Руководство по эксплуатации Palm Pre P100EWW

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Palm Pre P100EWW

Устройство: Palm Pre P100EWW
Категория: Мобильный телефон
Производитель: Palm
Размер: 3.62 MB
Добавлено: 5/16/2014
Количество страниц: 186
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User Guide

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Intellectual property notices As part of Palm’s corporate commitment to be a good steward of the environment, we strive to use environmentally friendly materials, reduce waste, and develop the highest standards in © 2009 Palm, Inc. All rights reserved. Palm, Pre, Synergy, and the Palm and Pre logos are electronics recycling. among the trademarks or registered trademarks owned by or licensed to Palm, Inc. Microsoft and Outlook are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. Exchange Activ

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Contents 42 I want to access the contacts, calendar events, and Chapter 1 Welcome tasks in my current desktop app, and then use the Synergy feature to access the same data on my ® 6Your Palm Pre™ phone phone 7What’s in the box? 43 I don’t need to sync, but I do want a copy of my data 7 Where can I learn more? backed up somewhere besides my phone 43 I’d rather sync directly with my computer Chapter 2 Basics Chapter 4 Phone 10 Get to know your phone 14 Set up your phone 46 Make calls 15 Charge

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93 Tasks Chapter 11 Troubleshooting 97 Memos 98 Clock ® 146 For users of other Palm devices 99 Calculator 146 Battery 149 Screen and performance Chapter 7 Photos, videos, and music 151 Phone 152 Hands-free devices 153 Synchronization 102 Camera 155 Email 102 Photos 156 Messaging 106 Videos 156 Wi-Fi 107 YouTube 157 Web 109 Music 158 Calendar and Contacts 159 Camera Chapter 8 Web and wireless connections 159 Transferring information from your computer 159 Backing up and restoring data 114 Wi-Fi 1

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Welcome ® TM Congratulations on the purchase of your Palm Pre In this chapter phone. ® 6Your Palm Pre™ phone 7 What’s in the box? 7 Where can I learn more? Chapter 1 : Welcome 5

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® email, contacts, and events. The Email, Contacts, and Calendar applications Your Palm Pre™ phone on your Pre phone all provide a kind of view in which you can see information from both of those accounts in one place—but even though the information is brought into one view, the sources of that information are In one compact and indispensable device, you now have all of the following: kept separate. For more information, read about linked contacts, layered calendars, and the single inbox fo

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Print material What’s in the box? • Getting Started Guide • Palm warranty All of the following items are included in the phone box: • End User License Agreement Hardware Where can I learn more? • On-device Help: Read short how-tos and watch animations on your new phone. To view all Help: Open Help . To view Help topics for a single application: Open the application, open the application menu, and tap Help. • Online support from Palm: Visit palm.com/support to edit your Palm profile, watch how

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Basics You’re about to discover the many things about your In this chapter ® Palm Pre™ phone that will help you better manage your life and have fun, too. As you become more 10 Get to know your phone familiar with your phone, you’ll want to personalize 14 Set up your phone the settings and add applications to make it uniquely 15 Charge the battery yours. 16 Turn the phone on/off 18 Use gestures: tap, swipe, drag, flick, pinch But first, take the few easy steps in this chapter to set 22 Open

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Front view Get to know your phone Slide out the keyboard • Hold the phone as shown below and gently push up. 1 Earpiece 2 Touchscreen: Tap and make other gestures directly on the screen. See Touchscreen. 3 Volume 4 Gesture area: Make the back gesture and begin other gestures here. See Use gestures: tap, swipe, drag, flick, pinch. 5 Microphone 6 Center: Press to display Card view (see Display all open applications (Card view)). 7 Keyboard: See Keyboard. 8 Charger/microUSB connector 10 Chapter 2

