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Owner's Manual
VariableSpeed / Reversible
Model No.
Save this manual for
future reference
-A CAUTION: Readand
follow all Safety Rules and
Operating Instructions before
first use of this product.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
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• Warranty ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 • Introduction and Product Specifications ......................................................................................................... 2 • Rules For Safe Operation ........................................................................................................................... 3-5 A. Important Safety Rules Fo
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The purpose of safety symbols Is to attract your attention to possible dangers. The safety symbols, and the explanations with them, deserve your careful attention and understanding. The safety warnings do not by themselves eliminate any danger. The instructions or warnings they g!ve are not substitutes for proper accident prevention measures. SYMBOL MEANING SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL: A Indicates caution or waming. May be used in conjunction with other symbols or pictographs. WARNING: Failure to obey s
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RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION (Continued) • NEVER USE IN AN EXPLOSIVE ATMO- DONOT PLACE BATTERY TOOLS OR THEIR SPHERE. Normal sparking of the motor could BATTERIES NEAR FIRE OR HEAT. They may ignite flammable liquids, gases, or fumes. explode. KEEP HANDLES DRY, CLEAN, AND FREE • DO NOT CHARGE BATTERY TOOL IN A FROM OIL AND GREASE. Always use a clean DAMP OR WET LOCATION. cloth when cleaning. Never use brake fluids, • Your battery tool should be charged in a location gasoline, petroleum-based products
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RULES FORSAFE OPERATION (Contlnued). An extension cord should not be used Unless, • ' Do not operate_charger if ithas receive_a absolutely necessary. Use of improper sharp blow, been dropped, or otherwise extension cord could result in a risk of fire and damaged in any way; take it to a qualified serviceman. electric shock. If extension cord must be used, make sure: Do not disassemble charger; take it to a a. That pins on plug of extension cord are the qualified serviceman when service or repair
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The following recommended accessories are currently available at Sears Retail Stores. • 6-Pc. Extra Length Magnite Power Bit Set • High Speed Bits ......3/8 inch Max. • 30-Pc. Power Scrawddver/Nutddver Set and Case • Keylese Chuck (Item No. 20988) • 17-Pc. Power Screwddver/Nutddver Set and Case ,_ WARNING:. The use of attachments or accessodes not listed might be hazardous. KNOW YOUR DRILL-DRIVER WRIST STRAP See Figure 1. See Figure 1. Before attempting to use any tool famUiadze yourself A wdst
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• Place battery pack in charging stand. Align raised WARNING: Always wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields when operating rib on battery pack with groove in charging stand. tools. Failure to do so could result in objects Sea Figure I. being thrown into your eyes, resulting in possible • Press down on battery pack to be sure contacts on serious injury. battery pack engage properly with contacts in charging stand. • When properly connected, the red light on charging ,_ WARNING: D
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SWITCH SELECTOR See Figure 2. To tum your drill ON, depress the switch tdgger. To tum it OFF, release the switch trigger. FORWARD CENTERPOSmON (LOCK) SWITCHTRIGGER Fig. 3 CENTERPOSmON (LOCK) WARNING: Battery tools are always in operating condition. Therefore, switch should SELECTOR always be locked when not in use or carrying at SWITCHTRIGGER your side. Fig. 2 REVERSIBLE VARIABLE SPEED See Figure 3. This tool has a variable speed switch that delivers This tool has the feature of being reversible
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TO REMOVE BATTERY PACK TOINSTALLBATTERYPACK • Lock switch trigger on your drill by placing the • Lock switch trigger on your drill by placing the direction of rotation selector in center position. direction of rotation selector in center position. See Figure 3. See Figure 3. • Locate latches on end of battery pack and • Place battery pack in your drill. Align raised rib depress to release battery pack from your drill. inside drill with groove on battery pack. See See Figure 4. Figure 4. • Remove
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INSTALLING BITS _1= WARNING: Do not insert drill bit into chuck See Figure 6. jaws and tighten as shown in figure 7. This could cause ddll bit to be thrown from drill resulting in Lock the switch trigger by placing the direction of possible serious personal injury or damage to the rotation selector in center position. See Figure 3. chuck. Open or close chuck jaws to a point where the opening is slightly larger than the bit size you intend to use. Also, raise the front of your drill slightly to k
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BIT STORAGE LEVEL DRILLING See Figure 8. See Figure 10. When not in use, bits provided with your drill can be A convenient new feature provided with your drill is a placed in the storage area located on the bottom of level, It is recessed in the motor housing on top of your ddll as shown in figure 8. your ddlL It can be used to keep ddll bits level during ddlling operations. BIT STORAGE AREA SCREWDRIVER BITS TO CLOSE TO OPEN Fig. 8 ADJUSTABLE TORQUE CLUTCH Your drill is equipped with an adjustab
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When drilling metals, use a lightoil on the ddll bit to _1= WARNING: Always wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields when operating keep it from overheating. The oil will prolong the life of the bit and increase the ddlling action. tools. Failure to do so could result in objects being thrown into your eyes, resulting in possible If the bitjams in workpiece or if the ddll stall_, release serious injury. switch trigger immediately. Remove the bitfrom the workpiece and determine the
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TO RETIGHTEN A LOOSE CHUCK CHUCK REMOVAL(co_Inued) • Open chuck jaws and remove allen wrench. The chuck may become loose on spindle and develop Remove the chuck screw by turning it in a clock- a wobble. Also, the chuck screw may become loose wise direction. See Figure 13. Note: The screw causing the chuck jaws to bind and prevent them from has left hand threads. closing. To tighten, follow these steps: Lock the switch trigger by placing the direction of rotation selector in center position. Inse
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BA'n'ERIES " To obtain the longest possible battery life, we suggest the following: Yourdrill'sbatterypackisequipped with6 nickel- cadmium rechargeable batteries. Length ofservice • Store and charge your batteries in a cool area. fromeachcharging willdepend onthetypeofwork Temperatures above normal room temperature youaredoing. will shorten battery life. Thebatteries inthistoolhavebeendesigned to • Never store batteries in a discharged condition. provide maximum trouble free life. However, like
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CRAFTSMAN3/8 in. CORDLESSDRILL-DRIVER MODELNO.315.111960 _-- I model number in all correspondence regarding your 3/8 in. CORDLESS DRILL-DRIVER or when I The model number will be found on a plate attached to the motor housing. Always mention the | ordering repair parts. I SEE BACK PAGE FOR PARTS ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 PARTS LIST KEY PART DESCRIPTION QUAN. NO. NUMBER 1 616478-003 Screw (Special) ................................................................................. 1 2
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Forthe repairorreplacementpartsyouneed delivereddirectlyto yourhome Call7 am- 7 pro,7 daysaweek 1-800-366-PART (1-800-366-7278) Forrepairservice Call24 hoursa day,7 daysa week 1-800-4-REPAIR (1-800-473-7247) Forthelocation ofa SearsPartsandRepairCenterinyourarea Call24 hoursa day,7 daysa week 1-800-488-1 222 mmmmmm The modelnumberofthistoolwill be foundona serial plate attachedto the motorhousing.Whenrequestingserviceor orderingparts,alwaysprovidethefollowinginformation: • ProductName • ModelNum