Руководство по эксплуатации National Instruments 321042A-01

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства National Instruments 321042A-01

Устройство: National Instruments 321042A-01
Категория: Компьютерные аксессуары
Производитель: National Instruments
Размер: 0.34 MB
Добавлено: 4/15/2014
Количество страниц: 53
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Getting Started with Your STD-GPIB and the

Software for Windows
December 1995 Edition
Part Number 321042A-01
© Copyright 1995 National Instruments Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.

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National Instruments Corporate Headquarters 6504 Bridge Point Parkway Austin, TX 78730-5039 (512) 794-0100 Technical support fax: (800) 328-2203 (512) 794-5678 Branch Offices: Australia 03 9 879 9422, Austria 0662 45 79 90 0, Belgium 02 757 00 20, Canada (Ontario) 519 622 9310, Canada (Québec) 514 694 8521, Denmark 45 76 26 00, Finland 90 527 2321, France 1 48 14 24 24, Germany 089 741 31 30, Hong Kong 2645 3186, Italy 02 48301892, Japan 03 5472 2970, Korea 02 596 7456, Mexico 5 202 2544, Nether

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Limited Warranty The STD-GPIB hardware is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace equipment that proves to be defective during the warranty period. This warranty includes parts and labor. The media on which you receive National Instruments software are warranted not to fail to execute programming instructions, due to de

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Copyright Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation. Trademarks ® ® ® ® ™ ™ LabVIEW , NAT4882 , NI-488 , Turbo488 , NI-488.2 , and TNT4882C are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Product and company names listed are trademar

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FCC/DOC Radio Frequency Interference Compliance This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in strict accordance with the instructions in this manual, may cause interference to radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the following two regulatory agencies: Federal Communications Commission This device complies with Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules for a Class A digital device.

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• Move the equipment away from the receiver with which it is interfering. • Reorient or relocate the receiver’s antenna. • Be sure that the equipment is plugged into a grounded outlet and that the grounding has not been defeated with a cheater plug. Notice to user: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by National Instruments could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment under the FCC Rules. If necessary, consult National Instruments or an experienced radio/television techni

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Contents About This Manual ............................................................................................... ix How to Use the Manual Set ............................................................................. ix Organization of This Manual........................................................................... x Conventions Us

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Contents Presence Test of Module..................................................... 4-5 GPIB Cables Connected ..................................................... 4-6 Common Questions ......................................................................................... 4-6 Chapter 5 Using Your NI-488.2 Software.......................................................................... 5-1 Introduction to the Win16 Interactive Control Utility..................................... 5-1 General

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About This Manual This manual contains instructions to help you install and configure the National Instruments STD-GPIB interface board and the NI-488.2 software for Windows. The interface board is intended for use in a STD/STD32 system. The NI-488.2 software is intended for use with Windows version 3.1. This manual assumes that you are already fam

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About This Manual Organization of This Manual This manual is organized as follows: • Chapter 1, Introduction, explains how to use this manual, lists what you need to get started, and briefly describes the STD-GPIB and the NI-488.2 software. • Chapter 2, Hardware Configuration and Installation, contains instructions to help you configure and install your STD-GPIB. • Chapter 3, Software Installation and Configuration, contains instructions to help you install and configure your NI-488.2 software.

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About This Manual monospace Text in this font denotes text or characters that are to be literally input from the keyboard, sections of code, programming examples, and syntax examples. This font is also used for the proper names of disk drives, directories, programs, subprograms, subroutines, device names, functions, variables, field names and filenames. italic monospace Italic text in this font denotes that you must supply the appropriate words or values in place of these items. bold monospace

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About This Manual Customer Communication National Instruments wants to receive your comments on our products and manuals. We are interested in the applications you develop with our products, and we want to help if you have problems with them. To make it easy for you to contact us, this manual contains comment and configuration forms for you to complete. These forms are in Appendix C, Customer Communication, at the end of this manual. STD-GPIB for Windows xii © National Instruments Corp.

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Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter explains how to use this manual, lists what you need to get started, and briefly describes the STD-GPIB and the NI-488.2 software. How to Use This Manual Gather What You Need Chapter 1 to Get Started Need to Yes Change Hardware Configure the Hardware Settings? Chapter 2 No Install the Hardware Install the Softwar

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Introduction Chapter 1 What You Need to Get Started STD-GPIB STD-GPIB feedthrough front panel assembly 3.5 in. high density (1.44 MB) distribution disk: NI-488.2 Software for Windows and the AT-GPIB/TNT+, AT-GPIB/TNT (PnP), EISA-GPIB and AT-GPIB/TNT Microsoft Windows version 3.1 installed on your system Hardware Description The STD specification, IEEE 961, is an 8-bit microprocessor bus standard that combines small card size, flexibility, and expandability for industrial and commercial applicati

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Chapter 1 Introduction Software Description The STD-GPIB uses the NI-488.2 driver software for the AT-GPIB/TNT. The NI-488.2 software for Windows includes a Windows dynamic link library, language interface libraries, and debugging and development utilities. The NI-488.2 software and GPIB hardware transform a STD/STD32 system into a GPIB Talker/Listener/Controller that has complete communications and bus management capability. ni-pnp Utility Overview The ni-pnp utility is a small program that r

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Chapter 2 Hardware Configuration and Installation This chapter contains instructions to help you configure and install your STD-GPIB. Warning: Electrostatic discharge can damage some components on your STD-GPIB. To avoid such damage in handling the module, touch the antistatic plastic package to a metal part of your computer chassis before removing

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Hardware Configuration and Installation Chapter 2 Install the Hardware Perform the following steps to install the STD-GPIB. 1. Power off your STD/STD32 system. Keep the system plugged in so that it remains grounded while you install the STD-GPIB. 2. Remove any front plates that are blocking the access to the backplane slot. 3. Insert the STD-GPIB into any unused slot with the GPIB connector facing away from the backplane, as shown in Figure 2-1. 5 6 7 OFF ON 3 1 4 2 1 GPIB Ribbon Cable

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Chapter 2 Hardware Configuration and Installation Note: If you plan to perform HS488 high-speed protocol transfers, you must configure the NI-488.2 software for the amount of GPIB cable length in your system. The 5 in. GPIB ribbon cable must be added to your total GPIB cable length. 5. Mount the feedthrough panel assembly onto the STD/STD32 card cage using the two large thumbscrews. 6. Check that the installation resembles Figure 2-2. OFF ON 2 1 1 Feedthrough Panel Assembly 2 Thumbscrews Figure

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Hardware Configuration and Installation Chapter 2 Configure the Hardware Follow the instructions in this section to change the hardware settings of the STD-GPIB before you install it. The default settings are suitable for most STD systems, but you need to change the hardware settings in the following situations: • If you want to use interrupts for the STD-GPIB • If the default settings conflict with another device in your system • If you are installing more than one STD-GPIB The default setting

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Chapter 2 Hardware Configuration and Installation Figure 2-3 shows the location of the configuration jumpers and switches on the STD-GPIB. 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 6 1 Interrupt Level 3 Assembly Number 5 Product Name 7 Mode of Operation 2 DMA Channel 4 Serial Number 6 Shield Ground 8 Base I/O Address Figure 2-3. STD-GPIB Parts Locator Diagram © National Instruments Corp. 2-5 STD-GPIB for Windows

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