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useandcare of’
Model m A8072yflL~ -
Setingthecontrols p4
Bleach and Fabtic
Softener Dispensers
~..-. ,,,
-. ;r -. .-.4
Ener~-saving tips
Sorting andIoadng
choosing detergenE
Before youcd forsemice,
usetheProblem Solver
220Volt,so Hertz
(yJ /’%
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HelpU!S safety !hlstiwctkms , ● .........34’ How WI Cqxmte”y(w washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...43 It is intendedto h;lp you operate You’llfind them on a label on the and maintain your newwasher lower left side near the front. properly. Please write these numbers here: Keepit handy for answersto your Howto usebleachand questions. fabricsoftenerdispensers. . . . . ..$3 Model No. How to useMini-Ek3sket~~ SerialNo. Einergy-savingtips.. . . . . ... . ...10 ‘Usethese numbers in any corresp
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Important SafetyInstructions–sAvE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Readau instructions it?efm% using thisappiiance — WARNING—When usingthis — To 11-linhnize ‘thepossibility @Neverreach into the washer appliance,alwaysexercisebasic ofinjury: whileit ismoving.Beforeloading, safetyprecautions, includingthe @Do not mixchlorinebleachwith unloadingor addingclothes,push following: ammonia or acidssuchas vinegar in.the CycleSelectorKnob to “STOP” position, then wait until and/or rust remover.Mixingcan euse this appli
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@DC) l-lot tamper with m’mds. @The laundry processcan reduce * Donot change SEWEDSELB2- TION whilewasherisoperating. If’ the flameiwtardancyof fabrics. To @.Donot Qperate this appkntx if’ avoid such a result, the Garment a changein speedis desired,push ii k?damaged>mtM..mcii@3g, in CycleSelectorKnob to “STOP” Manufacturers’Care Labels partiallydisassemb~ed, or has shotddbe followedverycarefully. position and wait for washerto missingor broken parts, including stop. Then selectthe newspeed a dama
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TipstoHelpYou REGULAR CYCLE— PERM PRESS CYCL&— SOAK SETTING— Provideslonger wash time for For permanent pressand delicates. Use with most soakingaids to mostcottons, linens, work and An extendedco61-downspray loosen embeddedsoilsand stains. —— p!ayclothes. rinse is providedto minimizethe setting of wrinkles. O:F Regular <, cycle CA Regu!w /8 -Q .$ Cycle S?(JRDY / Perm. + ‘LWTC Press *-# / “% Cycle @ / Lwl o son \ / t-1 wFAv+\ lXMT six B) # 1’ - WAVY Q OFF \ What Happens inEach SWng (ApproximateM
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washwater Temperature cycle FAMion W3sh/SpinSpeed Cottons and Linens Hot or Warm Regular,Normalor LightSoilSetting Normal White/Ccdorfast Warmor Cold Regular,Normalor LightSoilSetting Normal Bright/Noncolorfast Workclothes} dungarees,etc. Hot Regular,Normal for smallloads; Heavyfor _ Normal Heav--soil all other loads Hot or Warm Regular,Normal Setting Normal Averagesoil Permanent Press, TreatedCottons, BlendswithCottons Perm. Press, SturdySetting Normal Hot Heavyor oilysoil Perm. Press, Delicate
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SpecialInstructions l.ic~uid chiorine type, If colorfastisunusuallysoiled,usehot water.Usemaximumdetergentrecommendedon page 15. Non-chlorinetype. 5. \Vhiteor colorfast,liquid Usemaximumdetergentrecommendedinchart on page chlorinetype. Noncolorfast, non-chlorinetype. Whiteor colorfast,liquid Smallloadsreducewrinkling.Usemaximumdetergentrecommendedin chart on page 15. chlorinetype, Noncolorfast, non-chlorinetype. \Vhiteor colorfast,liquid If unusuallysoiled,usehot water.Usemaximumdetergentrecomme
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How toUse How touse theFabtic thesoak setting softener Dispenser %?gular cycle ~ “SOAK” settingtemperature ~Position the Fabric Softener IBUse this dispenserwith liquid willautomatically-becbld. Dispenseron the Filter-l?lopan. bleachonly.If YOU prefer to use powderedbleach, pour it into the ~If a hot or warm soak is desired, ~Pour manufacturer’srecom- Fiker-Flopan or wash basket setthe WASH/RII’4SE TEM- mendedamount of fabric softener alongwith your detergent.Do not into a standard measuringcup.
