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0910UK Smoke Alarm
User’s Guide
Lithium (non-replaceable sealed in) Battery-Operated Smoke
Alarm with Alarm Memory and HUSH™ Control to temporarily
silence nuisance alarms.
Languages in the User Guide
Urdu ودرا
Punjabi ê³ÜÅìÆ
Bengali [ýçe_ç
Gujarati ÃðÉßëÖí
Hindi fgUnh
Chinese XXXX
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Index Page English 3 - 11 Urdu ودرا 12 – 20 Punjabi ê³ÜÅìÆ 21 – 29 Bengali [ýçe_ç 30 – 38 Gujarati ÃðÉßëÖí 39 – 47 Hindi fgUnh 48 – 56 Chinese XXXX 57 – 65
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For model: 0910UK Smoke Alarm User’s Guide Lithium (non-replaceable sealed in) Battery-Operated TM Smoke Alarm with Alarm Memory and HUSH Control to temporarily silence nuisance alarms. Thank you for purchasing this smoke alarm. It is an important part of your family’s home safety plan. You can trust this product to provide the highest quality safety protection. We know you expect nothing less when the lives of your family are at stake. For your convenience, write down the following informati
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This alarm detects products of combustion using the ionisation technique. It contains 0.9 microcurie of Americium 241, a radioactive material (see Section 9). Ionisation sensing alarms may detect invisible fire particles (associated with fast flam- ing fires) sooner than photoelectric alarms. Photoelectric sensing alarms may detect visible fire particles (associated with slow smoldering fires) sooner than ionisation alarms. Home fires develop in different ways and are often unpredictable. For m
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• When mounting the alarm on the wall, use an inside wall with the top edge of the alarm at a minimum of 10 cm (4”) and a maximum of 30.5 cm (10”) below the ceiling. (see Figure 1). • Put smoke alarms at both ends of a bedroom hallway or large room if the hall- way or room is more than 9.1 m (30 feet) long. • Install Smoke Alarms on sloped, peaked or cathedral ceilings at or within 0.9 m (3 ft) of the highest point (measured horizontally). Smoke alarms in rooms with ceiling slopes greater than
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WARNING: TEST YOUR SMOKE ALARM OPERATION AFTER MOBILE HOME HAS BEEN IN STORAGE OR UNOCCUPIED AND AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK DURING USE. 2.LOCATIONS TO AVOID • In the garage. Products of combustion are present when you start your motor vehicle. • Less than 10 cm (4”) from the peak of an “A” frame type ceiling. • In an area where the temperature may fall below 4ºC (40ºF) or rise above38ºC (100ºF), such as garages and unfinished attics. • In dusty areas. Dust particles may cause nuisance alarm or fail
