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Instruction Manual
Manual de Instrucciones
Manuel d’Instructions
Read and follow all SafetyRules andOperating Instructionsbefore
using this product. Fai
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IDENTIFICATIONOFSYMBOLS Read andunderstand the WARNING! This chain saw instruction manual before can be dangerous! Careless or using the chainsaw. improper use can cause serious or even fatal injury. Measured maximumkick- XX_ Always wear appropriate back valuewithout chain ear protection, eyeprotec- brakefor the bar and chain tionandhead protection. combinationon thelabel. Always usetwohands when operatingthechain saw. WARNING! Contactingtheguide bar tip withany ob- ject shouldbe avoided; tip co
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Hearing Protection tionofthismanual. Forexample,ifimprop- Safety Hat ertoolsareusedtoremoveorholdthefly- Eye wheelwhenservicingtheclutch,structural Protection Snug damage to the flywheel can occur and Fitting causetheflywheel to burst. Heavy Duty Clothing S Make certainthe sawchain stopsmoving Gloves when the throttle trigger is released. For correction, refer to CARBURETOR AD- JUSTMENT. S Never modify your saw inany way. Safety Safety Chaps S Keepthehandlesdry,clean,andfreeofoil Shoes or fuel m
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chain rotation. The saw is driven straight S Watch for shifting logs or other forces that back toward theoperator. couldcloseacutandpinchorfallintochain. S Pull-In can occur when the moving chain S Use the Reduced--Kickback Guide Bar and Low--Kickback Chain specified for contacts a foreign object in the wood in the your saw. cutalongthebottomoftheguidebarandthe sawchainissuddenlystopped.Thissudden MAINTAINCONTROL stopping pulls the saw forward and away fromtheoperatorandcouldeasilycausethe Stand
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S Reduced--Kickback Guide Bar, designed PROTECTYOUINTHEEVENTOFAKICK- with a small radius tip which reduces the BACK. Kickback is a lightning fast action size of the kickback danger zone on the which throws the bar and rotating chain back bar tip. A Reduced--Kickback Guide Bar and up toward the operator. Kickback canbe hasbeendemonstratedtosignificantlyre- causedby allowingcontactofthebartipinthe ducethenumberandseriousnessofkick- danger zone with any hard object. Kickback backs when tested in ac
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NOTE: Ifthissawistobeusedforcom- SPECIALNOTICE:Yoursaw is equipped mercial logging, a chain brake is required with a temperature limiting muffler and spark and shall not be removed or otherwise dis- arresting screen which meets the abledtocomplywithFederalOSHARegula- requirements of California Codes 4442 and tions for Commercial Logging. 4443. All U.S. forest land and the states of California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington require by WARNING: The engine exhaust law
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12. Install bar nuts and finger tighten only. Once the chain is tensioned, you will need totighten bar nuts. CHAINTENSION(Includingunits withchainalreadyinstalled) WARNING: Wearprotectivegloves whenhandlingchain. Thechainissharpand can cut youevenwhen it is not moving. NOTE: When adjusting chain tension, Bar bolts make sure the chain brake nuts are finger tight only. Attempting to tension the chain when the chain brake nuts are tight can Guide bar cause damage. 6. Carefullyremovethechainfromthep
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8. Ifchainistooloose,itwillsagbelowthe guide bar. DO NOT operate the saw if thechain is loose. NOTE: The chain is tensioned correctly Bar Nuts whentheweightofthechaindoesnotcauseit tosagbelowtheguidebar(withthechainsaw sitting inan uprightposition), butthe chainstill moves freely around the guide bar. WARNING: If the saw is operated 6. Use the screwdriver end of the bar tool tomovechain aroundguidebar. withaloosechain,thechaincouldjumpoffthe 7. If chain does not rotate, it is too tight. guidebar
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CHAINBRAKE CHAIN TENSION The chain brake is a device designed to stop Itisnormalforanewchaintostretchduring the thechainifkickbackoccurs. The chainbrake first15minutesofoperation.Youshouldcheck activates automatically in the event of kick- your chain tension each time before you start back. Thechainbrakeactivatesmanuallyifthe the chain saw. See CHAIN TENSION under fronthandguardis pushedforward.Thechain the ASSEMBLY section. brake is disengaged by pulling the front hand guard back toward the fro
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Use only 15 ″ -- 18 ″ (40 -- 45cm) of 4. Pullthestarterropesharply5timeswith ropeper pull. your right hand. Then, proceed to the next step. Hold saw firmly while pullingstarter rope. NOTE: Iftheenginesoundsasifitistrying Starter RopeHandle to start before the 5th pull, stop pulling and immediately proceed tothenext step. Left Hand 5. Push the choke/fast idle lever in to the onFront HALF CHOKE position. Handle CHOKE/FASTIDLELEVER OFF HALF FULL Right Foot ThroughRear Handle WARNING: Donotattemptto
