation distance of at least 20 cm (8 inches) between the transmitter’s antenna and the body of the user or nearby persons. The modem is not designed for or
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SAFETYNOTICESANDWARNINGS ne respecte pas cette consigne, le responsable peut voir son accès aux services cellulaires suspendu ou interdit, peut être poursuivi en justice, ou les deux. ■ Éteignez votre appareil sans fil à proximité des pompes à essence ou de diesel avant de remplir le réservoir de votre véhicule de carburant. ■ Éteignez votre appareil sans fil dans les hôpitaux ou dans toutes les zones où des appareils médicaux sont susceptibles d'être utilisés. InterferencewithPacemakersandOther
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SAFETYNOTICESANDWARNINGS UserResponsibility Respect all local regulations for operating your wireless device. Use the security features to block unauthorized use and theft. TM 10 QuickCarrier USB-D EV-DO MTD-EV3 User Guide
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ACTIVATIONANDCARRIERSPECIFICINFORMATION ActivationandCarrierSpecificInformation AccountActivationforCellularDevices Some Multi-Tech cellular modems are pre-configured to operate on a specific cellular network. Before you can use the modem, you must set up a cellular data account with your service provider. Each service provider has its own process for adding devices to their network. Refer to Multi-Tech's Cellular Activation site http://www.multitech.com/activation.go for step-by-step instructio
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USINGLINUX UsingLinux ShellCommands TestingSerialPorts To test the serial ports created by the driver, type in a shell: cat /dev/ttyUSBx & # echo –en "ATE0\r" > /dev/ttyUSBx # echo –en "AT\r" > /dev/ttyUSBx Note: Sending ATE0 is required, to avoid issues in the terminal output. It prevents the sending/receiving spurious characters to/from the modem when used with the Linux commands “echo” and “cat” CreateaPPPConnection Most recent Linux distributions have GUI tools for creating PPP connections;
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USINGLINUX # pppd must not propose any IP address to the peer #noipdefault ipcp-accept-local ipcp-accept-remote # Keep modem up even if connection fails #persist # Hardware flow control crtscts # Ask the peer for up to 2 DNS server addresses usepeerdns # No ppp compression novj nobsdcomp novjccomp nopcomp noaccomp # For sanity, keep a lock on the serial line lock # Show password in debug messages show-password This script calls the option connect using the script evdo_connectgprs_connect, for ex
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BASICOPERATIONS BasicOperations InteractingwithYourDeviceOverview This section describes how to use AT commands to interact with your device. Using terminal software such as Kermit, you can issue AT commands to communicate with and configure your modem. The AT commands let you establish, read and modify device parameters and help you control how the device operates. This section documents basic interactions with your device, such as verifying signal strength and network registrations, sending an
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BASICOPERATIONS ■ Data bits: 8 ■ Parity: none ■ Stop bit: 1 ■ Flow control: hardware To confirm you are communicating with the device: ■ TypeAT and pressEnter. If the device responds with OK, you are communicating with the device. VerifyingSignalStrength To verify the device signal strength, enter: AT+CSQ The command indicates signal quality, in the form: +CSQ: , Where: Received signal strength indication. 0 (-113) dBm or less 1 (-111) dBm 2-30 (-109) dBm - (-53) dBm / 2 dBm pe
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BASICOPERATIONS Note: Signal strength of 10 or higher is needed for successful packet data sessions. Example A example response to AT+CSQ: +CSQ: 15,1 CheckingNetworkRegistration Before establishing a packet data connection, verify the is device registered on the network. To do this enter the network registration report read command: AT+CREG? If the device returns: +CREG: 0,1 The device is registered. If the device returns: +CREG: 0,2 The device is in a network searching state. Reading,Writing,an
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BASICOPERATIONS Enter: AT+CMGS="##########" >Your message here where ########## is the recipient's number. 3. Sendthemessage. Enter CTRL+Z. The device responds: +CMGS: 255 OK For example: AT+CMGF=1 OK AT+CMGS="6155554563" > How are you? +CMGS: 255 OK DeletingMessages To delete one text message, enter: AT+CMGD=I,# where I is the index in the select storage and # is the delflag option. Enter: 0 Deletes message in the specified index. 1 Deletes all read messages. Leaves unread mess
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REGULATORYSTATEMENTS RegulatoryStatements 47CFRPart15RegulationClassBDevices This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
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REGULATORYSTATEMENTS Council Directive 2004/108/EC of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility; and Council Directive 2006/95/EC of 12 December 2006 on the harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits; and Council Directive 1999/5/EC of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conform
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ENVIRONMENTALNOTICES EnvironmentalNotices WasteElectricalandElectronicEquipmentStatement WEEEDirective The WEEE Directive places an obligation on EU-based manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and importers to take- back electronics products at the end of their useful life. A sister directive, ROHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) complements the WEEE Directive by banning the presence of specific hazardous substances in the products at the design phase. The WEEE Directive covers all Multi