Руководство по эксплуатации HP (Hewlett-Packard) AutoRAID 12H

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства HP (Hewlett-Packard) AutoRAID 12H

Устройство: HP (Hewlett-Packard) AutoRAID 12H
Категория: Компьютерный повод
Производитель: HP (Hewlett-Packard)
Размер: 0.46 MB
Добавлено: 5/16/2014
Количество страниц: 20
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hp virtual array:
double your operating efficiency

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executive summary In today’s market environment, you are constantly challenged to find ways to both grow your business and save costs. And with the current market growth uncertainties, saving costs is getting a lot of attention by everyone from Main Street to Wall Street to inside the Beltway. HP has invented a solution that will get you on the road to saving money and set you up to grow revenue streams once the economy turns around. That solution is HP’s Virtual Arrays. It may sound com

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table of contents customer quotes • Amazon.com i • Room & Board i • State of New Mexico i ” • ViaSat ii • Santa Clara ii section 1: hp storage white paper November 2001 1 • virtualization, simplification and storage 1.0 • array virtualization defined 1.0 • the reasons you need more virtualization in the array 1.1 • key features of hp’s patented virtual technology 1.1 • why now is the time for array virtualization 1.2 • managing traditional storage 1.2 • configuring an array for a da

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customer quotes After seven years and 20,000 sales, we hardly consider virtualization new. Many companies have optimized their performance with HP, including: ” Amazon.com State of New Mexico “In consolidating from eight controllers to the HP “We look at three things when selecting data Surestore VA7100 we expected to see some warehouse disks. Price per terabyte, throughput performance degradation in running our Children, capabilities, and availability features. With the Youth, and Fa

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customer quotes cont’d Santa Clara ViaSat “We needed to move to the next generation of “We selected the HP Surestore Virtual Array ” technology as we merged data centers. We had 7400 storage based on the number of Oracle outgrown the large server farm scenario and ERP instances that would be needed. We found wanted to focus on consolidation. In discussing our the Virtual Array has many more features and current and future needs for our NT environment, capabilities than the Sun solution tha

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section 1 hp storage white paper virtualization, simplification These are not trivial benefits. Data centers are already complex, and with the continued explosion and storage 1 in storage capacity they will only become more so. HP’s Array Virtualization is evolutionary, not In 2001, HP announced two new disk arrays— revolutionary. It is a logical progression in array the HP Surestore Virtual Array 7400 and the HP technology. It is proven. It is necessary. It is the Surestore Virtual Arr

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hp storage white paper array virtualization defined This allows the array to dynamically allocate and achieve a balanced workload and eliminates de-allocate clusters of any RAID type without “hot spots” 1 affecting the logical view as seen from the server. In other words, clusters can be moved and new • automatically adds new disk drives into RAID 5 and RAID 1+0 stripes can be created or existing RAID groups extended dynamically without the host view being Benefit: capacity upgrades req

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hp storage white paper reasons for more virtualization in the array why now is the time for array managing traditional storage virtualization 1 “The mistakes are all there waiting to be made.” Data centers have become enormously complex. —Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Interestingly, new technologies that initially held Tartakower on the game’s opening the promise of simplifying the data center have, position in fact, added to the complexity—at least for now. Fibre Channel, SANs, an

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section 1 hp storage white paper In addition, the same processes must be followed administrators oftentimes don’t have all the critical whenever disk drives are added or the environment information. They don’t know the precise database 1 changes. Plus, these additional factors must be performance requirements for each of the pieces, considered: and they don’t know the performance behavior of the array in its multitude of configurations. • current configuration In these real-world environme

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section 1 hp storage white paper the system • determining the number of disks required for the necessary performance administrator’s dilemma 1 • creating the LUNs—note: creating LUNs Change is the issue. Many environments change takes only a few seconds per LUN over time and this makes their initial configurations progressively less and less optimal. The dilemma Step away from the array; the configuration is is that an optimum configuration today eventually now complete. Every other st

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section 1 hp storage white paper The HP Virtual Array accepts new disks while automating the cache the array is up and running and accepting I/Os parameters 1 as with some higher-end traditional arrays. However, the HP Virtual Array takes it one step Configuring a traditional array typically requires further. Once the disk is inserted, the array setting the cache parameters such as the percentage automatically includes that disk into the existing of read and write cache, the size of th

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section 1 hp storage white paper Every LUN would have 30 spindles at its disposal. for more details. And don’t forget, in the virtual array the spare Question: Shouldn’t a good system administrator 1 disk capacity is also spread across all of the know which RAID level the data is in? With the spindles, i.e., there are no unused spindles in an virtual array, I have no idea if it is in RAID 5 or HP Virtual Array. RAID 1+0. Short answer: Both the HP Surestore Virtual Second, the virtual

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section 1 hp storage white paper gives 100X the data protection of traditional environment changes. HP’s Virtual Array RAID 5 and 10X the data protection of RAID 1. Architecture tunes the array automatically, 24 1 Second: The HP Virtual Array stripes across all hours per day. It is the hands-down winner in the disks in the redundancy group. This involves real-world performance. A better analogy would more disks but is not so different from any other be to compare the multiple manual processe

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section 1 hp storage white paper accurately, the traditional array and the HP Virtual Consider: It is always easier to manage a Array would have similar performance. smaller number of things than a larger number of 1 However, the HP Virtual Array would still have things. At first, bits were grouped into bytes. the performance advantage because of its ability When there were too many bytes to keep track to efficiently load balance across all the disks in of, they had to be grouped into blocks

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section 2 “hp extends virtualization to the array” —by D.H. Brown Associates, Inc. virtual value in hp’s va7000 series 2 Virtualization is a key to solving complexities associated with storage configurations. As Information Technology continues its non-stop evolution, tools and devices that improve manageability while increasing business efficiency will command a premium in the marketplace. HP has taken a significant step forward in delivering its Virtual Array (VA) 7000 series with a full

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section 2 “hp extends virtualization to the array” —by D.H. Brown Associates, Inc. VA7000 virtualization, managed at the array super redundancy level, offers the advantage of providing greater enhances RAID 2 granularity when managing a pool of logical storage. Logical Unit Name (LUN) capacity is As alternatives to the “self-tuning” LUN-management definable as a logical set of storage blocks rather capability described above, the VA7000 series than as a specific set of predefined phy

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section 2 “hp extends virtualization to the array” —by D.H. Brown Associates, Inc. reliability characteristics of hp’s (consisting of all the even-numbered disk slots). Data movement and failover occur in the same manner va7000 series 2 as in the VA7100. • redundant, hot swappable controllers, fans, The variation in data management at the array level power supplies, and an internal fibre-channel provides great flexibility in matching performance hub eliminates planned downtime to appli

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section 2 “hp extends virtualization to the array” —by D.H. Brown Associates, Inc. software extends virtual functions 2 While hardware design and functionality are critical to enabling performance, software function can maximize the efficiency and flexibility of the device. HP’s software packages extend the management and flexibility of the VA7000 family while exploiting the virtualization capability. HP’s Software for VA7000 Series Feature VA7100 VA7400 CommandView SDM HP-UX with all PA

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section 2 “hp extends virtualization to the array” 1 The major HP Surestore software packages (identified on page 2.2) include, 2 • Command View SDM speeds and eases local and remote management, including install, configure, monitor, and control via a web browser, direct host attach, or SAN. HP Predictive Support programs and Event Monitoring Service (EMS) provide phone-home capability. • Smart Plug-ins allow HP Command View SDM to integrate and process storage events via SNMP with HP Ope

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06/02 5981-2067ENUC

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