Руководство по эксплуатации Mustang M/8M

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Mustang M/8M

Устройство: Mustang M/8M
Категория: Дробилка
Производитель: Mustang
Размер: 0.38 MB
Добавлено: 8/5/2013
Количество страниц: 30
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Issue No.6
M/8M M8/M
M1008 M1008/D
M2508 M2508/D
M100/S M100/SD
M250/S M250/SD
Input modules
Standard options
Mustang Communications Ltd
Eastfield Industrial Estate
YO11 3UT
Telephone U.K. 01723 582 555
Telephone International 44 1723 582 555
Fax U.K. 01723 581 673
Fax international 44 1723 581 673
Email info@mustang.co.uk
Web www.mustang.co.uk

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 Page 2

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 Author: M. R. Tetley M. Inst. S. C. E. ________________________________________________________________________ INDEX ............................................................................................................................... page Introduction ....................................................... ....................................................... 5 - The Company and its quality statement ......................................

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 PAGE Table 1 The current range of input modules 8 Table 2 Module adjustments and settings 11 Fig. 1 Location of Treble, Bass, and Master gain controls 7 Fig. 2 Input connector pin identification 10 Fig. 3 Location of priority sequence setting switches 11 Fig. 4 Mixer facility connections for standard locking DIN connector 12 Fig. 5 Mixer facility connector pin identification 12 Fig. 6 Tape record and playback connections 13 Fig. 7 Interconnection of seve

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing this unit. We are confident that you have made a wise decision, and that you will have many years of trouble-free operation. Considerable care has been taken during the design and manufacturing processes to ensure your entire satisfaction and naturally, we would hope that the unit will perform to our design expectations, though this will be possible only if the installation is in line with professionally accepted s

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS MIXER AMPLIFIERS M1008 M2508 M1008/D M2508/D Input channels 8 8 Input channel level & response dependent upon input modules fitted Treble & Bass adjustment ± 12dB @ 100Hz & 10kHz ref.1kHz Power output (Watts RMS contin.) 100 250 Current sinks 250mA maximum, each channel module Auxiliary DC output nominally +24V. 1A fused. Mixer facility level 775mV nominal. 0dBV Power amplifier input 775mV , 0dBV @ 10k ohms Power amplifier power

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 Fig. 1 Location of Treble, Bass, and Master gain controls leaving the factory, the controls will be set for level response. See Fig. 1 A conventional master level control is featured on the mother PCB between the line driver module (TB.6 etc) and the pre-amplifier stabiliser module (PS.9 etc.) next to it. This control is set to maximum (fully clockwise) on leaving the factory. See Fig. 1 INPUT MODULE SYSTEM The general accent of MACRO system amplif

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 MICROPHONE & LINE INPUT MODULES M24 Universal low impedance transformer balanced, priority/passive M26 Low imp. transformer balanced, with priority, chimes and CDM M28 Low impedance transformer balanced, audio operated priority M30 Low impedance transformer balanced, priority/passive, phantom DC L24 600 ohm transformer balanced priority/passive, 50mV - .775V L25 10k ohm transformer balanced priority/passive, 50mV - .775V L26 47k ohm transformer balan

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 LINE INPUT MODULES L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 Transformer input or unbalanced T T T T T T T T T U U Priority operation only 44 44 44 Priority/passive switchable 4 44 44 Sensitivity 50mV - .775V 4 4 44 44 44 Sensitivity 50mV - 80V 44 4 Input impedance (ohms) 600 10k 47k 600 10k 47k 600 10k 47k 4k7 4k7 Priority controlled sink 44 44 4 44 44 44 Chimes 44 4 4 Chime Duration Sink 44 4 Audio activated priority (VOX) 44 4 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 Auxiliary inputs and music modules i.e. L33, L34, E24, E25, Standard Locking 5 pin DIN - 5 PIN DIN Pin 1 Signal input STANDARD Pin 2 Signal earth (cable audio shield) Pin 3 Signal input CONNECTOR Pin 4 Priority control (except E24, E25, T35) Pin 5 Tone generator modules i.e. T24 to T34 inclusive Standard Locking 5 pin DIN - SOLDER CUPS Pin 1 No connection VIEWED FROM Pin 2 No connection Pin 3 No connection INSIDE THE PLUG Pin 4 Priority control & tone tr

