Руководство по эксплуатации Nautilus T7.16

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Nautilus T7.16

Устройство: Nautilus T7.16
Категория: Беговая дорожка фитнес
Производитель: Nautilus
Размер: 4.47 MB
Добавлено: 7/4/2014
Количество страниц: 44
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Model T7.16 & T7.18
Pro Series Treadmills
Owner’s Manual
Be Strong.
Model T7.16 Model T7.18
T7_16-18_OM.indd 1 11/12/04 3:28:47 PM

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™ CHANGING THE GAME IN HEALTH AND FITNESS INTRODUCTION ® ® Thank you for purchasing your Nautilus Pro Series treadmill. For more than 30 years Nautilus has been producing the world’s fi nest fi tness equipment used in health clubs and homes around the globe. We hope this product meets your every expectation and is a valuable tool on the road to accomplishing all your fi tness goals. Please carefully read through this manual to familiarize yourself with the operation of your new ® Nautilus trea

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® SAFETY REQUIREMENTS NAUTILUS SAFETY REQUIREMENTS a minimum of four feet behind the treadmill and any objects. When using electrical equipment, always follow these basic precautions: 6. Before each use of this equipment, check the power receptacle for signs of damage. Do not operate the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS equipment if the integrity of this item is in question. The following defi nitions apply to the words “Danger” and 7. To avoid potential safety and electrical problems, replace

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™ CHANGING THE GAME IN HEALTH AND FITNESS INSTALLATION & OPERATION Treadmill Power Plug Receptacles The Pro Series treadmills have two power plug receptacles allowing you plug in the treadmill from the front or the rear of the machine. The rear power cord receptacle, located underneath the right side of the side rail, should be used if the treadmill is going to be placed in the center of the room facing away from the wall. The front power cord receptacle, located on the front side of the m

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® OPERATION NAUTILUS INSTALLATION & OPERATION Treadmill Magnetic Safety Stop Cord qqqqq IMPORTANT The emergency stop cord should always be in use while on your treadmill. The magnetically activated key is located on the bottom of the display as shown. This magnetic key is an emergency shut off and will abruptly stop the walking belt should you fall down while using the Emergency (T7.16) Stop treadmill. Removing this magnetic key while not in Magnet use will prevent children or unwanted u

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™ CHANGING THE GAME IN HEALTH AND FITNESS GETTING STARTED Guidelines For Getting On and Off the Treadmill Instruct each user in the following guidelines for getting on and off the treadmill. 1. Magnetic safety cord should be in place on the display and should be securely clipped onto an area of clothing approximately waist high. 2. The walking belt should be moving at minimum speed before the user steps onto the treadmill. 3. Stand next to the treadmill and place both hands on the front

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® GETTING STARTED NAUTILUS GETTING STARTED 5 T7_16-18_OM.indd 5 11/12/04 3:29:51 PM

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™ CHANGING THE GAME IN HEALTH AND FITNESS HEART RATE MONITORING Heart rate monitoring helps you monitor your level of exertion by displaying your heart rate during exercise. There are two methods of monitoring heart rate on the Pro Series treadmills: ® • Telemetry (e.g., Polar ) belt. The wireless heart rate chest belt supplied with your treadmill transmits the heart beat signal to the receiver in the display. The display shows the heart rate in beats per minute and uses the heart rate val

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® HEART RATE MONITORING NAUTILUS HEART RATE MONITORING Maintaining the Transmitter Belt Clean the chest belt regularly with mild soap and water, then dry thoroughly — residual sweat and moisture keeps the transmitter active and will drain the battery in the transmitter. Do not use abrasives or chemicals such as steel wool or alcohol for cleaning, as they can damage the electrodes permanently. The supplied chest belts use a sealed battery and are non-replaceable. Batteries in a chest belt wil

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™ CHANGING THE GAME IN HEALTH AND FITNESS TREADMILL DISPLAY DEFINITIONS The following describes the display functions and specifi cations on the Pro Series treadmills. 00:01 Incline — The treadmill incline is displayed as a percentage of elevation. The Pro Series treadmill has an incline range of 0 to 15%. Time — T he selected workout time is displayed in the center of the upper display 00:02 window. In the Time Based workouts, the timer will count down to 0:00 from the preset time you ha

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® DISPLAY DEFINITIONS NAUTILUS TREADMILL DISPLAY DEFINITIONS Strides Per Minute — Your strides per minute can be an extremely valuable tool to measure the length of your stride and consistency of your stride rate. In general as your speed increases your stride rate increases as your legs are moving faster. Speed and Strides Per Minute are not however directly connected. There are several philosophies on the optimal stride rate depending on your walking/running speed as well as your leg len