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S This saw is equipped with a chain brake. S Practicecuttingafewsmalllogsusingthe Thebrakeis designedtostopthe chain if followingtechniquestogetthe“feel”ofus- kickback occurs. ing your saw before you begin a major S The inertia--activated chain brake is sawing operation. activatedifthefronthandguardispushed S Squeezethethrottletriggerandallowthe forward, either manually (by hand) or enginetoreachfullspeedbeforecutting. automatically (by suddenmovement). S Begin cutting with the saw frame S If th
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Planaclearretreatpathtotherearanddiag- NOTE: Before felling cut is complete, use onaltotheline of fall. wedges to open the cut if necessary to controlthedirectionoffall. Toavoidkickback Planaclearretreatpath and chain damage, use wood or plastic wedges, but never steel or iron wedges. S Bealerttosigns thatthetreeisready tofall: cracking sounds, widening ofthe fellingcut, Direction of Fall or movement in the upper branches. S Astreestartstofall,stopsaw,putitdown, 45_ andget away quickly onyour pl
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st 1 Cut Overcutting Undercutting nd 2 Cut Undercuttinginvolvescuttingontheunder- Usingasupportstand sideofthelogwithtopofsawagainstthelog. nd 2 Cut When undercutting use light upward pres- sure. Holdsaw firmly and maintaincontrol. The saw will tend topushback towardyou. WARNING: Neverturnsawupside down to undercut. The saw cannot be con- st 1 Cut trolled inthis position. Always makeyour first cutonthecompres- st sionsideofthelog. Thecompressionsideof 1 Cut the log is where the pressure of the l
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S Remove larger, supporting branches with the cutting techniques described in BUCK- Second cut ING WITHOUT A SUPPORT. Third cut S Alwaysuseanovercuttocutsmallandfree- ly hanginglimbs. Undercutting couldcause limbs to fall and pinch the saw. PRUNING WARNING: Limit pruning to limbs Collar shoulder height or below. Do not cut if Firstcut branches arehigherthanyourshoulder.Geta Pruningtechnique professional to do the job. S Makeyourfirstcut1/3ofthewaythroughthe bottom of the limb. S Next make a 2nd
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CHECKGUIDEBAR CHECKCHAINBRAKE Conditions which require guide bar mainte- See CHAIN BRAKE in the OPERATION nance: section. S Saw cuts to one side or at anangle. CLEANAIRFILTER S Saw has to be forced through the cut. CAUTION:Donotcleanfilteringasolineor S Inadequate supply of oiltobar/chain. other flammable solvent to avoid creatinga Check the condition of guide bar each time firehazardorproducingharmfulevaporative chain is sharpened. A worn guide bar will emissions. damagethechainandmakecuttingdi
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CLEANING THE SPARK ARREST- CHAINSHARPENING INGSCREEN Cleaning is required every 25 hours of op- WARNING: Improper chain sharp- eration or annually, whichever comes first. ening techniques and/or depth gauge mainte- nance will increase the chance of kickback 1. Loosenandremovethenutfromtheex- which can result in serious injury. haust outlet cover. 2. Remove theexhaust oulet cover. WARNING: Wear protective gloves 3. Removesparkarrestingscreen.Handle when handling chain. The chain is sharp and scre
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AllCutters RemoveDamage NOTE: The very top of the depth Same Length gauge should be flat with the front half rounded off with aflat file. Ifyou requirefurther assistanceor areunsure about performing this procedure, contact your TopPlate authorized servicedealer orcall ourcustomer Side Plate assistance help line at 1--800--554--6723. CARBURETORADJUSTMENT S File chain to meet thespecifications as shown. WARNING: Thechainwillbemoving 80˚ 60˚ during most ofthis procedure.Wear yourpro- tective equipm
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FUELSYSTEM ENGINE Under FUELING ENGINE in the OPERA- S Remove spark plug and pour 1 teaspoon TION section of this manual, see message of 40:1, 2-cycle engine oil (air cooled) labeledIMPORTANT regarding the use of through the spark plug opening. Slowly gasohol inyour chainsaw. Fuelstabilizeris pullthestarterrope8to10timestodistrib- an acceptable alternative in minimizing the ute oil. formation of fuel gum deposits during stor- S Replace spark plug with new one of rec- age.Addstabilizertothegasoli
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LIMITEDWARRANTY PoulanPRO,a divisionof HusqvarnaCon- PoulanPRO, adivisionof Husqvarna sumer Outdoor Products N.A., Inc., war- Consumer Outdoor Products N.A., Inc. rantstotheoriginalconsumerpurchaserthat 7349StatesvilleRoad eachnewPoulanPRObrandgasolinechain Charlotte, NC 28269 saw is free from defects in material and 1--800--554--6723In Canada, contact: workmanshipandagreestorepairorreplace PoulanPRO under this warranty any defective gasoline 850Matheson Blvd. West chainsawasfollowsfromtheorigin
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PRO authorized repair center as soon as a CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: Poulan problem exists. Warranty repairs should be PROmaybeliablefordamagestootheren- completedinareasonableamountoftime,not gine components causedby the failure of a toexceed30days.Ifyouhaveanyquestions warrantedpartstillunderwarranty.WHATIS regardingyourwarrantyrightsandresponsi- NOT COVERED: All failures caused by bilities,youshouldcontactyournearestautho- abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance rized service center, call Poulan