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 FACILITY USAGE or FUNCTION Audio gain Sets the level of amplification of incoming signal. Influenced by no other adjustment Chime level Determines the level of chime tone to be injected. Influenced by no other adjustment VOX sensitivity Sets level of audio input at which the VOX circuit is triggered. Influenced by ëAudio gainí. Temporarily set sensitivity to maximum, and set Vox delay to maximum to enable ëAudio levelí to be set using typical input

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 Priority/passive setting of modules Certain modules contain features enabling the commissioning engineer to set them to operate as normal priority modules, or as passive modules. Referring to APPENDIX E, this is accomplished on the M24 microphone input module for example by transposing the position of a jumper link on the module, from lower middle (position B) to lower left (position A) for the change to passive (non- priority) mode. In this mode, the

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 Signal arrangements and DIN cable connections are shown in Fig. 4 As a factory fitted option, a line input transformer may be fitted. See page 21 for further details. Slave amplifiers have a fixed sensitivity and no input control is provided on standard models. The input impedance is approximately 10k ohms. Immediate technical advice for specific problems is available from the Technical Services Department, Mustang Communications Ltd. Please also

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 Fig. 7 Interconnection of several amplifiers POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE The power output stage of the amplifier including all low level drive circuitry, and output devices are contained in a module which is bolted to the rear panel by four screws. The module is connected into circuit by push-on tab connectors facilitating easy change of a suspect module. The module may be unbolted and swung out to enable circuitry to be worked on with power connected, tho

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 Fig. 8 Power amplifier module fixings and adjustments removing the 4BA nut on the left and lifting that end clear of the stud. The cover may now be swung round.100V output The general concept of a 100V line loudspeaker system is that a quantity of 100V line loudspeakers are connected in parallel across the amplifier output terminals. The loudspeakers may be arranged in any order, any combination and if necessary, using any number of feeds from the amp

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 AUXILIARY OUTPUT CONNECTION A standard 25 way ëDí connector on the amplifier rear provides all the auxiliary connections associated with current sinking, alarms, auxiliary DC and signal outputs, etc., where applicable. The standard connections are as follows: 1 250mA current sink activated by input module No.1 during priority access 2 250mA current sink activated by input module No.2 during priority access 3 250mA current sink activated by input module N

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 COMBINING THE INPUT/OUTPUT FACILITIES OF TWO OR MORE UNITS This may be considered where one single amplifier cannot provide enough input facilities or output power for a particular application. Mixers may be combined with mixer amplifiers, and with slave amplifiers in any combination via their respective mixer facility sockets. Example M2508 and M250 to provide 8 inputs and 500 Watt output to two loudspeaker zones. Interconnect using pins 3 of each mix

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 Fig. 9 Priority connections for multiple amplifier systems Page 18

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 The front panel of the power switch may be removed by light leverage to enable lamp replacement. Power for the lamp is derived from a small 18V stabiliser on the Power Management Board. Failure to illuminate will indicate one of the following:- a) Lamp failure b) Neither AC nor DC power to the amplifier c) Both AC mains and DC fuses on the rear panel have failed d) Stabiliser circuit has failed ëERRORí status indicator LED Illumination of this LED is as

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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6 on the Power Management Board and will drop out as a result of :- AC: AC supply failure AC fuse failure AC supply disconnection Amplifier switched off Rectifier circuit failure DC: DC supply fuse failure DC supply disconnection (even with charger operational) DC standby supply failure Amplifier switched off These relay contacts may be used to trigger remote audible or visual alarms within the system to draw attention to a possible problem. Power supply c

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4 Mustang M100/SD Руководство по эксплуатации Дробилка 0
5 Mustang M2508 Руководство по эксплуатации Дробилка 0
6 Mustang M2508/D Руководство по эксплуатации Дробилка 1
7 Mustang M250/SD Руководство по эксплуатации Дробилка 0
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