Руководство по эксплуатации Siemens S40

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Siemens S40

Устройство: Siemens S40
Категория: Мобильный телефон
Производитель: Siemens
Размер: 2.08 MB
Добавлено: 7/24/2014
Количество страниц: 50
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Cover S40 US 19/09/01 15:26 Side 1
Siemens Information And
Communication Mobile, LLC
16745 West Bernardo Drive
San Diego, CA 92127
© Siemens AG 2000
All rights reserved.
Subject to availability.
Rights of modification reserved.
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Ref. No.: A31008-H6400-A19-1-4A19
Printed in Germany
(7910.2425 US/ 08.01)
User Guide
S40 S40

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Cover S40 US 19/09/01 15:27 Side 3 Menu overview Siemens service Abu Dhabi Siemens Service Center 26423800 Lebanon . . . . F.A. Kettaneh . . . . . . . . 01443043 Setup menu List menu Network services Call setup Australia . Siemens . . . . . . . . . . . 1800622414 Lithuania. . . . Siemens. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2397779 SIM Application toolkit Call divert Caller ID Austria . . . Siemens . . . . . . . . . . . 0517075004 Luxembourg . Siemens. . . . . . . . . . . . 43843399 Outgoing calls Cal

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

User guide S40 US 25/09/01 18:33 Side 2 3 Contents Important safety Calculator 34 Index 93 Instructions 4 Voice Memo 35 Calendar 36 TIA Safety language 5 Missed events 38 CTIA Driving safety tips 8 IrDA operation 39 WAP browser 40 Information on SAR 10 Messages 43 Getting started 11 Setup menu 49 Battery and charging 12 Overview 50 SIM card 14 Network services 52 Calling 15 Network selection 56 Redialing a number 16 Facts & Tips Tones setup 58 Silent mode 16 • Your new GSM m

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 4 4 5 Important safety instructions TIA Safety language Please observe the following guide- Use only specified batteries WARNING The following text is the general Those standards were based on Tips on efficient operation: For lines. Breaking these rules may be and chargers, as using third- When using your cellular telephone, TIA Safety language document. As comprehensive and periodic evalua- your phone to operate most effi- dangerous or illegal: party pro

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 6 6 7 TIA Safety language TIA Safety language • Should not carry the phone in a to do so. Hospitals or health care when in a “blasting area” or in Electronic devices For vehicles equipped with breast pocket; facilities may be using equipment areas posted: “Turn off two-way Most modern electronic equipment an air bag that could be sensitive to external radio.” Obey all signs and instruc- is shielded from RF signals. An air bag inflates with great force. •

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 8 8 9 CTIA Driving safety tips CTIA Driving safety tips “The wireless industry reminds you Your wireless telephone gives you Position your wireless phone Dial sensibly and assess the Use your wireless phone to help to use your phone safely when driv- the powerful ability to communicate within easy reach. traffic; if possible, place calls others in emergencies. ing.” by voice – almost anywhere, any- Be able to access your wireless when you are not moving o

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 10 10 11 Information on SAR THIS MODEL PHONE MEETS THE in all tested frequency bands. Al- able accessories). While there may be GOVERNMENT’S REQUIREMENTS though the SAR is determined at differences between the SAR levels FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES. the highest certified power level, the of various phones and at various posi- actual SAR level of the phone while tions, they all meet the government operating can be well below the requirement for RF exposure

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 12 12 13 Getting started Getting started Battery and charging Slide the battery lid back into Insert battery Charge battery position. Remove the battery lid by Insert the charger plug at the pressing and sliding it towards bottom of the telephone, and Facts & Tips yourself. it will start charging immedi- • Full performance from a new bat- • During charging the top icon of the ately. tery is only obtained after two or battery indicator will animate a Fu

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 14 14 15 Getting started Getting started SIM card Calling Close the holder and slide the Facts & Tips Insert SIM card Making a call Answering a call catch back into place. • When making an international call, Before you can make a call with Facts & Tips first enter “+” (hold down for Enter the phone number and Press (»ANSWER«), when Insert the battery, attach the your mobile phone, you need to one second) followed by the relevant • Please remember t

