Руководство по эксплуатации Agilent Technologies E4350B

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Agilent Technologies E4350B

Устройство: Agilent Technologies E4350B
Категория: Садовое освещение
Производитель: Agilent Technologies
Размер: 0.98 MB
Добавлено: 1/30/2014
Количество страниц: 57
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Agilent Technologies Model E4350B and E4351B Solar Array Simulators - P/N 5962-8233
For units with serial numbers:
E4350B US37410101 and up
E4351B US37430101 and up
This addendum contains information for troubleshooting and repairing the Agilent E4350B and E4351B
Solar Array Simulators. The standard Service Manual for the Agilent Series 665xA DC Power Supplies (P/N
5959-3376), together with this Service Addendum, is shipped with the Solar Array Simulators whe

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Table of Contents Addendum A - SERVICE MANUAL................................................................................................................................1 Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................1 Areas of Difference ..............................................................................................................................

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Chapter 1 Differences Firmware Revisions The Agilent E4350B/E4351B SAS firmware resides in the front panel board’s ROM chip (A3U4), the GPIB board’s ROM chip (A2U106), and in the DSP board’s ROM chips (A5U734 and A5U735). Use the *IDN query as described in chapter 3 of the Service Manual to get the firmware revision numbers. Chapter 2 Differences Test Equipment Required Table 2-2. Test Equipment Required for Verification Type Required Characteristics Recommended Model Current Monitor Resistor 15

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Measurement Techniques Note All tests are performed in the FIXED as shown in Figure 2-1. • Measure the DC voltage directly at the +S and -S terminals. • Set the SENSE switch at the back of the supply to the Remote position. • Connect the remote sensing leads from +OUT to +S, and from -OUT to -S. • Use adequate wire gauge for the load leads as described in Chapter 4 of the Operating Manual. Basic Test Setup TO OSCILLOSCOPE OR RMS VOLTMETER IP VP IM IM I P S S +240 VDC MAX SET TO - + - + - + - REM

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Voltage and Current Values Table 2-3. Voltage and Current Values Agilent Model Full-scale Max. Prog. Full-scale Max. Prog. Max. Prog. Voltage Voltage Current Current Overvoltage E4350B 60V 61.5V 8A 8.16A 73.0V E4351B 120V 123V 4A 4.08A 140V Transient Recovery Time This test does not need to be performed on the Agilent E4350B. CC RMS Noise Measurement Test Setup IP VP IM IM I P S S I +240 VDC MAX SET TO - - + - + - + - REMOTE LOCAL REMOTE MONITOR RMS RESISTOR 1.6 OHM VOLTMETER (Adjusted to 1 Ohm

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Performance Test Record Table 2-15A. Performance Test Record for Agilent Model E4350B Agilent E4350B Report No.______________ Date _________________ Test Description Minimum Spec. Result * Maximum Spec. Measurement Uncertainty Constant Voltage Tests Voltage Programming and Readback Accuracy Low Voltage (set to 0V) V -10mV _________ mV +10mV 1.5μV out1 Readback Accuracy V – 42mV _________ mV V + 42mV 2μV out1 out1 High Voltage (set to 60V) V 59.945V __________ V 60.055V 845μV out2 Rea

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Table 2-15B. Performance Test Record for Agilent Model E4351B Agilent E4351B Report No.______________ Date _________________ Test Description Minimum Spec. Result * Maximum Spec. Measurement Uncertainty Constant Voltage Tests Voltage Programming and Readback Accuracy Low Voltage (set to 0V) V -20mV _________ mV +20mV 1.7μV out1 Readback Accuracy V – 84mV _________ mV V + 84mV 1.7μV out1 out1 High Voltage (set to 120V) V 119.89V __________ V 120.11V 1.7mV out2 Readback Accuracy V –

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Chapter 3 Differences Signature Analysis Signature analysis (SA) troubleshooting for the secondary circuits on the A1 main circuit board is ++NOT++ available for the Agilent E4350B unit. However, GPIB and front panel signature analysis is available as described in chapter 3 of the Service Manual. Self-Test Error Codes/Messages Table 3-2. Self-Test Error Codes/Messages Code/Message Description Probable Cause E1 FP RAM Front panel RAM test failed Microprocessor A3U3 defective E2 FP ROM Front pan

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Overall Troubleshooting (sheet 1) Start "Overall Troubleshooting" Turn off supply, disconnect the load and push the sense switch on the rear panel in (local). Turn on the supply 1. Check ac input and line cord 2. Check line fuse 3. Turn off supply, remove top cover, check line Display On? No Fan On? No voltage select jumpers on T1. 4. Turn on supply, check ac power and ac bias voltages at T1 secondary Yes Yes Go to "No Display" Troubleshooting Turn off the supply and remove top cover to access

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Overall Troubleshooting (sheet 2) From Sheet 1 A Check cables from A1 Voltage display No No A5J722-1 (Vmon) No main board to A5 DSP Reads approx. right within spec approx. 4.1V board. but outside spec ? ? ? Yes Yes Yes Calibrate the supply. See Voltage readback circuit on Appendix A in the Operating A5 DSP board defective. manual. CV See CV/CC Status Annunciator No Annunciator Troubleshooting" paragraph on ? Yes Turn off the supply and connect a short across the output terminals. Turn on and p

