Руководство по эксплуатации NordicTrack SL 700 NTC59020

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства NordicTrack SL 700 NTC59020

Устройство: NordicTrack SL 700 NTC59020
Категория: Тренировочный велосипед
Производитель: NordicTrack
Размер: 1.06 MB
Добавлено: 8/8/2014
Количество страниц: 24
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

SL 700
Model No. NTC59020
Serial No.
As a manufacturer, we are com-
mired to providing complete
customer satisfaction, tf you
have questions, or if there are
missing parts, we will guarantee
satisfaction through direct assis-
tance from our factory.
The trained technicians on our
customer hot line will provide
immediate assistance, free of
charge to you.

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS ............................................................. 2 BEFORE YOU BEGIN ................................................................... 3 ASSEMBLY ........................................................................... 4 HOW TO OPERATE THE EXERCISE CYCLE ................................................. 8 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................. 20 EXERCISE GUIDELINES ...............................

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BEFORE YOU BEGIN Congratulations for selectingthe new NordicTrack_ Department toll-free at 1-888-825-2588, Monday SL 700 exercise cycle. Cycling is one of the most through Friday, 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Mountain Time effective exercises for increasing cardiovascular fit- (excluding holidays). To help us assist you, mention the product model number and serial number when ness, building endurance, and toning the entire body. The NordicTrack _ SL 700 offers an impressive array calling. The model numbe

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ASSEMBLY Assembly requires two persons, Place all partsof the exercisecycle in a cleared area and remove the packing matedals. Do not dispose of the packingmaterials untilassembly is completed. Assembly requires the included tools and your own adjustable wrench _:_. Use the drawings below to identifythe small parts used in assembly. The number in parenthesis below each drawing refers to the key numberof the part, from the PART LIST on page 14. The second numberrefers to the quantity needed for a

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2. While another person lifts the rear of the Frame (1), attach the Rear Stabilizer (16) to the Frame with four M8 x 40mm Button Screws (54) and four M8 Split Washers (55). 54 3. While another person holds the Upright (2) in the posi- 3 tion shown, connect the Upper Wire Harness (42) to the Lower Wire Harness (43). Carefully pull the Top must upper end of the Upper Wire Harness to remove slope down in the slack from the Wire Harnesses. this direction, Make sure that the Upright (2) is turned so

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5. Have another person hold the Console (4) near the 5 Handlebar (3). Do not pinch 4 the wires during Connect the Upper Wire Harness (42) to the wire har- this step. ness on the Console (4). Locate the two ground wires that are connected with a screw to the Handlebar (3). Connect the two ground wires to the two smallest wires on the Console. Next, locate the two pulse wires Ground 5 extending from the Handlebar. Connect each pulse Wires \ wire to the wire of the same color on the Console. Snap t

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8. Identify the Left Pedal (22), which is marked with an 8 "L." Using an adjustable wrench, firmly tighten the Left Pedal counterclockwise into the Left Crank Arm (24). Tighten the Right Pedal (not shown) clockwise 25 into the Right Crank Arm. Important: Tighten both Pedals as finmly as possible. After using the exercise cycle for one week, retighten the Pedals. For best performance, the Pedals must be kept tightened. Identify the Left Pedal Strap (25), which is marked with an "L."Attach the Lef

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HOW TO OPERATE THE EXERCISE CYCLE HOW TO MOVE AND LEVEL THE EXERCISE to loosen it (if the knob is not loosened enough, it may CYCLE scratch the seat post). Next, pull the knob, slide the seat post to the desired height, and then release the Stand infront of knob. Move the seat post up and down slightly until the exercise cycle, the pin on the knob snaps into one of the holes in hold the handle- Wheel the seat post. Then, turn the knob clockwiseuntilit is bars firmly, and tight. placed your foot

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CONSOLE DIAGRAM Left Display Matrix Training Zone Bar / mTIME {=:38143MENTTIME I_SF_EED _HEAqTP, ATE Weight L O_ -- TIr_IL BLAZER 1 #L-'I.Fr_l L-'lI I] / BIKERS CH O_CE 2 '='--'t----'i --'L-ij .......... Ae_,_c -- _GTORY HILL 3 COM_3T_C=_'S CHALLENGE 4 _OE =;_J _STANCE =FAT _C&LS = RESIST/ 4CE AWAaNING:_or_o_ce_of potforrnar_e -- _INNER S pAC E 5 seriou_ it_u_-/. remdand undem_,_ the f i_eslstanc e & P_e Programs pOWER DRIVE 6 , .......... _ms manual, 8__ucbens_ _d the / WARM-UP / COOL.OOY_N FAT

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track. When you have completed a lap, a new HOW TO USE THE MANUAL MODE lap will begin. The Training Zone B Begin pedaling to activate the console. bar--The Training Zone bar will show The exercise cycle requires no batteries or 'ObDOWN FATBURN ENDURANCE PERFORM/ your pace and the external power source. Power is supplied by TRAINING ZONES approximateinten- a generator as you pedal. To activate the con- sity levelof your sole, begin pedaling at a speed of about 3 miles exercise. For exam- per hour

