Руководство по эксплуатации IBM TOTALSTORAGE DS4500

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства IBM TOTALSTORAGE DS4500

Категория: Компьютерный повод
Производитель: IBM
Размер: 0.58 MB
Добавлено: 1/24/2014
Количество страниц: 16
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

IBM TotalStorage
DS4500 Storage
Subsystem Fibre
Channel Cabling
This document contains important changes to the required cabling scheme for connecting storage
® ®
expansion enclosures to the IBM TotalStorage DS4500 Storage Subsystem.
The fibre channel cabling instructions in “Drive-side fibre-channel cabling” on page 4 of this
document replace the information provided in the IBM TotalStorage DS4500 Fibre Channel Cabling
Instructions (pn 25R0406) and the IBM Tota

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Installing an SFP module and fibre channel cable 1. Remove the protective caps from the SFP module and from the fibre channel cable. Do not touch the exposed fibre-optic cable. Protective caps Wire Plastic Fibre Channel tab Protective tab cable Protective cap cap o 10 o 90 SFP module SFP module Figure 1. SFP modules and fibre channel cables 2. Insert the SFP module into an SFP module port on an IBM DS4500 mini hub. 3. Connect the fibre channel cable to the SFP module. Removing

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IN ! OUT 2 G 1 G b/sb/s IN OUT ! 2 G 1 G b/sb/s IN ! OUT 2 G 1 G b/sb/s IN ! OUT 2 G 1 G b/sb/s IN ! OUT 2 G 1 G b/sb/s IN ! OUT 2 G 1 G b/sb/s IN ! OUT 2 G 1 G b/sb/s IN ! OUT 2 G 1 G b/sb/s DANGER Some laser products contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser diode. Note the following. Laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view directly with optical instruments, and avoid direct exposure to the beam. Class 1 Laser statement IEC 825-11993 CENELEC EN 60 82

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IN ! OUT 2 Gb/s 1 Gb/s IN ! OUT 2 Gb/s 1 Gb/s IN ! OUT 2 Gb/s 1 Gb/s IN OUT ! 2 Gb 1 Gb /s /s IN ! OUT 2 Gb 1 Gb /s /s IN OUT ! 2 Gb/s 1 Gb/s IN OUT ! 2 Gb 1 Gb /s /s IN ! OUT 2 Gb/s 1 Gb/s Host 1, Host Adapter 1 and 2 Host 4, Host Adapter 1 and 2 Host 1 Host 4 Host 2 Host 3 Host 2, Host Adapter 1 and 2 Host 3, Host Adapter 1 and 2 Figure 3. DS4500 Storage Subsystem host adapter connections (direct-attached) For additional information about host-side cabling, refer to the IBM TotalStorage DS45

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Drive interface ports DS4500 Storage Subsystems use only redundant drive-loop configurations. Each drive mini hub connects to Controller A and Controller B and represents a single drive loop. The drive loops must be set up in pairs to support redundant drive loop configurations (two data paths per storage expansion enclosure). See Figure 4 for an illustration of the drive-side mini-hub interface ports. Drive loop C and D for redundant loop 2 Drive loop A and B for redundant loop 1 432

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Overview: Cabling a DS4500 with four drive mini hubs Review the following information carefully and then continue to “Configuring the drive loops” on page 10 perform the drive-side cabling for your DS4500 Storage Subsystem. Figure 5 on page 7 shows a storage subsystem containing one DS4500 Storage Subsystem and two redundant drive loops with four storage expansion enclosures each. The DS4500 configuration shown requires four drive mini hubs to be installed. Each storage expansion enclosur

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Input Output Input Output New DS4000 drive enclosure Last DS4000 drive enclosure Storage Expansion Enclosures - Group 1 First DS4000 drive enclosure Drive Loop A Drive Loop B DS4500 Storage Subsystem Drive Loop C ESMs Drive Loop D First DS4000 drive enclosure Storage Expansion Enclosures - Group 2 Last DS4000 drive enclosure Figure 5. Redundant drive loop cabling overview — four mini hubs 7 ds454min