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ALARM MEMORY: This smoke alarm has an memory function that will inform you if the alarm has sounded since the test button was last pressed. The alarm memory will cause the red LED to flash rapidly when the test button is pressed. The alarm memory is reset when the test button is released. TESTING: Test by pushing the test button on the cover and holding it down for a minimum of 5 seconds (or until the alarm sounds). This will sound the alarm if the electronic circuitry, horn, and batteries ar
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CLEANING YOUR ALARM YOUR ALARM SHOULD BE CLEANED AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR You can clean the interior of your alarm (sensing chamber) by using compressed air or a vacuum cleaner hose and blowing or vacuuming through the openings around the perimeter of the alarm. The outside of the alarm can be wiped with a damp cloth. After cleaning, test your alarm by using the test button. If cleaning does not restore the alarm to normal operation the alarm should be replaced. 6.LIMITATIONS OF SMOKE ALARMS WARNIN
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• Make a floor plan indicating all doors and windows and at least two (2) escape routes from each room. Second story windows may need a rope or chain ladder. • Have a family meeting and discuss your escape plan, showing everyone what to do in case of fire. • Determine a place outside your home where you all can meet if a fire occurs. • Familiarize everyone with the sound of the smoke alarm and train them to leave your home when they hear it. • Practice a fire drill at least every six months, in
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9. KIDDE RECOMMENDATIONS Smoke alarms shall be installed outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each additional story of the family living unit, includ- ing basements and excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics. In new construction, a smoke alarm also shall be installed in each sleeping room. Smoke Detection - Are More Smoke Alarms Desirable? The required number of smoke alarms might not provide reliable early warning protection for those area