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Note: The console place your hands on the contacts;your palms c=l TIM E _:_ SEGMENT TIME can display speed must be resting on the contactsclosest to you, and distance in L---- and your fingers must be touching the other con- either miles or kilo- tacts. Avoid moving your hands. _PACE _= DISTANCE meters. To find which unit of mea- When your pulse is surement is select- detected, the Heart ed, you must select the console'suser mode. Hold Rate indicator down the Program Select button for aboutthree

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tor to the right of HOW TO USE RESISTANCE AND PACE the lit indicators is PROG_MS flashing (see draw- ing a), increase COOL-OOWN FATBURN your pace. If an TRAINING ZONES indicatorto the left B Begin pedaling to activate the console. of any litindicator See step 1 on page 10. is flashing (see drawing b), decrease your B Select one of the six resistance and pace programs. pace. When no ENDURANCE PI TRAINING ZONES indicator is flash- When the power is ing, your pace turned on, the matches the pace se

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HOW TO USE HEART RATE PROGRAMS B Monitor your progress with the two displays. See step 4 on page 10. Each heart rate pmgrarn helps you to keep your heart rate near a certain percentage of your maximum heart O Measure your heart rate if desired. rate dudngyour workout. (Your maximumheart rate is See step 5 on page 11. estimated by subtractingyour age from 220. For example, if you are 30 years old, your maximum heart rate is 190.) Heart rate program 1 is designed to keep r_Turn on the fan if desir

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rate setting for the L_Hold the handgrip pulse sensor. currentsegment; if To use a heart rate program, you must use the necessary, an indi- cator in the bar will handgrip pulse sensor (see step 5 on page 11) or then flash to the optional chest pulse sensor.If you use the handgrip pulse sensor, it is not necessary to hold promptyou to increase or the handgripscontinuouslyduringthe program. However, you should hold the handgripsfre- decrease your quentlyfor the program to operate properly.Each pac

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HOW TO CONNECT YOUR PORTABLE STEREO HOW TO CONNECT YOUR CD PLAYER, VCR, OR COMPEER Note: If your stereo has an RCA-type AUDIO OUT jack, see instruction A below. If your stereo has a 118" LINE OUT jack, see instruction B, If your To use iFIT.com CD's, the exercise cycle must be stereo has only a PHONES jack, see instruction C. connected to your portable CD player, portable stereo, home stereo, or computerwith CD player, See pages A. Plug one end of the audio cable into the jack 15 and 16 for conn

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HOW TO CONNECT YOUR HOME STEREO HOW TO CONNECT YOUR COMPUTER Note: If your stereo has an unused LINE OUT jack, Note: If your computer has a 118"LINE OUT jack, see instruction A below. If the LINE OUT jack is see instruction A. If your computer has only a being used, see instruction B. PHONES jack, see instruction B. A. Plug one end of the audio cable into the jack A. Plug one end of the audio cable into the jack beneath the console, Plug the other end of the beneath the console. Plug the other e

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HOW TO CONNECT YOUR VCR B. Plug one end of the audio cable into the jack beneath the console. Plug the other end of the Note: If your VCR has an unused AUDIO OUT jack, cable into the adapter. Plug the adapter into an see instruction A below. If the AUDIO OUT jack is RCA Y-adapter (available at electronics stores), being used, see instruction B. If you have a TV Next, remove the wire that is currently plugged into with a built-in VCR, see instruction B. If your VCR the AUDIO OUT jack on your VCR

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your workout. Simply follow your personal trainer's HOW TO USE IFIT.COM CD AND VIDEO instructions. PROG_S The program will functionin almost the same way as a resistance and pace program (see step 3 on To use iFIT.comCD's or videocassettes, the exercise page 12). However, an electronic "chirping" sound cycle must be connected to your portable CD player, will alert you when the resistance setting and/or portable stereo, home stereo, computer with CD play- the pace setting is about to change. er,

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B Return to the exercise cycle and begin pedaling. OUR_B SITE When the on-screen countdown ends, the pro- gram will begin. The program will function in Our Web site at www.iFIT.com allows you to play almost the same way as a resistance and pace JFIT.comaudio and video programs directly from the program (see step 3 on page 12). However, an internet. To use programs from our Web site, the exer- electronic "chirping" sound will alert you when the cise cycle must be connected to your home computer.

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MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING Turn the right crank arm for a moment. Repeat until Inspect and properly tighten all parts of the exercise cycle regularly. To clean the exercise cycle, use a the console displays correctfeedback. When the reed soft, damp cloth. To prevent damage to the console, switch is correctly adjusted, reattach the right side shield and the right pedal. keep liquids away from the consoleand keep the con- sole out of direct sunlight. HOW TO ADJUST THE DRIVE BELT HOW TO ADJUST

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