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Touchscreen TIP Be careful not to scratch, crush, or apply too much pressure on the touchscreen. Do not store your phone in a place where other items might damage it. When you pack your phone away, use the pouch to protect it. Keyboard 1 Application name: Displays the name of the currently open application. Tap the name to open the application menu. 2 Launcher: See Open an application in the Launcher. 3 Scroll arrow: Swipe up or down to see icons that are on the page but hidden. 1 Orange: Pre

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Title bar icons and descriptions What are all those icons? Item Description You can monitor the status of several items using icons at the top of the No wireless service provider network is available. screen: ® ® Bluetooth wireless technology is turned on. See Bluetooth Title bar icons and descriptions wireless technology. Item Description A Bluetooth connection is in progress. The battery is being charged. A Bluetooth connection has been made. The battery is fully charged. Your phone is perfo

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Back view Top view 1 Power: Press to wake up or turn off the screen. Press and hold to turn your device and all wireless services completely off and to turn your device back on after having turned it completely off. 2 Ringer switch: Slide to turn the ringer and notification sounds on or off (red means off). The ringer switch does not affect music or video playback sounds. 3 3.5mm headset jack Bottom view 1 Camera flash 2 Camera lens 3 Speaker * Back cover release Chapter 2 : Basics 13

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Set up your phone TIP If you don’t see the confirmation email in your Inbox, check your spam mail folder in your desktop email program. 1 Press and hold the power button on the upper-right corner of your phone until you see a logo on the screen (approximately five seconds). Please be patient while your phone starts up. What is a Palm profile? A Palm profile connects your phone to Palm to get automatic updates, back TIP If your phone does not turn on after you insert the battery and press an

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2 Connect the small end of the USB cable to the charger/microUSB Charge the battery connector. WARNING Use only batteries and chargers that are approved by Palm with your phone. Failure to use a battery or charger approved by Palm may increase the risk that your phone will overheat, catch fire, or explode, resulting in serious bodily injury, death, or property damage. Use of unapproved third-party power supply accessories may damage the device and void the warranty for the product. Althoug

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• Keep your battery away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat. Turn the screen on/off Temperatures over 45 degrees Celsius can permanently reduce the capacity and life span of any lithium-ion battery. Turn the screen on and leave the wireless services turned off when you want • As with any mobile phone, if you are in an area with no wireless coverage, to use only the organizer features, for example, when you’re on a plane and your phone continues to search for a signal, which cons

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Turn wireless services off (airplane mode) Turn wireless services on ® Airplane mode turns off your phone as well as the Bluetooth wireless When you turn on your phone, it connects to a mobile network so that you technology and Wi-Fi features. Use airplane mode when you are on a plane can make and receive phone calls and use other wireless services (if or anywhere else you need to turn off all wireless services. You can still use supported by the local network). apps like Calendar, Contacts, P

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You make gestures in two areas on your phone: the touchscreen and the Turn everything (the screen and wireless services) on/off gesture area. The gesture area is the black area extending from the bottom of the screen to halfway down the Center button. • To turn both the screen and wireless services off: Press and hold power and tap Turn Off. * Gesture area You also need to know about the Center button. Press the Center button to do the following: • When you’re working in an application, pres

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Swipe: A swipe is most often a horizontal gesture, from right to left or left to Drag: Drag is the gesture you make for a slow scroll up and down a list. Slide right. Do it fast, do it lightly. In a swipe, your fingertip just skims the surface your fingertip slowly along the surface—no need to bear down. of the touchscreen or gesture area. One kind of swipe you’ll use a lot: Back. Make the back gesture from right to One kind of drag that you’ll use a lot brings up Quick Launch when you’re lef

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To close an application in Card view, flick the card up toward the top of the Stop scrolling: Tap or drag the screen while scrolling. touchscreen. This is called throwing the card off the top of the screen. In some applications, such as Email and Messaging, you can throw a list item off the side of the screen to delete the item. Scroll gestures Scroll a specific amount: Drag the screen in the desired direction. Zoom gestures Zoom in to increase the size of items on the screen in Email, Web, Pho

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