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Emergency Dialer
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SKYLINK TECHNOLOGIES INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS Your Guide to the PACKAGE CONTENTS............................................................................................4 OVERVIEW.....................................................................................................5-6 Emergency Dialer INSTALLATION..............................................................................................................7-9 TM LIGHTS AND SOUNDS....................................................
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* * * # # C # A B PACKAGE CONTENTS OVERVIEW All materials required for installation are included with this package The AD-105 emergency dialer can call multiple phone numbers during an emergency situation and it will playback prerecorded messages. There are 2 operating modes you can set up in the AD-105 dialer. 1 Dial-Alert (AD-105) 1 Telephone Line SC-001 Mode - Works with SC-001 1 antenna (installed) 1 AC adapter You can setup the AD-105 to communicate with a control panel
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OVERVIEW INSTALLATION Dial Alert AD-105 must work with the specific sensors listed below. Ensure only the The Dial-Alert is installed using the screws provided. We have also included listed sensors are used with the AD-105, otherwise, the communication between the double sided tape, to use for temporary installation while you are positioning sensors and the Dial Alert may not function properly. If you have a Skylink wireless the dialer. Once the dialer is positioned correctly, install it permane
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INSTALLATION INSTALLATION Speaker On/Off Switch 2. Thread the telephone line through the top The speaker must be on during pro- hole in the back of the unit and plug it into gramming and recording the voice the "LINE" jack. If you want to have an message in order to use the playback answering machine on the same line as feature. For security purposes, the the dialer, thread the phone line through the speaker may be turned off after pro- bottom hole in the back of the unit and plug gramming to a
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LIGHTS AND SOUNDS STANDARD PROGRAMMING There are a few programming steps you must perform before the dialer can Below is an explanation of the lights and sounds of the Dial-Alert operate. Please follow the instructions below to program these fields, including: LIGHTS - Selecting the Operation Mode ACPWR light on dialer is being powered by AC adapter. - Record voice messages ACPWR light off dialer is not receiving any AC power. - Phone numbers you wish to dial during emergency (up to 9 phone numb
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STANDARD PROGRAMMING STANDARD PROGRAMMING 5. After recording the message, you will hear the recorded message. After the RECORD A VOICE MESSAGE message playback, it will quit from programming and return to standby mode. 6. The display still shows “not rEAdy” because no phone number has been You must record a message and program at least one phone number in programmed. order for the Dial Alert to work. MESSAGE PLAYBACK The voice recording procedure is different between the 2 operating modes, SC
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STANDARD PROGRAMMING STANDARD PROGRAMMING 1. Enter the current password (factory default password is 0000), then Do not program the phone number to police or fire dept directly into your Dial-Alert press [PROG], display will show [P] meaning you are now in programming unless you have checked with your local authorities. Please also inform all the mode. recipients that their phone numbers have been programmed into your dialer, so 2. Enter [5] which represents programming a device. You will see t
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OPERATIONS OPERATIONS SC-001 Mode 1. To stop the call from calling a specific phone number. Since there is a redial count and regardless of whether the call is picked When the display shows “rEAdy”, that means the unit is in standby mode. up or not, it will redial based on the redial counts. If the redial count is set It will dial when it receives a panic signal from the alarm panel, or its own to 3 times, that means it will call that phone number 3 times. If the panic button is pressed. recip
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ADVANCED PROGRAMMING ADVANCED PROGRAMMING Changing Password Erase Programmed Panic Transmitters / Alarm Panels / Sensors Password is required for programming purposes. Factory default is 0000. You may erase the programmed wireless devices, panic transmitter, alarm To change the setting, follow the instructions below. panels and wireless sensors. You cannot erase a specific device, you must erase all the devices and then program the ones that you would like to keep. 1. Enter the current password
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ADVANCED PROGRAMMING ADVANCED PROGRAMMING 1. Enter the current password (factory default password is 0000), then 3. Enter [1] to disable universal dial tone meaning a proper dial tone must press [PROG], display will show [P] meaning you are now in programming be presented before dialing, or [2] to enable universal dial tone, so the mode. Dial Alert will dial regardless of the dial tone. 2. Enter [8], display now shows [P8 1], the most right digit represents 4. If the new setting is accepted,
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ADVANCED PROGRAMMING BATTERY MAINTENANCE The AD-105 Dial-Alert comes with 1 battery that at some point you may CONNECT THE DIAL-ALERT WITH YOUR EXISTING ALARM SYSTEM have to replace: You may connect your existing alarm system with the Dial-Alert so that the dialer will be triggered by your alarm system when it is activated. There are 2 ways you One 9 volt alkaline battery for the Dial-Alert can connect your dialer with your existing alarm system. 1. Connect the dialer with the alarm system Recom
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ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES Additional sensors and transmitters as well as add on accessories are available Temperature Sensor (TS-101A) to work with your Dial-Alert. - Monitors temperature of a specific area (i.e., greenhouse, horse farms, laboratory etc.) Security Control Panel (SC-001) - Activates Security Control Panel (SC-001) or - Four alarm modes (Day, Night, Away, Chime) Emergency Dialer (AD-105) when the tempera- - Four zones, each zone controls up to 6 ture of t
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ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES Audio Sensor (AS-101) - Detects alarm sound from existing security system alarm; sends signal to Dial-Alert. - Eliminates need for monitoring service. - 9V alkaline battery included Vibration Sensor (VS-101) - Activates Security Control Panel or Emergency Dialer when vibration is detected - Attach vibration sensor to valuables - 3V lithium battery included TM Garage Door Monitor Sensor (GS-101) - Place sensor on garage door - Activates Security Control Panel or Em