Руководство по эксплуатации Zenoah GZ4500

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Zenoah GZ4500

Устройство: Zenoah GZ4500
Категория: Цепная пила
Производитель: Zenoah
Размер: 1.63 MB
Добавлено: 2/6/2014
Количество страниц: 72
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Краткое содержание
Краткое содержание страницы № 1

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Краткое содержание страницы № 2

English SAFETY FIRST Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a symbol concern critical points which must be taken into consideration to prevent possible serious bodily injury, and for this reason you are requested to read all such instructions carefully and follow them without fail. ■ WARNINGS IN THE MANUAL WARNING This mark indicates instructions which must be followed in order to prevent accidents which could lead to serious bodily injury or death. IMPORTANT This mark

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Français Español SECURITE LA SEGURIDAD PRIMERO Les instructions contenues dans les mises en Las instrucciones que aparecen en este manual garde de ce mode d’emploi portant le symbole bajo las advertencias marcadas con el símbolo concernent les points critiques qui doivent être hacen referencia a puntos críticos que deben pris en considération pour éviter les blessures tomarse en consideración para evitar posibles corporelles graves, c’est pourquoi ces précautions lesiones físicas; por esta razó

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

English 1. Parts location 1. Front guard 2. Starter knob 3. Air cleaner cover 4. Choke knob 5. Throttle interlock 6. Right handle 7. Throttle lever 8. Engine switch 9. Fuel tank 10. Oil tank 11. Left handle 12. Saw chain 13. Guide Bar English 2. Specifications ■ GZ4500 Power unit : 3 Displacement ·············································································································· 2.69(44.0) cu-in(cm ) Fuel ·······························································

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

Français Español 1. Emplacement des pieces 1. Situación de las piezas 1. Garde avant 1. Protector delantero 2. Poignée de démarrage 2. Arrancador 3. Capot du filtre à air 3. Cubierta del filtro de aire 4. Bouton de starter 4. Botón dae estrangulador 5. Poussoir de sécurité 5. Suguro del acelerador 6. Manette de daoite 6. Asa derecha 7. Gâchette d’acéiérateur 7. Palanea del acelerador 8. Interruptear 8. Interruptor 9. Réservoir de carburant 9. Tanque de combustible 10. Réservoirdhuik 10. Tanque d

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

English 3. Warning labels on the machine (1)Read operator's instruction book before (1) operating this machine. (2) Wear head, eye and ear protection. (2) (3) Use the chain saw with two hands. (3) (4) Warning! Danger of kickback. (4) (5) Read, understand and follow all warnings. (5) 6

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Français Español 3. Etiquettes d’avertissement sur la machine 3. Etiqueta de advertencia en la máquina (1) Lire le manuel avant d’utiliser cette machine. (1)Antes de utilizar esta máquina, leer el manual del operador. (2)Porter casque, lunettes de protection et (2) Llevar casco, gafas y auriculares de protección. protège-oreilles. (3) Utiliser la tronçonneuse en se servant des deux (3) Sujete siempre la motosierra con ambas manos. mains. (4) Avertissement ! Phénomène de rebond (4)¡Advertencia! A

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English 4. Symbols on the machine For safe operation and maintenance, symbols are carved in relief on the machine. According to these indications, please be careful not to make any mistake. (a) (a) The port to refuel “MIX GASOLINE” Position: Fuel cap (b) The port to top up chain oil (b) Position: Oil cap (c) (c) Setting the switch to the “O” position, the engine stops immediately. Position: Rear-left of the unit (d) Starting the engine. If you pull out the choke knob (d) (at the back-right of t

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Français Español 4. Symboles utilises sur la machine 4. Símbolos presentes en la máquina Pour une utilisation et un entretien sûrs, Para un uso y mantenimiento seguros les symboles sont gravés en relief sur la se han grabado en relieve los machine. siguientes símbolos sobre la máquina. Selon ces indications, faire attention de Con respecto de estos símbolos, tenga ne pas commettre d’erreur. cuidado de no cometer ningún error. (a) Orifice de remplissage de “MELANGE DEUX (a) Aviso de que es tiempo

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

English 5. For safe operation 1. Never operate a chain saw when you are fatigued, ill, or upset, or under the influence of medication that may make you drowsy, or if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 2. Use safety footwear, snug fitting clothing and eye, hearing and head protection devices. Use the vibration-proof glove. 3. Keep the saw chain sharp and the saw, including the AV system, well maintained. A dull chain will increase cutting time, and pressing a dull chain through wo

