Руководство по эксплуатации Craftsman 247.77638

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Craftsman 247.77638

Устройство: Craftsman 247.77638
Категория: Дробилка
Производитель: Craftsman
Размер: 14.85 MB
Добавлено: 8/28/2014
Количество страниц: 56
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Operator's Manual
I:Rl FI'SlVl N
1450 Series Engine
Chipper Shredder
Model No. 247.77638
For questions, call
CAUTION: Before using
this product, read this
. ES PAI'i, IO L
manual and follow all
safety rules and operating
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit our web site: www.craftsman.com

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

e2 Warranty Statement .................................. Pac Trouble Shooting ....................................... Page19 es3-6 SafeOperation Practices .......................... Pac PartsList................................................... Page20-30 e7 SafetyLabels ............................................ Pac LabelMap................................................. Page31 es8-11 Assembly .................................................. Pac Repair Protection Agreement ..............

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Thismachinewasbuilt to beoperatedaccordingto the safeopera- Thissymbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not tion practicesin thismanual.As withany typeof powerequipment, followed,couldendangerthe personalsafetyand/orpropertyof carelessnessorerroronthe part of the operatorcan resultin yourselfandothers. Readandfollowall instructionsin thismanual seriousinjury.Thismachineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands, beforeattemptingto operatethismachine.Failureto complywith toesandfeetandthrow

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Safe Handling of Gasoline: • Ifthe impellerstrikesa foreignobjector if yourmachineshould start makinganunusualnoiseorvibration,immediatelyshut Toavoidpersonalinjuryor propertydamageuseextremecare in the engineoff. Allowthe impeller to cometoa completestop. handlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammableandthe vaporsare Disconnectthe sparkplugwire,grounditagainstthe engineand explosive.Seriouspersonalinjurycan occurwhengasolineis spilled performthe followingsteps: onyourselfor yourclotheswhichcan

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• Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels,as necessary. NOTICE REGARDING EMISSIONS Followthismanualfor safeloading,unloading,transporting,and EngineswhicharecertifiedtocomplywithCaliforniaandfederal storageof thismachine. EPAemissionregulationsfor SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment)are Neverstorethe machineorfuel containerinsidewherethereis an certifiedto operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and mayinclude openflame,sparkorpilot lightsuchas a waterheater,furnace, the followingemissioncontrolsystems:E

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SAFETY SYMBOLS Thispagedepictsanddescribessafetysymbolsthatmayappearonthisproduct. Read,understand,andfollowall instructionson the machine beforeattemptingto assembleandoperate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble and i operate i WARNING-- ROTATING BLADES Keep hands out of inlet and discharge openings while machine is running. There are rotating blades inside • ® BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders, pets, and children

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

TO AVOID SERIOUS iNJURY: Read the owner's manual(s) before starting and TO AVOID SERIOUS iNJURY: using unit. • Do not operate on uneven ground where unit is Keep all shields and guards in place and securely unstable, Do not operate on pavement, gravel or attached. other hard surfaces since objects can ricochet Keep hands, feet, face, clothing and long hair out of and cause injury, Shredder Hopper, Chipper Chute and Discharge • To avoid a fire hazard, keep leaves, grass, and other Chute while the

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

f IMPORTANT: Thisunit isshippedwithoutgasolineoroil inthe engine. Becertainto serviceenginewithgasolineandoilas instructed inthe Operationsectionof this manualbeforeoperatingyourmachine. NOTE:Referenceto rightand lefthandsideof the ChipperShredder isobservedfromthe operatingposition. OPENING CARTON 1. Cuteachcornerof the cartonverticallyfromtop to bottom. 2. Removeall looseparts. 3. Removeloosepackingmaterial. REMOVING UNiT FROM CARTON 1. Liftunit fromthe rearto detachit fromunderlyingcartonmate

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

ATTACHING THE CHUTE DEFLECTOR A. Removethe wingknobsfromeachside of the lowerimpeller i housing.SeeFigure3. B. Removethe hexlocknut,spacers,andhex boltfromthetop of the impellerhousing. . A. Alignthe chutedeflectorin positiononthe dischargeopening andinserthexbolt withspacerthroughhingeonchute deflector(spacersfit insideof hinges).SeeFigure4. B. Placesecondspaceroverhex boltinsideotherhingeand securewithhex locknut. C. Securebothsidesof chutedeflectorto impellerhousingusing wing knobspreviouslyr

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A, Alignthe chipperchuteovertheweld studs,so the slotin the / / bottomof the chuteis facingdown.SeeFigure6. / / B. Securechipperchutewith thethreecuppedwashers(cupped / / / sideagainstthe chipperchute)and hexnutspreviously / / ,,/ / ,, removed.Do nottightenthe nutsat thistime. i / /' . Thechippershredderwasshippedwithoneendof the support / bracealreadysecuredto the lowerframe.Loosenbutdo not ,/ / removetheboltssecuringthe braceto theframe. A. Alignthe holesinthe chutewiththe holesinthe top of th