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TEN YEAR WARRANTY Kidde Safety warrants to the original purchaser that the enclosed smoke alarm will be free from defects in material and workmanship or design under normal use and service for a period of ten years from the date of purchase. The obligation of Kidde Safety under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing the smoke alarm or any part which we find to be defective in material, workmanship or design, free of charge to the customer, upon sending the smoke alarm with proof of d
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0910UK Smoke Alarm Urdu / ßkoC : :Í Í# #D DÖ Ö } }ñ ñCCp pF F 0910UK ÕoÓC Åà×vC éÖDÚ PëClç DÆ Ý àÎCß }ÚpÆ ÍD×·OvC Þ Þì ìÖ Ö x xV V Õ Õo oÓ ÓCC Å Åà à× ×v vCC Ó ÓCCß ß } }Û ÛÏ ÏZ Z } }v v ê êp p_ _ì ìF F ( (í íñ ñà àç ç í íÆ Æ H Hì ì¥ ¥Û ÛN N í íÏ Ïë ël lG GN N Ð ÐF FD D  p pì ìº º) ) Ø Øì ìå åO OÎ Î TM o oß ßCC é é² ²¾ ¾D Dd d Õ Õo oÓ ÓCC } }ì ìÎ Î } }Æ Æ } }Ú Úp pÆ Æ y yà àÖ ÖD Dh h p pJ J o oà ଠ¬ í í¨ ¨o oD Dµ µ à àÆ Æ Ý Ýà àÖ Öo oÓ ÓCC Å ÅD DÚ Ú P Pë ëm mCC HU
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0910UK Smoke Alarm 13 Urdu / ßkoC ÞìÖ uC .}ç DNDËÎ éOJ DÆ öDìzC íÎCß }Ûå^C Å{åF ÞìÖ ÉA }ÆpÆ ÍD×·OvC DÆ ÈìÛÇì^ íÆ êqDv ÙàëA ÕoÓC éë .(}òåÇëk 9 EDF) }ç DNàç ÐÖDz 0.9 microcurie DÆ }ç ãkDÖ oDÇFDN ÈëC àV Americium 241 àÎ }v êrìN ÞìåÛV) MCom }Æ ÉA }ÎCß }ÛÇv DV }åÇëk éÚ ÕoÓC }ÎCß PìdÔ¤ íÆ }ÚpÆ uàweÖ ãlz êoDÆ ÙàëA .Þìç }OÇv DËÎ lÏV ãkDëq ÞìÖ }ÏFDÃÖ }Æ ÕoÓC Åp_ÇÎC à^ྠ¹Cpv DÆ (àç DOÇv DV Dëk oCp éVß íÆ ÉA íÎCß }Ûëk HGv DÆ ÉA íñàç íOËÏvß éOwçA éOwçA ÞìåÛV) MCom }Æ ÉA }ÎCß}ÛÇv DV }åÇëk ÕoÓC ÌÛÛv Å
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0910UK Smoke Alarm 14 Urdu / ßkoC }Æ PåZ Cpv DaÚßC }v Hv DÆ ÕoÓC ÞìÖ xV ÞëpÆ ÍD×·OvC DÆ oCàëk íÚoßlÚC ÈëC PÂß }OåÆo pJ oCàëk àÆ ÕoÓC êoßk íÆ (p_ìÖ í_Ûìv 30.5) 30.5 cm (10") ãkDëq }v ãkDëq oßC (p_ìÖ í_Ûìv10)10 cm (4") ØÆ qC ØÆ }aìÚ (ÞìåÇëk 1 pëà¥N) .àç pJ (`¾ 30) p_ìÖ 9.1 ãp×Æ Dë |ß ÍDç pÊC ÞìåÆo pJ |oDÛÆ ÝàÚßk }Æ ãp×Æ |{F Dë |ß ÍDç Õßo $ìF àÆ ÕoÓC Åà×vC .}ç DG×Î ãkDëq }v }Æ uC Dë pJ (`¾ 3) 0.9 m íÆ é®ÃÚ íaÚßC }v Hv àÆ ÕoÓC Åà×vC pJ ÝàOåZ íwìV DVpÊ Dë íÏìÇÚ ,ÙCàÏä# 3 m ÞìÖ
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0910UK Smoke Alarm 15 Urdu / ßkoC Í ÍD D× ×· ·O Ov vCC } }Æ Æ Ð Ð× ×µ µ } }Æ Æ Õ Õo oÓ ÓCC Å Åà à× ×v vCC } }Û ÛJ JCC l l· ·F F } }Æ Æ } }Ú ÚD DV V } }ñ ñk k p pÆ Æ í íÎ ÎD Dh h D Dë ë } }Ú ÚD DV V } }Ï ÏZ Z Þ Þì ìÖ Ö Õ ÕCCk kà àÊ Ê} }Æ Æ P PÖ ÖD D ÂCC í íO O¡ ¡Ê Ê : :ã ãD DG GO OÚ ÚCC ..Þ Þë ëp pÆ Æ b bÚ ÚD DV V o oD DF F È Èë ëCC Þ Þì ìÖ Ö é éO O¿ ¿ç ç Ø ØÆ Æ q qCC Ø ØÆ Æ Ù ÙCCo oß ßk k } }Æ Æ Þ Þì ìè èË ËV V í íÆ Æ } }Û Ûa aF F .2 .Þìç }NpÆ àÎDZ àÆ ê'DÊ p