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™ CHANGING THE GAME IN HEALTH AND FITNESS TREADMILL KEY FUNCTIONS Quick Start Key — This key starts the walking belt with a gradual increase to the default start speed of the workout program selected. You can also use this key to Quick-Start a workout session. This allows you to bypass entering in information and simply starts the treadmill belt at a speed of 0.5 mph. Stop Key — Du ring a workout, pressing the STOP Key once will stop the walking belt and bring the treadmill to the Pause

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® KEY FUNCTIONS NAUTILUS TREADMILL KEY FUNCTIONS Speed Faster & Slower Key — The treadmill belt speed may be changed at any time during a workout. Pressing the SPEED DOWN Key decreases the belt speed and pressing the SPEED UP key increases the belt speed. The belt speed increases or decreases in increments of 0.1 MPH (0.15 KM/H). qqqqq IMPORTANT It is important to know that the speed change up or down is not immediate. Speed will gradually increase or decrease so be sure to allow the trea

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™ CHANGING THE GAME IN HEALTH AND FITNESS MY NAUTILUS™ SET UP AND OPERATION My Nautilus™ is a personal My Nautilus™ Member Set up workout diary that records To set up a personal My Nautilus™ profi le, complete the following steps. and tracks every workout. Tracking all your crucial 1. Press the MY NAUTILUS™ key during Standby mode to scroll through the menu of My Nautilus™ members. If a profi le has not been set up, the names exercise data is essential will be displayed as USER 1, USER 2,

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® MY NAUTILUS™ NAUTILUS MY NAUTILUS™ SET UP AND OPERATION • NEW WORKOUT — This will bring you to the Program Set Up menu and allow qqqqqq you to select a new program for that day’s workout. (Weight and age entry IMPORTANT will be skipped) Entering program set up in this manner also allows you to choose from 3 custom programs for each specifi c user. You must fi rst enter the My Nautilus™ menu • WORKOUT HISTORY — This allows you to review all your past workout data. for workout data to be Th

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™ CHANGING THE GAME IN HEALTH AND FITNESS PROGRAM OVERVIEW & SETUP Program Overview Time or Distance Goal T hese are manually operated programs in which you have complete control over The Pro Series treadmills your speed and incline. have a wide variety of programming options Time Based Programs with a great amount of These are programs in which you determine your desired workout time and the fl exibility to allow anyone programs 24 workout segments are equally divide by this time. of an

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® GOAL PROGRAMS NAUTILUS GOAL PROGRAMS Time Goal Program Setup Use the following steps to select this program. 1. Press the ENTER Key while in Standby Mode. 2. Enter your weight using the SPEED UP/DOWN Keys or the numeric keypad and press the ENTER Key to confi rm. 3. TIME GOAL will be the fi rst program displayed. Press ENTER to confi rm selection. 4. Enter in your desired workout time using the SPEED UP/DOWN Keys or numeric keypad and press the ENTER Key to confi rm. 5. PRESS START will be sho

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™ CHANGING THE GAME IN HEALTH AND FITNESS TIME BASED PROGRAMS Time Based Programs — Below is an outline of the various programs available. An intermediate program with gradual incline changes and slow warm up and cool Smooth Strolling down in speed. Beginning A great program for people just getting started or those days when a less Walker challenging workout is right. Steady Pace Similar to Smooth Strolling but with a shorter warm up and cool down speed change. The name says it all. You are i

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® INTERVAL PROGRAMS NAUTILUS INTERVAL TRAINING PROGRAMS Interval Training Programs — Below is an outline of the various programs available. Provides a fl at running course with progressively faster speed intervals. Offers great Speed Intervals “speed work” for runners and joggers looking to increase their pace. A serious “thigh burner” with two steep hills and gradual speed increase. A perfect Hill Intervals program for hikers, cyclists and skiers. An advanced program where you run four progres

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™ CHANGING THE GAME IN HEALTH AND FITNESS DISTANCE BASED PROGRAMS Distance Based Workouts These programs are a set distance, the faster you decide to exercise, the quicker your workout. A 5-kilometer run (3.1 miles), fi lled with moderately challenging hills. Try to top your Fun Run 5K personal best! One of the 10 largest road races in the world attracting over 50,000 runners and Bolder walkers every year. Enjoy every twist and turn as you wind your way through the Boulder 10K streets of su

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