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Attention: Previous DS4500 cabling documentation identified incorrectly the connections of drive loops B and C in DS4500 configurations with four drive mini hubs installed. Drive loop B was incorrectly shown as connecting to mini hub 3 and drive loop C was incorrectly shown as connecting to mini hub 2. Do not use the incorrect connections for drive loops B and C that are currently documented in the original IBM TotalStorage DS4500 Fibre Channel Cabling Instructions (pn 25R0406) and the IB

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swapping these mini-hubs, you will not need to schedule down time later for re-cabling the drive loop if additional mini hubs are installed to enable a second redundant drive loop. Attention: Re-cabling of drive loops to different drive mini hubs in an operating DS4500 Storage Subsystem configuration requires down time for the configuration. Drive Loop B Fibre Drive Loop A Fibre Channel interface Channel interface Cables Cables Input Output Output Input Last DS4000 drive enclosure St

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Drive Loop A Fibre Drive Loop B Fibre Input Output Channel interface Channel interface Input Cables Cables Output Last DS4000 drive enclosure Storage Expansion First DS4000 drive Enclosures - enclosure Group 1 Drive Loop A Drive Loop B DS4500 Storage Subsystem Drive minihub 1 Drive minihub 2 Figure 8. Redundant drive loop cabling overview with two mini hubs in slots 1 and 2 — Not for use unless you meet the requirements in the above Note Configuring the drive loops The procedure and illus

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Last storage expansion enclosure ESM boards Loop A Fibre Channel cable First storage expansion enclosure Storage server In Out ESM board Figure 9. Connecting two storage expansion enclosures into drive loop A For the location of the ports on the storage expansion enclosure ESM board, see Figure 10. Storage expansion enclosure In Out In Out ESM board Figure 10. Storage expansion enclosure environmental services module (ESM) board in and out ports 2. Connect the same first two stora

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Loop B Fibre Channel cable In Out ESM board Figure 11. Connecting two storage expansion enclosures into redundant drive loop B If you want to connect more storage expansion enclosures into drive loops A and B, continue with Step 3; otherwise, go to “Connecting a redundant drive loop to the DS4500” on page 13. 3. Connect additional storage expansion enclosures to drive loops A and B, as shown in Figure 12. Starting with the second storage expansion enclosure, connect each additional sto

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Loop A Loop B Storage expansion enclosure group 1 Storage server Storage expansion enclosure group 2 Loop C Loop D Figure 13. Connecting a second redundant storage expansion enclosure group (loops C and D) Connecting a redundant drive loop to the DS4500 Use the following procedure to connect a redundant drive loop to the DS4500 Storage Subsystem. You will need two fiber-optic cables for each redundant pair of loops (for example, loop A and loop B) that you are connecting to the DS4500 St

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Loop A Fibre Channel cables Last storage expansion enclosure First storage expansion enclosure Out port on drive mini hub 4 Figure 14. Connecting drive loop A to the DS4500 Storage Subsystem 2. Connect drive loop B to the DS4500 Storage Subsystem, as shown in Figure 15. Starting with the first storage expansion enclosure in the loop, connect the Out port on the right ESM board to the In (lower) port on drive mini hub 2. Leave the In port on the right ESM board on the last storage expan

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Leave the In port on the right ESM board on the first storage expansion enclosure in storage expansion enclosure group 2 and the Out (upper) port on drive mini hub 1 unoccupied. Input Input Output Output New DS4000 drive enclosure Last DS4000 drive enclosure Storage Expansion Enclosures - Group 1 First DS4000 drive enclosure Drive Loop A Drive Loop B DS4500 Storage Subsystem Drive Loop C ESMs Drive Loop D First DS4000 drive enclosure Storage Expansion Enclosures - Group 2 Last DS4000 drive

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Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: IBM TotalStorage Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. First edition (November 2005) © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

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4 IBM 19K4206PT1 Руководство по эксплуатации Компьютерный повод 0
5 IBM 10K0001 Руководство по эксплуатации Компьютерный повод 0
6 IBM 10K3799 Руководство по эксплуатации Компьютерный повод 0
7 IBM 2 Руководство по эксплуатации Компьютерный повод 8
8 IBM 22P6959 Руководство по эксплуатации Компьютерный повод 0
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13 IBM 22P6969 Руководство по эксплуатации Компьютерный повод 0
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15 IBM 22P6979 Руководство по эксплуатации Компьютерный повод 0
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