Руководство по эксплуатации SkyGolf SkyCaddie SG5

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства SkyGolf SkyCaddie SG5

Устройство: SkyGolf SkyCaddie SG5
Категория: Электроника для фитнеса
Производитель: SkyGolf
Размер: 1.13 MB
Добавлено: 5/24/2013
Количество страниц: 22
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SkyCaddie SG5 User Guide

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

® 2 SkyCaddie : #1 Rangefinder in Golf Table of Contents Chapter 1: Getting Started .............................................................................................................. 3 1.1 SkyCaddie Overview ................................................................................................................ 3 1.1.1 Button Layout ................................................................................................................. 3 1.1.2 Navigation Keys ......

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

3 SG5 User Guide CHAPTER 1 Getting Started 1.1 SkyCaddie Overview 1.1.1 Button Layout Digital Clock Battery Gauge Satellite Signal Hole in Play Yards / Meters Distance Updates Automatically Distance to Back of Green Depth of Green Distance to Center ® IntelliGreen of Green Automatic Distance Distance to Front of Meter Green International Icons Left Soft Key Right Soft Key Info Mark Ball Center Soft Key (Power On/Off and Menu Key Lock/Unlock) Hole Mini-USB Cable & Charging Port 4-Way Scrol

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® 4 SkyCaddie : #1 Rangefinder in Golf 1.1.4 On-Screen Indicators Fig. 2: On-screen indicators • D i s t a n c e : Displays the selected unit for distance as either “Yd” = Yards, “M” = Meters, “mi” = Miles, or “K” = Kilometers. • B a t t e r y L e v e l : Displays remaining battery level. • D i g it a l C l o c k (New v.3 Feature!): Displays the current time. • S a t e l l it e S i g n a l L e v e l : Shows real-time GPS satellite signal strength. The plus sign (+) above the signal bars

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5 SG5 User Guide 1.4 Downloading and Installing the Desktop Software The CaddieSync™ desktop software is a simple program that enables communication between your IMPORTANT! SkyCaddie and an online SkyCaddie account that you will need to freely setup at www.skygolf.com. You If your computer is protected by a will use CaddieSync to activate and register your SkyCaddie, purchase an optional Membership Plan, firewall, it may need to be set up renew an annual Membership Plan, access and download

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® 6 SkyCaddie : #1 Rangefinder in Golf 1.6 Benefits of SkyPlayer Club Membership During registration of your SkyCaddie, you’ll be given the option to select an annual membership plan designed to fit how many courses you play. You can significantly increase the value of your SkyCaddie with these member benefits for a small yearly fee: • O n l i n e C o u r s e S t o r ag e . CaddieSync™ provides safe storage and easy access to courses obtained through our website. Your courses are managed a

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

7 SG5 User Guide CHAPTER 2 Playing Golf With Your SkyCaddie 2.1 Acquiring Signals While standing outside prior to play, power on the SkyCaddie. Select “Start” by pressing the Left Soft Key. Press the soft key to navigate the Note initial start up screens until the Satellite Searching Screen is displayed. You must be outdoors with an You must power up the SkyCaddie 5-10 minutes prior to play to acquire unobstructed view of the sky GPS satellite signals and reach optimal performance. for th

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® 8 SkyCaddie : #1 Rangefinder in Golf ® 2.4.1 IntelliGreen An IntelliGreen is a graphic of the shape of the green (Fig. 9). In IntelliGreen view, the green will have an arrow drawn through it representing a direct line-of-play from where you are on the course. The view of the IntelliGreen will rotate on the screen to show the green from the direction of your approach (i.e. the closest part of the green will always display at the bottom). The three numbers along the left side of the displa

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9 SG5 User Guide Fig. 13: Big Number View Fig. 14: Center-Only option • Bi g N u m b e r T a r g e t : Displays the selected target distance as a very large number for easy viewing (Fig. 13, next page). Press UP/DOWN on the Scroll Pad to move one target at a time. Select “iGreen” to return to the IntelliGreen view. 2.4.3 Center Only View An alternative view is available for those simply looking for the distance to the center. The Center Only View is enabled or disabled within “Preferences”

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® 10 SkyCaddie : #1 Rangefinder in Golf 4. Press the Left Soft Key under “OK” to start the next hole, or the Right Soft Key under “Score” to see your Over/Under Summary (Fig. 18). The Over/Under Summary screen tracks your performance against the pars for each hole. A negative number represents strokes under par, a positive number represents strokes over par, and an “E” will appear if you completed a hole at par. 2.5.1 Turning Off the Digital Scoring Option in System Settings If you decide no