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0910UK Smoke Alarm 16 Urdu / ßkoC DìÆ éÆ DÊ }ñDOF éë àÆ IA àV }ç oDÆ éÃëp¬ DÆ }²¾Dd Dë Ü¡ÇÛ¾ êoà×ìÖ DwëC ÞìÖ ÕoÓC Åà×vC uC :é²¾Dd DÆ ÕoÓC êoà×ìÖ ÕoÓC àN DÊ }ñDV Dëk DFk àÆ Ü_F `wì^ HV .}ç DÇZ XF }v l·F }Æ }ÚDV }ñDFk oDF êphA àÆ Ü_F `wì^ ÕoÓC .íÊ}ñDåWF íÊ}ñÔV }v êrìN àÆ LED gpv (ÈN }ÛWF }Æ ÕoÓC Dë) pÆ ão |{ÇJ }aìÚ }vC ÈN $ÛÇv 5 ØÆ qC ØÆ oßC pÆ DFk àÆ Ü_F `wì^ }ËÎ pJ ÜÇä# :êoDÆ bÚDV }å^C XF ÕoÓC }v uC àN }Ê Ýàç }ço pÆ ÕDÆ ÝDëp_ìF oßC ÙqDF , ÕD²Ú íçDGOÚC oßk íÚßp_ÇÎC pÊC .ÞëpÆ bÚDV íÆ uC íÏåÆ }ì
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0910UK Smoke Alarm 17 Urdu / ßkoC í íñ ñD D¿ ¿¤ ¤ í íÆ Æ Õ Õo oÓ ÓCC } }Æ Æ I IA A } }ì ìç çD DZ Z í íÚ ÚD DV V í íÆ Æ o oD DF F È Èë ëCC Þ Þì ìÖ Ö Í ÍD Dv v Ø ØÆ Æ q qCC Ø ØÆ Æ í íñ ñD D¿ ¿¤ ¤ í íÆ Æ Õ Õo oÓ ÓCC } }Æ Æ I IA A oDÖ Càç ÞìÖ ÝàhCoàv íÆ ½Cp¬C }Æ }¥d êpçDF }Æ ÕoÓC oßC }ÆpÆ ÍD×·OvC LñDJ pÛìÏÆ ÕàìÆß Dë Càç íÎCß áDFk IA }Æ ÕoÓC .Þìç }OÇv pÆ ½D¤ àÆ (pG×ìZ ÌÛwÛv ) íÏhCk }Æ ÕoÓC }ÛJC }ÆpÆ íñD¿¤ ÕàìÆß Dë pÆ .}ç DOÇv DV DåaÚàJ }v |{KÆ }ñàç }ËìåF àÆ }¥d }Æ pçDF ãoDFßk Íà×·
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0910UK Smoke Alarm 18 Urdu / ßkoC }Æ ívDÇÚ ßk ØÆ qC ØÆ }v ãp×Æ pJßC .ÞìñDÛF ÙÔJ ÙàϾ ÈëC }v §pº íÆ }ÚDOF àÆ ÝàìÆ{åÆ oßC |qCßok ÕD×N .}ç íOÇv {J Moßp¨ íÆ íä{ìv íÆ pìWÚq Dë ívo ÈëC àÆ ÝàìÆ{åÆ íÆ ÍrÛÖ êpvßk ÞìñDÛF }OvCo ÞìÖ PÎDd íÆ ÉA éÆ ÞìñDOF éë àÆ ¦iz pç oßC ÞëpÆ PìZ MDF pJ éÃëp¬ }Æ áDaF pÆ å_ìF åNDv }Æ éÚDh ÐçC .}ìçDZ DÚpÆ DìÆ }vC .ÞìÇv àç ¸×V ÝDçß ÉàÎ ÕD×N àN }ñDV ÌÎ ÉA pÊC éÆDN ÞëpÆ Üì·N DÆ éËV íwÆ pçDF }v påÊ }ÛJC CoྠàN }Ûv }vC ãß HV éÆ Þëk PìFpN íÆ uC àÆ ÙC oßC Þëp
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0910UK Smoke Alarm 19 Urdu / ßkoC M MD Dz zo oD D¿ ¿v v } }Æ Æ (KIDDE) $ $Æ Æ .9 ÌÎC pç kpÊkoC }Æ ãp×Æ }Æ }Úàv pÆ 'àåZ àÆ (ÀÃwÖ) êoD^C Ð×ÇÖDÚ oßC ÝàèËV íñàç íOËÛëo àÆ ÕoÓC Åà×vC DÚDV DìÆ H¥Ú pJ `Û×wìF ÍàסF ÍrÛÖ í¾D¨C pç íÆ ãp×Æ }Æ ¢ñDço íÆ ÝàÎCß påÊ oßC pçDF }Æ ÕDÃÖ }Æ }Úàv }ìçDZ DÚDV DëDËÎÞìÖ ãp×Æ }Æ }Úàv pç ÕoÓC Åà×vC ÞìÖ ÝàNoD×µ íòÚ .}ìçDZ ÙC kCl·N éFà쨅 íÆ ÕoÓC Åà×vC }ç ÜÇ×Ö ?}ç ¢çCàh íÆ ÕoÓC Åà×vC lërÖ DìÆ .íñDvo ¹Cpv íÆ ÝCàäk pÆ ÌÎC é·ëom }Æ ãqCßok ÈëC }v MDÖDÃÖ ÙC àÆ ÜV }Çv pÆ
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0910UK Smoke Alarm 20 Urdu / ßkoC í í_ _Ú Úo oCCß ß í íÆ Æ Í ÍD Dv v u uk k }ìÎ }Æ MlÖ íÆ ÍDv uk }v jëoDN íÆ êoClëph éÆ }ç DOëk PÚDר íÆ MDF uC àÆ oClëph ФC í_¿ìv $Æ íÎDh }v ¦ñDÃÚ }Æ cp¬ pç ÞìÖ é¡ÃÚ Dë êoDÇOvk oßC ÙDÖDv ÕoÓC Åà×vC ½à¿ÏÖ pJ PÖlh oßC ÍD×·OvC ÕDµ àç kßleÖ ÈN íÏëlGN íÆ ÕoÓC Åà×vC Dë PÖpÖ ½p¤ êoCk éÖm íÆ í_¿ìv $Æ PeN }Æ í_ÚoCß uC .DÊàç pì»F Øç }vC àN Þìç }NDJ ¦ÂDÚ ÞìÖ é¡ÃÚ Dë êoDÇOvk , Ðëpì_ìÖ Øç àÆ xV \oDJ DwëC íñàÆ Dë }ç íNDV oßC ÅC# oßC MàGR }Æ jëoDN íÆ êoClëph àÆÕoÓC Åà×