Руководство по эксплуатации SmartBridges sB3415-03

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства SmartBridges sB3415-03

Устройство: SmartBridges sB3415-03
Категория: Степпер
Производитель: SmartBridges
Размер: 2.59 MB
Добавлено: 10/26/2013
Количество страниц: 75
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u n w i r i n g o u r w o r l d

airClient™ TOTAL 241 Series
sB3415-01 / sB3415-02 / sB3415-03

User Guide

Version 2.1

Copyright © smartBridges Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm CONTENTS ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ..........................................................................................................4 Overview of User Guide......................................................................................................4 Related Publications...........................................................................................................5 Technical Support Center .......................

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm 5.8. FIRMWARE UPGRADE ....................................................................................................66 5.9. PRODUCT LICENSE KEY ................................................................................................68 5.10. LINK BUDGET PLANNING................................................................................................69 5.11. SYSTEM LOG ......................................................

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm Congratulations on your purchase of sB product Your airClient™ TOTAL 241 unit is designed so that you can set it up easily and be on your way to get unwired. Important: Read all user instructions carefully before you use your device. About This Document This user guide is for the networking professional who installs, configures and manages the smartBridges’ airClient™ TOTAL 241 series. Unless specifically stated, the configurati

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm Chapter 5: • The site survey tool • The system configuration tools • Backup/restore features • Firmware upgrade steps • Using the License Key feature for bandwidth upgrade on the unit. The abbreviations and acronyms used in this user guide are explained in the Appendix. Related Publications In addition to this user guide, the following related publications provide complete information on the TOTAL series (airHaul™, airPoint™

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm 1. Introduction This user manual will guide you through initial site preparation, installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of the airClient TOTAL 241 [sB3415] unit. A web-based management tool is provided to assist the user to configure the airClient TOTAL unit for different purposes. The airClient TOTAL web-based management tool provides the user with the following features: • System configuration • Device operational mode

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm 1.2. Checklists Deployment time, link-up time and support time can be improved by adopting proper site survey analysis, link planning, pre-installation tests, and web-GUI familiarization. The following pre-installation and post- installation checklist attempts to give the installer the basic understanding on the points to consider for a wireless deployment. Pre-Installation Checklist for airClient TOTAL Organization Name/Site Name

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm No Parameters Units Site A Site B 18 Length of external cable connecting Radio and Feet/meters antenna 19 Fade Margin taken into account for link Ideally between 15 to 20 dB budgeting 20 Model of smartBridges airClient TOTAL sB3415 equipment selected for a link. Please refer to note below for selecting the right equipment 21 Grounding- Earth to Neutral Voltage Ideally less than 2 Volts 22 Length of the Ethernet cabl

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm Post-Installation Checklist for airClient TOTAL Organization Name/Site Name Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number General Configuration Information No Parameters Units Site A Site B 1 Radio operation mode sB3415-01 / sB3415-02 : Router / NAT sB3415-03 : Bridge / Router / NAT 2 SSID of a Radio Up to 32 characters 3 IP address of Ethernet Port 32-bit numeric address 4 IP addre

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm Checklist No Parameters Units Site A Site B 1 Check the crimping of the Ethernet cable at Yes/No both the ends 2 Check the proper grounding of the antenna and Yes/No equipment 3 Ensure that there are no extreme bends or Yes/No kinks in the cable 4 Ensure Ethernet cable is not running near a Yes/No sharp edge 5 Ensure antenna is aligned to get the best RSSI Yes/No and link quality 6 Ping response ms

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm 2. airClient TOTAL Configuration The airClient TOTAL sB3415-01 and sB3415-02 can work in either Router or NAT mode. The airClient TOTAL sB3415-03 can work in one of the three modes: Bridge, Router or NAT. The procedures for configuring the various parameters in each mode are outlined in this chapter. Some of the details on the technical terms, acronyms and abbreviations used can be found in Appendix A. 2.1. Administrator Login and

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm Figure 2-2 airClient TOTAL License Agreement Page airClient™ TOTAL 3415 User Guide Page 12 of 75

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm Figure 2-3 airClient TOTAL Summary Information Page airClient™ TOTAL 3415 User Guide Page 13 of 75

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm The descriptions of the fields in the Summary Information page are provided in the table (Table 2-1) below: Table 2-1 Description of the field items in the ‘Summary Information’ page Field Items on Summary Info page Descriptions LAN IP Mode Set to Static IP by default System Name This is the user defined name of the unit LAN Settings IP Address Ethernet IP Address. Subnet Mask Ethernet IP subnet Mask WLAN Type Static IP or Dynamic

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm 2.2. Web GUI Administrator User Name and Password Change The default administrator user name for the airClient TOTAL 3415 is administrator and administrator password is smartBridges (please note that this is case sensitive). Follow the steps below to change the administrator user name and/or password: 1. From the top navigation menu bar, click on Tools | System Admin. A System Administration interface will appear as shown below.

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm 2.3. Using the Configuration Pages The airClient TOTAL configuration system comprises several pages for configuring each parameter. A common navigation menu bar is provided at the top of each page for easy navigation as shown in the figure below (Figure 2-5). Figure 2-5 airClient TOTAL Navigation Menu Bar The Navigation menu bar contains menu items that allow the user to go to different configuration pages. The following table

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm Menu Item Menu Sub-items Description Displays traffic statistics on the Wireless Statistics Wireless side Shows the status of the association and the MAC of the AP associated with. Association Status Shows the Link Status Graph for the associated link. Allows user to Enable or Disable DHCP Server DHCP Allows user to Enable/Disable DHCP Relay (Note: DHCP Relay feature is only applicable for the 3415-03 model). Displays

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm Menu Item Menu Sub-items Description Note: By default, the Security mode is Disabled. AES security mode is only available in 3415-03 model. Allows user to switch the operation mode between Bridge (sB3415-03 System Configuration Only), Router or NAT mode. Allows the user to Reset the unit, Restore unit to Factory defaults. Allows user to set the Network Time SNTP Setting Server and the Time Zone. Shows a

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm Menu Item Menu Sub-items Description Technical Support Information on Technical Support User Guide – Online Link to online user guide Allows user to register product and Help Product Registration and Feedback provide feedback or suggestions. Checks smartBridges website for any Check for Updates software updates. General system description, software About airClient TOTAL version information and warranty information. Allows

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i n t e ll igen t w i rel e ss pl a t f o rm 2.4. Device Mode Configuration The device operational mode is displayed at the top right hand corner of each page. The device mode configuration allows the user to configure the airClient TOTAL to a NAT (Network Address Translation) mode or Router mode for 3415-01 and 3415-02 models, and NAT or Router or Bridge mode for the 3415- 03 model. These modes are explained below. NAT: This is the default operating mode. This mode allows you

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