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

(large) Hopper Assembly Release Rod Gas Fill (small) Chipper Chute Tamper ===--_ Chute Deflector @ Figure9 Nowthatyou havesetupyour chippershredderfor operation,get aquaintedwith itscontrolsandfeatures.Theseare describedbelow Theoperationof anychippershreddercan resultinforeignobjects andillustratedon thispage.Thisknowledgewillallowyou to useyour beingthrownintothe eyes,whichcan damageyoureyesseverely. newequipmentto its fullestpotential. Alwayswearthe safetyglassesprovidedwiththisunitor eye shi

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

GAS AND OIL FILL-UP Alcoholblendedfuels(calledgasoholor usingethanolor methanol) Oil (one bottle shipped with unit) can attractmoisturewhichleadsto separationand formationof acids FirstTimeUse duringstorage.Acidicgascan damagethe fuel systemof anengine 1. Removeoil fill dipstick. whilein storage. 2. Withthe chippershredderonlevelground,usea funnelto empty entirecontentsof oil bottleprovidedintothe engine. 3. Replaceoil fill dipstickandtighten. Toavoidengineproblems,thefuel systemshouldbeemptiedb

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

NOTE:A noisewill be heardwhenfindingthe startof the compression CHIPPING cycle.Thisnoiseis causedby the flailsandfingers,whicharepartof Branchesupto 3" in diametercan befed intothe chipperchute. the shreddingmechanism,andit shouldbe expecteduntilthe impeller Observethe followingguidelineswhenchippingbranches: reachesfull speed. • Keepbothhandsfirmlyonthe branchas youfeed it intothe chipperchute. 7. Pullthe ropewitha rapid,continuous,full armstroke.Keepa firm • Neverfeed morethan onebranchintothe

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.Thischartdescribes Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all serviceguidelinesonly.Usethe ServiceLogcolumnto keeptrackof controls andstoptheengine.Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo completedmaintenance tasks.To locatethe nearest Sears Service acomplete stop.Disconnect sparkplugwireandgrounditagainstthe Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSears at enginetopreventunintended starting.Always wearsafetyglassesduring

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

Servicing the Air Cleaner f Do notuse pressurizedairor solventsto cleanthe aircleaner cartridge. Theair cleanerpreventsdamagingdirt, dust,etc.,fromenteringthe carburetorand beingforcedintothe engineandis importantto engine life andperformance.Neverrunthe enginewithoutan aircleaner completelyassembled. 3over Replacetheaircleanerevery25 hoursof operation. 1. Loosenscrewsthatholdthe airfiltercover. 2. Opencoverandremoveair filter.See Figure12. 3. Discardold airfilter. 4. Installnewairfilter. 5. Clo

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Service IVluffler f // / Temperature of mufflerandnearbyareas mayexceed150° F (65°C). Avoidtheseareas. • Inspectmufflerevery50 hours,andreplaceif necessary. Replacementpartsfor themufflermustbethe sameandinstalled inthe samepositionas theoriginalparts. Clean Engine Dailyor beforeeveryuse,cleangrass,chaffor accumulated debrisfromengine.Keeplinkage,spring,andcontrolsclean. Keepareaaroundandbehindmufflerfreeof any combustible debris. • Keepingenginecleanallowsairmovementaroundengine. i • Enginepart

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4, Removethechipperchutesupportbracefromthe frameby removingthe hexbolts. 5. Rotateimpeller assemblyby handuntil youlocateone of two chipperbladesin thechipperchuteopening. 6, Removethebladeby removingthe internalhex screws,lock washers,andhex nutswhichsecureit to the impeller.Retainthe hardware,SeeFigure15, NOTE:Usea3/16" hexkey(Allen)wrenchon theoutsideof the blade anda 1/2" box(or socket)wrenchonthe insideof the impeller.Hold the Allenwrenchstationaryand rotatethe box(or socket)wrenchto loose

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

Neverstorechippershredderwithfuel in tankindoorsor in poorly ventilatedareaswherefuel fumesmayreachan openflame,spark, or pilot lightas ona furnace,waterheater,clothesdryer,or gas appliance. PREPARING THE ENGINE PREPARING THE CHIPPER SHREDDER Forenginesstoredover30 days: * Whenstoringthe chippershredderinan unventilated or metal storageshed,careshouldbetakento rustproofthe non-painted 1. To preventgumfromforminginfuel systemor oncarburetor surfaces.Usinga lightoil orsilicone,coatthe equipment, p

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all controls andstoptheengine.Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo acomplete stop.Disconnect sparkplugwireandgrounditagainstthe engineto preventunintended starting.Alwayswearsafetyglassesduring operation or whileperforming anyadjustments or repairs. Enginefailsto start 1. Throttlelevernot incorrectstartingposition 1. Movethrottleleverto START/RUNposition. 2. Chokenot inthe CHOKEposition 2. MoveCHOKEto theCHOKEposition. 3. Sparkplugwire disco

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

Craftsman Chipper Shredder -- Model No. 247.77638 / / ;/ / / _ .... / ; / 2O

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