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Making the World a More Comfortable Place
SANYO’s absorption technology is in evidence in
many aspects of our daily lives, from where we do
business to the places we choose to relax.
Type DE (Direct-fired Chiller/Heaters)
For the safety sake
Type NE (Steam-fired Chillers)
Type LE (Hot water-fired Chillers)
Before operating the unit
*To use the unit properly before operating, be sure to carefully read the operation manual.
*Installation should conform to regulations and laws such as Building Stan
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Keeping the nature beautiful for the future generations.... That is the common wish of the human race. The biggest cause of environmental deterioration, such as global warming, are CO2 emissions due to energy consumption, and countermeasures are being undertaken on a worldwide scale. CONTENTS Every effort is being made to improve the environmental situation, from an institutional level to an individual level. Today companies are required to li
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Introducing the SANYO absorption chillers: SANYO absorption chillers highlights SANYO, as a leading company in this field more then 20 years in domes- With the ever-changing requirements of building owners and continual In many parts of the world, the cost of electricity and penalties adminis- • Allows for smaller emergency generators to be utilized since the elec- tered through demand limits, inverted rates, time-of-day rates, ratchet tic mar
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Component identification Chiller features Low temperature generator Expert function by self-diagnosis Control panel High temperature generator Expert function is provided to monitor operating conditions, predict chiller information and maintain stable operation. Condenser Generator ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Prediction information sight glass Graph 1. Fouling of heat transfer tubes in cooling water system 8 Maintenance judgement line Maintenance zone 6 4 Not
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION SANYO control system Display and control board tional records are displayed along with indicator lights for the chiller, pumps The SANYO control system surpasses other proportional only control Table 2. Typical operation data and burner. systems available today. The digital PID(proportional, integral, and dif- Temperature High temperature generator The SANYO control system offers its users self-diagnostics by constantly ferential) control ma
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Speedy digital PID control Optimum dilution cycle period can be shortened substantially according to microprocessor monitoring The introduction of new digital PID control to the E-model stabilizes the chilled/hot water temperature. It is suitable for air-conditioning intelligent This results in the appropriate dilution cycle operating hours. chilled/hot water temperature with high accuracy than the previous C buildings which require sophistica
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION High temperature generator safety control The absorption cycle When the temperature of the high temperature generator is higher Together with the cooling water safety control and absorbent crystallization pro- The absorption cooling cycle, like the compression refrigeration cycle, uti- Figure 1. Simplified absorption cycle than a certain temperature level, the steam consumption is controlled to tection control, the safety operating zone is br
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Absorption cooling cycle The SANYO super absorption machine applies the same basic absorption D. High temperature generator section The absorption cycle operates in a vacuum. This permits the liquid refriger- principles but enhances the cycle by adding additional heat exchangers and The diluted solution from the heat exchangers is heated by the burner or constant concentration to point D, where the refrigerant vapor is released ant to boil at
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Direct-fired chiller / heaters F. Condenser section The refrigerant vapor from the low temperature generator is condensed on generator section and is rejected to the cooling tower. the cooling water heat transfer tubes of the condenser (see Figure 7). The The condensed (liquid) refrigerant then flows to the evaporator where the cooling water from the absorber flows through the condenser and removes cycle starts again. the heat of condensation
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Cooling cycle Heating cycle In the absorption heating cycle (Figure 10), the unit is essentially acting as a Figure 9. Cooling cycle heat transfer tubes removes the sensible heat of the condensed refrigerant boiler. Diluted solution is heated in the high temperature generator releasing and transfers the heat to the hot water loop. The condensed refrigerant is Exhaust Gas refrigerant vapor from the absorbent. mixed with the intermediate soluti
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Double effect direct-fired absorption chiller / heaters This is a high efficient-double effect absorption chiller / heaters using combustion heat of gas or oil as the driving heat source. It is able to take chilled water of 7°C while hot water of 55°C is in heating mode.