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad 1. Ne jamais utiliser une tronçonneuse lorsqu’on est 1. Nunca opere la motosierra cuando esté fatigado, fatigué, malade, énervé, sous l’influence de enfermo o irritado, ni cuando esté bajo la influencia médicaments entraînant vertige ou somnolence, ou de medicamentos que pueden causar somnolencia, encore sous I’influence de l’alcool ou de drogues. ni cuando esté bajo el efecto de alcohol o drogas. 2. Porter des chaussures de

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English 5. For safe operation 9. Never start cutting until you have a clear work area, secure footing, and a planned retreat path from the falling tree. 10.Always hold the chain saw firmly with both hands when the engine is running. Use a firm grip with thumb and fingers encircling the chain saw handles. 11.Keep all parts of your body away from the saw chain when the engine is running. 12.Before you start the engine, make sure the saw chain is not contacting anything. 13.Always carry the cha

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Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad 9. Avant de commencer à tronçonner, dégager le lieu 9. Nunca comience a cortar antes de tener un área de de travail, prévoir une voie de retraite pour le trabajo despejada, un buen apoyo para los pies y moment où l’arbre va choir et bien se caler les un escape seguro para evitar el árbol al caer. pieds pour assurer sa posture. 10.Lorsque le moteur est en marche, tenir fermement 10.Sostenga la motosierra firmemente con ambas

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

English 5. For safe operation 16. Always shut off the engine before setting it down. 17. Use extreme caution when cutting small size brush and saplings because slender material may catch the saw chain and be whipped toward you or pull you off balance. 18.When cutting a limb that is under tension, be alert for spring- back so that you will not be struck when the tension in the wood fibers is released. 19. Never cut in high wind, bad weather, when visibility is poor or in very high or low tempe

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad 16.Toujours arrêter le moteur avant de poser la 16.Asegúrese de apagar el motor antes de bajar la tronçonneuse. motosierra. 17.Observer la plus grande prudence en coupant les 17.Trabaje con sumo cuidado al cortar arbustos o broussailles. Une liane ou un arbrisseau se prenant árboles jóvenes. El material frágil de éstos puede dans la chaîne risquent de faire perdre l’équilibre quedar trabado en la cadena de la motosierra y

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

English 5. For safe operation into your saw. As a chain saw user you should take several steps to keep cutting jobs free from accident or injury. (1) With a basic understanding of kickback you can reduce or eliminate the element of surprise. Sudden surprise contributes to accidents. (2) Keep a good grip on the saw with both hands, the right hand on the rear handle, and the left hand on the front handle, when the engine is running. Use a firm grip with thumbs and fingers encircling the chain saw

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad • Les dispositifs de sécurité dont est équipée la la motosierra tronçonneuse ne dispensent pas d’observer la plus y puede resultar severamente lesionado. grande prudence. Pour éviter tout accident ou • Nunca confíe sólo en los dispo-sitivos de seguridad blessure, observer scrupuleusement les consignes incorporados en la motosierra. Al utilizar la de sécurité motosierra, es necesario proceder según pasos ci-après lors de I’

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English 6. Installing guide bar and saw chain ■ A standard saw unit package contains the items F1 as illustrated. (F1) (1) Power unit (2) Guide bar (3) Saw chain (4) Plug wrench (5) Screwdriver for carburetor adjustment Open the box and install the guide bar and the saw chain on the power unit as follows: WARNING The saw chain has very sharp edges. Use thick protective gloves for safety. 1. Pull the guard towards the front handle to check that the chain brake is not engaged. 2. Loosen the nuts

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Français Español 6. Montage du guide-chaîne et de la chaîne 6. Instalación de la barra guía y de la cadena de la motosierra ■ Contenu de I’emballage de la tronçonneuse. (F1) ■ El paquete estándar de la motosierra contiene los elementos indicados en la ilustración. (F1) (1) Groupe moteur (2) Guide-chaîne (1) Unidad de potencia (3) Chaîne (2) Barra guía (4) Clé pour obturateurs (3) Cadena de la motosierra (5) Tournevis de réglage du carburateur (4) Llave de tuerca (5) Destornillador para ajuste de

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English 6. Installing guide bar and saw chain NOTE A new chain will expand its length in the beginning of use. Check and readjust the tension frequently as a loose chain can easily derail or cause rapid wear of itseif and the guide bar. 20

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