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11 SG5 User Guide Fig. 23: Scorecard with HCP Fig. 24: Over/Under with HCP Fig. 25: Scorecard with MyPar The next time you play a round with your Digital Scorecard and MyPar option on, you will see a change on your scorecard: 1. If you set a handicap, the pars for hole numbers that you will be able to use your handicap on will be highlighted in blue (Figs. 23 & 24). 2. If you set a MyPar™ goal, the pars for hole numbers that you will be allowed extra strokes on will be highlighted in blue (Fi

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® 12 SkyCaddie : #1 Rangefinder in Golf CHAPTER 3 Customizing Your SkyCaddie For Play Your SkyCaddie can be customized to fit your style of play and to display information in the format you prefer. 3.1 Preferences To customize the information to be displayed during play, press the Menu button, scroll to “Preferences” and press the Left Soft Key under “Select”. Within Preferences, a list of settings is displayed as follows: • D i s t a n c e : You can set your preferred unit of distance as (“Yd

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13 SG5 User Guide 3.4 Advanced Menu As you familiarize yourself with the SkyCaddie, you may further custom- ize the information displayed during play using the “Target Settings” option within the Advanced Menu. To access the Advanced Menu, press the Menu button, scroll to “Advanced Menu” and select. A number of menu items will appear within the Advanced Menu. Scroll UP/DOWN to select “Target Settings”. Target Settings allows you to configure the SkyCaddie to display targets at preset distan

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® 14 SkyCaddie : #1 Rangefinder in Golf CHAPTER 4 Recording Your Own Course The SkyCaddie allows you to record three green targets (Front, Center, and Back) for up to five personal courses that are stored on your SkyCaddie. If you have purchased a SkyPlayer Club Membership Plan, you can backup and store courses in your own online membership account using the DirectConnect button at www. skygolf.com. Your personal recorded courses will be stored in your online “My SkyCaddie” account. So, if yo

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15 SG5 User Guide 4.6 Renaming or Deleting Personal SkyCaddie Courses To rename or delete a personal SkyCaddie course, press the Menu button and select “SkyCourses”. Scroll to the appropriate course name to rename or delete and select. Press “Play” and choose the starting hole number. Now that you have selected the course and enabled it for play, simply press the Menu button and scroll to “Advanced Menu” and select. Scroll to “Rename/Delete” and select. Confirm that the course name that you

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® 16 SkyCaddie : #1 Rangefinder in Golf CHAPTER 5 SkyCaddie Menu Items The SkyCaddie’s Main Menu is accessed by pressing the Menu button. The Main Menu contains a list of menu items relevant to your SkyCaddie, preference settings and more. The following list outlines the items found in the Main Menu and includes a brief description of each. SkyCourses Select SkyCourses to display a list of your available courses and choose a course to play. Selecting a course displays information specific to

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17 SG5 User Guide • M e m b e r I n f o : contains detail regarding your SkyPlayer Club Mem- bership, Web ID and number of published and unpublished courses downloaded to your SkyCaddie. • T a r g e t S e t t i n g s : Your SkyCaddie will automatically display targets in front of you during play. You can always manually scroll back to targets behind you if needed (by pressing the Scroll Pad UP/ DOWN). In addition to automatically scrolling targets, you can set your SkyCaddie to display t

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® 18 SkyCaddie : #1 Rangefinder in Golf • N M E A O u t p u t : Allows output of GPS data through the SkyCaddie data port to a computer running a GPS-compatible program. • S a t e l l it e S e a r c h : This screen shows the status of the satellite signal acquisition using a graphical representation. • R e s e t : The reset option will reset the GPS receiver. This function may be used while troubleshooting with SkyGolf Customer Support. Diagnostics These options may be referenced while

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19 SG5 User Guide APPENDIX A Target Icons and Target Descriptors Back of Green Zone Hazard Marker Center of Green Lay Up To Ditch Water Carry Front of Green Fairway Target Mound Water Green End of Fairway To Creek Bunker Right Carry

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® 20 SkyCaddie : #1 Rangefinder in Golf APPENDIX B SkyCaddie Membership Benefit Comparison* Register Birdie Eagle Double Only Eagle N/A State** Country World Region Covered 0 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Number of SkyCourse downloads in Plan Do I Need a Membership Plan term 0 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year Membership Plan to Play With SkyCaddie? Only if user Basic Green Targets: Front, Center, & Back maps a X X X No, although we highly recommend course it. The optional annual Membership Plan unleash

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