Руководство по эксплуатации Polaris Sprotsman 90

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Polaris Sprotsman 90

Устройство: Polaris Sprotsman 90
Категория: Автомобиль Offroad
Производитель: Polaris
Размер: 18.85 MB
Добавлено: 8/30/2013
Количество страниц: 188
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WARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.

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Welcome DearParents: Webelieveyourchildren should havetheopportunity to enjoy TheWay Out experience along with you. We’veprovided this owner’s manual to assist you and yourchildren in learning about safeoperation and careofyournewATV. Pleasereviewtheinformation in this manual with any child who may operatetheATV. Help yourchildren learn to operate theATVwith safety as atop priority. Help them also learn to showrespect forour environment and fortherights ofothers whileoperating theATV. Children d

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Welcome DearChildren: Beforeyou rideyournewPolaris ATV, therearesomeimportant things that you need to know. Yourparents and Polaris want you to enjoy riding yournewATV, and that’s why you need to read and understand theinformation in yourowner’s manual. Ask yourparents to explain anything you don’t understand, and pay closeattention to the warnings and instructions you read. Yoursafety and thesafety ofothers is themost important thing to think about at all times. As thedriveroftheATV, you must l

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Copyright2003PolarisSalesInc.Allinformationcontainedwithinthispublicationisbasedonthelatestproduct information atthetimeofpublication. Dueto constantimprovementsin thedesign and quality ofproduction components,someminordiscrepanciesmayresultbetweentheactualvehicleandtheinformationpresentedinthis publication. Depictionsand/orproceduresin thispublication areintended forreferenceuseonly.No liability can beaccepted foromissionsorinaccuracies. Any reprinting orreuseofthedepictionsand/orprocedurescont

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TableofContents Welcome ................. 1 AdultSection ............ 33 Safety Decals.......... 34 Safety .................... 7 Driver Warnings........ 47 Youth Section............ 17 Vehicle ID Numbers .... 74 Know Your ATV ........ 18 Features and Controls .. 77 Pre-Ride Check ........ 25 Break-in Period ........ 92 Pre-Ride Inspections ... 94 Riding Rules........... 28 Starting the Engine ..... 96 Driving Safely.......... 98 Hauling Cargo ........ 115 Emission Control ...... 119 Maintenance

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Safety Understand theWarnings Always followtheageguidelines foryourATV. Neverallowayoungerchild to rideon or drivetheATV. Makesureall operators understand all warnings and theowner’s manual beforedriving theATV. Know YourATVBeforeRiding Parents must help theirchildren learn theproperand safeway to ridean ATV. Read the owner’s manual with yourchildren beforestarting theengineforthefirst time, and review it withthem periodicallyafterwards. SafetyTraining When you purchased this ATV, yourPolaris de

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Safety Thefollowing signal words and symbols appearthroughout this manual and on your vehicle. Yoursafety is involved when thesewords and symbols areused. Becomefamiliar with theirmeanings beforereading themanual. The safety alert symbol, on your vehicle or in this manual, alerts you to the potential for personal injury. WARNING The safety alert warning indicates a potential hazard that may result in serious injury or death. 8

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Safety CAUTION The safety alert caution indicates a potential hazard that may result in minor personal injury or damage to the vehicle. CAUTION A cautionindicatesasituationthat mayresult indamagetothevehicle. NOTE: A note will alert you to important information or instructions. 9

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Safety WARNING Failure to follow the warnings in this manual can result in severe injury or death. A Polaris ATV is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. This vehicle handles differently than other vehicles such as motorcycles and cars. A collision or rollover can occur quickly, even during routine maneuvers like turning, or driving on hills or over obstacles, if you fail to take proper precautions. Read and understand the owner’s manual and all warnings before operating a Polaris ATV. 10

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Safety S Read this manual and all labels carefully and followtheoperating procedures described. S Neveroperatean ATVwithout properinstruction. Takeatrainingcourse. Riders should receivetraining from acertified instructor. Contact an authorized Polaris ATV dealerorcall Polaris at 1-800-342-3764 to find out about thetraining courses nearest you. S Always followtheageguidelines foryourmachine: 90ccmodels aredesigned forchil- dren not less than 12 years ofageand 50ccmodels aredesigned forchildren no

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Safety S Neveroperatean ATVwithout wearing an approved helmet that fits properly. You should also weareyeprotection (goggles orfaceshield), gloves, boots, long-sleeved shirt orjacket, and long pants. S Neverconsumealcohol ordrugs beforeorwhileoperating this ATV. S Neveroperateat excessivespeeds. Always travel at aspeed which is properfortheter- rain, visibility and operating conditions, and yourexperience. S Neverattempt wheelies, jumps orotherstunts. S Always inspect yourATV each timeyou useit

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Safety S Always followproperprocedures forturning as described in this manual. Practiceturn- ing at low speeds beforeattempting to turn at fasterspeeds. Do not turn at excessive speed. S Always havetheATVchecked by an authorized Polaris dealerifit has been involved in an accident. S NeveroperatetheATVon hills too steep fortheATVorforyourabilities. Practiceon smallerhills beforeattemptinglargerhills. S Always followproperprocedures forclimbing hills as described in this manual. Check theterrainca

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Safety S Always followproperprocedures forcrossing thesideofahill as described in this manu- al. Avoid hills with excessively slippery orloosesurfaces. Shift yourweight to the uphill sideoftheATV. Neverattempt to turn theATVaround on any hill until you have mastered theturning techniquedescribed in this manual on level ground. Avoid crossing thesideofasteephill ifpossible. S Always useproperprocedures ifyou stall orroll backwards when climbing ahill. To avoidstalling, maintainasteadyspeedwhencli

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Safety S Avoid operating theATVthrough deep orfast flowing water. Ifyou cannot avoid water which exceeds therecommended maximum depth (pg. 112), go slowly, balanceyour weight carefully avoiding sudden movements, maintain aslowand steady forward mo- tion, do not makesudden turns orstops, and do not makesudden throttlechanges. S Wet brakes may havereduced stopping ability. Test yourbrakes afterleaving water. If necessary apply them lightly several times to let friction dry out thepads. S Always us

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Safety EquipmentModifications Weareconcerned forthesafety ofourcustomers and forthegeneral public. Therefore, we strongly recommend that consumers do not install on aPolaris ATVany equipment that may increasethespeed orpowerofthevehicle, ormakeany othermodifications to the vehicleforthesepurposes. Any modifications to theoriginal equipment ofthevehicle createasubstantial safety hazard and increasetherisk ofbodily injury. Thewarranty on yourPolaris ATVis terminated ifany equipment has been added

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Youth Section 17

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KnowYourATV PARENTS: Polaris Youth ATVs are equipped with an electronic speed control system to allow adults to limit the speed of the vehicle for the rider’s skill and experience. More information on speed limiting functions can be found beginning on page 139. These units are not designed for adult use. Serious damage to the vehicle may occur if the maximum rider weight capacity is exceeded. See the specifications section beginning on page 164 for your ATV’s capacity. CHILDREN: Before you ride

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