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How-touse the Mini-BasketN’ tub ~ Put Xito !Acup (60to 80ml) ~y~t!!lof hd$ which $3uI be Here’show to usethe Mini-Basket detergentin Filter-Flopan. W2dXXi!in the ~ini-~asket tub. tub: — ~Smallloads of regular fabrics . . . ~To use Bleachand Fabric @RemoveFilter-Flopan. up to 2!ZZ pounds. Softener Dispensers,seepage 8. ~ Delicateloads such as lingerie, ~Closelid and setcontrolsas panty hose, girdles,blouses, follows: sweaters,socks, shirts, baby —SetWater Levelto “MINI- clothesand other smalldeli
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Energy-sating Tips ... Weareall consciousof the need 1. Use Hot Wash-up to 150°F IMPORTANT NOTE: If your to saveenergy—toprotect our (65°C)—ona regularbasison(y clothesand householditemsdon’t —— country’senergyreservesand to whenwashingheavilysoiled look clean and fresh after washing, helpus savemoney.There are articles—suchas work and play — what are you apt to do? Youwill severalthingsyou can do to reduce clothes. probably then rewashthem ... the amount of energyneededto and that meansyou’llwa
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Good better washing sortby sortbySON u pays tocheck mud - Separate prepare domes for washing. --- Separate ~ Empty pockets, brush out cuffs, — zip zippers,snap snaps, hook hooks and button buttons. ~ Do any necessaryrnending— w rips, hems, tears. from ~ Checkall items for areas of heavysoilor stain. ~ Removestains. FOR STAIN REMOVALCHART, SEE PAGES 18and 19. ~ Turn Poly Knitsinside-outto minimizefabric surface damage. LINT PRODUCERS—suchas soaking &Pre4m?mRg- terry towelingand chenille—give agoo
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.- Special recommendations for washing permanent press ifYOU — do not hwe a ‘dryer. If you are machine-washing Permanent Press clothesthat you . plan to line-dry or drip-dry,use extra care to minimizewrinklingin Ih, the wash process: ~Becareful not to overload washer.Permanent Press clothes must haveample room to move freely.A MediumsizePermanent Press load is the largestthat should be washed. ~Usemore water than you would for a regularload. Use a Medium Water Levelfor a SmallLoad; an Extra Larg
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INKi!l soap. Ractors toconsiderin selectionof detergents Products: Advantages: — Are not availablein some . Perform wellin hard or soft PM@m3--- areas. water, Powdm?d.Detergents Washall types of fabricswell. Can be used in hot, warm, or cold water. Wwff --- ww-- m– Generallydo not cleanwellin Non-Plmspkm- Perform satisfactorilyin soft hard water. Pow’deredDetergents or moderatelyhard water. May be difficultto dissolve, In someareas onlynon- phosphate products are especiallyin cold water. availab
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TheResults d!’Continueduse d carbonate Detergents —_ washersurfaces.The hardnessof (11or more grains)and if you is your waterhard? If it is, and if your water and your washing washjust a fewloads a week,you you use a carbonatetype ncm- — may seelimestonebuild-upsin just phosphatedetergent,you willmost frequencywilldeterminehow probably noticelimestone* rapidlythe limestonewillbuild up. a fewmonths (seepage 16). depositson your clothesand If your wateris VERYHARD Effects on clothes How topartkiuy
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Howto use detergent The use of a.sufficientamount of If the-recommendedamount of — detergentis one of the most impor- detergentproducestoo many suds, Granular or Powdered—Placein — {antthingsyou can do to make switchto a lowsudsingdetergent the filter pan for normal condi- sureyour wash comesout clean. brand, and followinstructionson tions, but, for best results,put the package. detergentnextto the agitator after Amount required varies the clotheshave beenloaded. accordingto: 1. Water hardness I
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Hard water—doyou haveit? Beforeyou can decidewhat to do But, if youhavemorethan 10 If yourwaterisSOFT,you haveno about hard water,you willneed to problem.Youcan usesoapor grains,youwillneedto softenyour — determineif your water is hard waterwitheither... detergentas youpreferand forget — and, if so, how hard. allabout hard water.If youhave 1. An installedwatersoftenerin HARDwater—less than 10 Waterhardnessis measuredin your home,or grains-and youusephosphate gallon is “grainsper gallon”-a 2. The
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How’to use it Useyour BleachDispenseraccord- 1)Do not pour undiluted liquid chlorinebleach BLEACH ing to instructionson page8. directlyinto washeror on dry clothes, ChlorineLiquid 2) Someof today’swashablefabricsshould not be such as Cloroxbrand chlorinebleachedsuch as: 100VO cotton flame- retardant children’ssleepwear,silk, wool, mohair, &m- m ---- spandex, leather,or non-fast colors. Dilute bleach E?i%%e— @?mw.1 ..— _.. before usingon any fabric. B7z3EI— 3) CheckManufacturers’Care Labelsfor sp
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.... .. . .-——. How toremovestains 1. Trjr(o remo~’e stains as soon as stain removalguide possible. The fresher the stain, the easierit is (0 remove. stain — 2. Beforeattempting to remove any stain, take (hesesteps: Adhesives(ChewingGum, etc.) ~ Find the fabric and the finishin the chart at right, and use only recommendedmethods. ~ Checkthe care labelsthat came Antiperspirants,Deodorants on the garrnei~t. ~ Teststain removalproduct on an insideseamor sampleof the material. Blood ~ Avoiduse of ho
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— -. white ad BieaeElableFdlrks other washable Fabrics — see (h’mlAs setting Guide, Bk?adlonPage6* 4 Rub with iceor immersein cold water, Usedull tool to carefully Sameas whiteand bleachablefabrics. scmpe off as much adhesiveorgum aspo.ssib[e,Spongewith a safe dry cleaningfluid~then launder. Apply undilutedliquid detergent. Rinse. If stain remains, bleach Sameas whiteand bleachablefabricsexceptusenon- accordingto Stain RemovalHint on oppositepage. if color has chlorinebleach. changed, you may be
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Tosave Time and Money — .. tlefm%-you 4X311 forservice, . — check the Problem SOhw _— If you havea problem, it maybe minor. Youmay be able to correct — it yourself.Just use this Problem Solverto locateyour problemand then followthe suggested recommendations. PROBLEM POSSIBLE cAtJsE AND WMEDY LINT OR W3SIDLJE Incorrect sorting of clothes.Separatelint-producers(suchas terry ONCLOTHES towelsand chenile)from lint-receivers(suchas manmade fabrics, velveteen,corduroy). - Washingtoo }ong,especiallyfor