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 16 16 17 17 17 Getting started Redialing a number Press (»MENU«) Press Press for one second, and the latest dialed number will be The keypad lock is, however, auto- redialed automatically. Facts & Tips matically disabled: If you wish to use this feature, • Take notice of the display texts.The activate the speed dial function • during an incoming call until you display text right above the function first. See p. 64. have finished the conversation Address

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 18 18 19 Address and phone books Address and phone books Text input wheel mode Having selected English as keypad Press 3 times if you want to bol will be seen in the upper Using the keypad The characters available on each language, the following characters enter a capital letter.To activate the right-hand corner of the display. Each key on your phone’s keypad key will depend on the keypad lan- will be available on each key: caps lock functi

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 20 20 21 Address and phone books Address and phone books Address book Phone books Your telephone contains a com- Press »SELECT« to access the The telephone will now ask you Your telephone contains a number options as in your other phone Plain numbers plete address book similar to the name box. whether you want to store the new of phone books, which are stored books, but your network operator This an easy-to-use phone book address book on a PC. entry. on

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 22 22 23 Address and phone books Address and phone books Phone books Prefix phone numbers Facts & Tips Barred numbers Finding an entry in your In prefix numbers the first digits in address and phone books In this phone book you can store the number are the prefix (the Both address and phone books Address book only Phone books only numbers that it should not be pos- same for e.g. the whole company), • Calling Line Identification (CLI) is a • Entries stored

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 24 24 25 Reset phone memory Because your phone can synchro- ringing tones and own WAP profile nize with different platforms, out- settings are lost. However, this is side factors might spoil the phone’s also an easy way to delete all of functioning. If this happens, you the above-mentioned items if you can reset the phone memory. should want to do so. Other ringing tones and WAP Proceed in the following way: profiles than your own ones will be reset to t

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 26 26 27 List menu List menu List menu General SIM Application toolkit Missed calls Calendar Messages (SAT) Enter the List menu: • View names/phone numbers of • View your events • Inbox for received SMS mes- Scroll through the options: sages • The availability, name and func- you latest calls received but not • New event and • Outbox for SMS messages ready tions of this menu depend com- answered • View week planner Select an option: to be sent pletely

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 28 28 29 List menu List menu Call lists Address and phone book editing Direct access to the list of Press »OPTION« If you press »NO«, the phone will First First missed calls ask you whether you want to go Select one of the following Enter the List menu Enter the List menu When you have missed one or back to the entry. by pressing by pressing options. more calls, the symbol is If you press »NO« at this stage, Select one of the following Select »Phone books

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 30 30 31 List menu List menu Address and phone book editing books to the address book or to A list showing all your entries in • Rename group: Edit the First First another phone book. When copying your address book and a list of name via the keypad and confirm Enter the List menu Enter the List menu an entry you will always be able to available ringing tones are the new name by pressing »OK«. by pressing by pressing edit the name. presented. The content

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 32 32 33 List menu List menu Address and phone book editing Status • Change group: This option is First First Voice Memo This submenu shows available only if you have created you the status of your voice Enter the List menu Enter the List menu more than one group. memos. See how many voice by pressing by pressing If the selected entry is assigned memos you have stored and the Select »Phone books« and Select »Status« to a group, the option »Change then

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 34 34 35 List menu List menu Calculator Voice Memo M+ or decimal point (press new speech will automatically be First First Delete all memos Enter this sub- briefly) added at the end of the existing menu to delete all your voice Enter the List menu Enter the List menu 0M= voice memo. memos. by pressing by pressing MR or -/+ (neg./pos.) (press • Edit the title of the voice memo. Select »Calculator« Select »Voice Memo« briefly) • Delete the voice memo. In

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

User guide S40 US 19/09/01 15:43 Side 36 36 37 List menu List menu Calendar Press »SELECT« to read the event recurring frequency, select tone flash green very fast. If the phone contents of the events you have First details. pattern, and define advance notice is swichted on, the trembler will be postponed. (See p. 38 for further Enter the List menu for the event. activated if you have selected this information). by pressing Facts & Tips In addition to reading the event You can decide that a

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