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Overall Troubleshooting (sheet 3) D From Sheet 3 Turn off the supply and remove the short from the output. Turn on and program output voltage and current to full scale and the OV to zero using front panel keys. Check that the supply goes into OV condition (OV Prot annunciator on and output at 0) Go to "OV Will Not Fire" Did OV occur? No Troubleshooting Yes Turn off the supply and connect a GPIB controller to the supply. Turn on the supply and using the controller, program the supply to full scal

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Overall Troubleshooting – sheet 4 C B From Sheet 1 From Sheet 2 Output voltage Output current Calibrate the supply. See Appendix approx. right but approx. right but Yes Yes A in the Operating manual. outside spec outside spec ? ? No PROT Display reads Check Voltage Monitor No No annumciator on approx. output circuit A1U605 ? voltage ? No Yes Yes Press PROT key Display reads Check output for No Output shorted Yes approx. 0 Amps shorted circuits ? ? No Check Current Monitor Display reads No circui

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Overall Troubleshooting (sheet 5) E From Sheet 4 Programmable OCP tripped, Check OV & OC OC circuits A1U405, U411, Imon Yes displayed amp A1U403 and OC_PROG signal ? at A5J722-26 (TP41) No Go to "OV at Turn-On" OV Yes troubleshooting. displayed ? No Check if OCP is enabled at turn-on OC Yes and current is programmed to zero. displayed Check current circuit. ? No RI (Remote Inhibit) displayed? Check for short between A2TB101 and ground. Figure 3-2. Overall Troubleshooting (sheet 5 of 5) Flow Cha

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No Display Troubleshooting "No Display" Start Turn on the supply and try to program it from the front panel. While measuring the voltage at the output terminals, program the voltage and current to full scale. Toggle the ON/OFF key while observing the external voltmeter. Check the A2 GPIB board, bias circuits, No display but output No PCLR (test points 1 - 4 Table 6-3) and OK cable W9 ? Yes Turn off supply, remove front panel assembly to access circuits on the A3 front panel board. Turn on the su

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OV Will Not Fire Troubleshooting "OV Will Not Fire" Start Turn off supply and remove top cover. Turn on and check secondary bias and reference voltages. (Test Points 9 through 17, Table 6-3) Troubleshoot the appropriate Voltages OK No defective circuit. ? Yes Program voltage and current to full scale and OV to 1/2 full scale. Check voltage at A5 J722- 22 (TP40), A1U405 and A1U602 with respect to common (TP9). J722-22 approx. 2.7V No Replace A5 DSP board ? Check voltage at A1U405-5 with respect t

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OV at Turn-On Troubleshooting "OV at Turn-On" Start Caution: During Check that the supply is not programmed to OV at turn-on. Ensure that the voltage setting is not greater these tests, the than the OV setting. Program 0V and Max. OV, then save the settings in Register 0 (press shift, save, 0 output may be at and Enter key). Turn the supply off then back on. hazardous levels. Connect a DC coupled scope across the output terminals. Turn the supply on and check that the output does not momentarily

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Output Held Low Troubleshooting (sheet 1) "Output Held Low" Start Caution: During The supply’s output is low and the PROT annunciator is not on. Turn supply off, disconnect these tests, the the load and remove the top cover. Turn the supply output may be at on and check the secondary bias and reference voltages (TP’s 9 through 12 See Table 6-3). hazardous levels. Troubleshoot the defective Voltages OK No curcuit. See Fig. 6-5 Sheet 1. ? Yes Check that the +Rail and -Rail Voltages are correct. S

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Output Held Low Troubleshooting (sheet 2) From Sheet 1 A No Check IMon voltage at A1U403-7 A1D413 Conducting Yes (TP28) to common (TP9). ? Yes A1D413 Conducting Yes CC Comparator A1U403 defective. Check voltage at A1U408-3 and ? R686 (TP36) to common (TP9). No IMon Amp A1U403 defective. Gross Current Limit circuit A12U409 A1U408-3 Neg Yes defective. ? No Check A1U408, D420, loading of A1R638 > 12mV No voltage by Tunnel Circuits. ? Yes Disconnect cables from tunnel boards A4A1-A4A4 one at a time

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Output Held High Troubleshooting "Output Held High" Start Caution: During these tests, the Turn supply off and remove the top cover. Disable output may be at the Overvoltage circuit by shorting A1U410 pins1 & 2 and lifting A1R447. Turn the supply on and check hazardous levels. the secondary bias and reference voltages (TP’s 9 through 12 See Table 6-3). Troubleshoot the defective Voltages OK No curcuit. See Fig. 6-5 Sheet 1. ? Yes Program voltage and current to 1/2 full scale. Check voltage at A5

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Initialization and Factory Preset Replacement Program Listing (sheet 1) 10 ! Program to initialize EEPROM data in Models E4350B and E4351B 20 ! RE-STORE "INIT_435X" 30 ! Rev A.00.00 dated Nov, 17,1998 40 ! 50 DIM Init_data(1:49),Model$[6],Idn$[21] 60 INTEGER Addr(1:49),Length(1:49) 70 ASSIGN @Ps TO 705 ! Supply must be at address 705 80 CLEAR SCREEN 90 ! 100 Eprom_data_addr: ! Data address 110 DATA 2,6,10,14,18,19,20,24,28,32

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