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Scope of supply (DE) Scope of order (DE) 1.Absorption chiller / heaters Item Standard Option 2.Factory test (1) Lower shell Inlet : 12.0°C Outlet : 5°C~12°C Temperature •Evaporator and refrigerant dispersion tray Outlet : 7.0°C Temperature difference: 3°C~10°C Tests below are carried out in the SANYO factory. Chilled water Changes depending on chilled water temperature
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Figure 11. DE-11 Thru DE-12 CHW out / in COW in / out NOTES 1. Dimensions (L), (W), (H) are for the unit with rupture disk. 882 The dimensions are changed if additional parts are added. 800 777 2. indicates the position of anchor bolts. 3. All external water piping with welded JIS 10K flanges are to be provided by the customer. 4. indicates the position of the power supply connect
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Figure 13. DE-21 Thru DE-22 CHW in/out COW in COW out CHW in NOTES 1. Dimensions (L), (W), (H) are for the unit with rupture disk. The dimensions are changed if additional parts are added. 1065 2. indicates the position of anchor bolts. 1000 905 3. All external water piping with welded JIS 10K flanges are to be provided by the customer. 4. indicates the position of the power suppl
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Figure 15. DE-31 Thru DE-32 CHW in/out COW in COW out NOTES 1. Dimensions (L), (W), (H) are for the unit with rupture disk. The dimensions are changed if additional parts are added. 2. indicates the position of anchor bolts. 1156 3. All external water piping with welded JIS 10K flanges are to be provided by 1100 978 the customer. 4. indicates the position of the power supply conne
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Figure 17. DE-51 Thru DE-53 CHW in/out COW out COW in NOTES 1. Dimensions (L), (W), (H) are for the unit with rupture disk. AB C The dimensions are changed if additional parts are added. 2. indicates the position of anchor bolts. 1600 1463 3. All external water piping with welded JIS 10K flanges are to be provided by the customer. 4. indicates the position of the power supply conn
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Figure 19. DE-71 Thru DE-73 CHW in/out COW in COW out Wire connection ø52 hole NOTES 1. Dimensions (L), (W), (H) are for the unit with rupture disk. AB C The dimensions are changed if additional parts are added. 2. indicates the position of anchor bolts. 2410 2200 3. All external water piping with welded JIS 10K flanges are to be provided by 2005 the customer. 4. indicates the posi
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Control panel (DE) Foundation dimensional data (DE) Figure 22. DE-11 Thru DE-12 Figure 21. Details of weld C Nut S Washer Weld Base AA AA P COOLING BURNER SETTING STOP RUN CHILLER HEATING ALARM H Generator temp 149.9°C REF PUMP BUZZER STOP H BB #1 ABS PUMP A=150mm and more MODE CC #2 ABS PUMP OPERATION REMOTE PURGE PUMP BURNER BLOWER STOP LOCAL N Q Figure 23. DE-13 Thru DE-63 H C A B D D Figure 24. DE-71 Thru DE-82 C H AA D AA D Tabl
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Field wiring (DE) Start/Stop sequence of auxiliary equipments Figure 26. Typical electrical field connection diagram - Direct-fired (DE) Start Cooling water pump Chilled/hot water pump operates and then Start signal Operate air conditioners operates and Machine operates cooling tower fan ventilation fan operates operates To power source 3 Ph,50/60Hz Stop 400V, 415V, 440V Cooling water pump Chilled/hot water pump stops Stop signal Diluted op
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ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY SUPER ABSORPTION Sequence of cooling operation (DE) Sequence of heating operation (DE) Figure 27 illustrates the typical operating sequence of a SANYO DE di- As the cooling load is satisfied with the chiller/heaters at minimum load, Figure 28 illustrates the typical operating sequence of a SANYO DE di- As the heating load is satisfied with the chiller/heaters at minimum load, rect-fired absorption chiller / heaters. The NE steam-fired unit does not the unit wi