Руководство по эксплуатации Polaris FS Touring

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Polaris FS Touring

Устройство: Polaris FS Touring
Категория: Автомобиль Offroad
Производитель: Polaris
Размер: 13.87 MB
Добавлено: 8/26/2014
Количество страниц: 157
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WARNING Read, understand, and follow all of the instructions and safety precautions in this manual and on all product labels. Failure to follow the safety precautions could result in serious injury or death. PROPOSITION 65 WARNING Snowmobile engines discharge fuel and exhaust, which contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm, onto the snow on which they operate. Keep this engine properly tuned and avoid unnecessary idling and s

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WELCOME ThankyouforpurchasingaPolaris vehicle, andwelcometoour world-widefamilyofPolaris owners. Weproudlyproduceanexciting lineofutilityandrecreational products. S Snowmobiles S All-terrainvehicles(ATVs) S RANGERutilityvehicles S Victory motorcycles WebelievePolaris sets astandardofexcellenceforall utilityand recreational vehicles manufacturedintheworldtoday. Manyyears of experiencehavegoneintotheengineering, design, anddevelopment of yourPolaris vehicle, makingit thefinest machinewe’veever pro

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POLARISand POLARISTHEWAYOUTareregistered trademarksofPolaris IndustriesInc. RIDERSELECTisatrademarkofPolarisIndustriesInc. Copyright2005PolarisSalesInc.Allinformationcontainedwithinthispublicationis basedonthelatestproductinformationatthetimeofpublication. Duetoconstant improvementsinthedesignandqualityofproductioncomponents,someminor discrepanciesmay resultbetween theactualvehicleand theinformation presented in this publication. Depictionsand/orproceduresinthispublicationareintendedforreference

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TABLEOFCONTENTS Introduction ............................... 5 This sectioncontains helpful informationforowners anddrivers and illustrates thelocationofimportant identificationnumbers that should berecordedintheowner’s manual. Safety ..................................... 8 This sectiondescribes safevehicleoperationandidentifies warning decals and theirlocations. Features.................................. 27 This sectionidentifies thelocations ofyoursnowmobile’s controls and features. ThePerfect

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INTRODUCTION ImportantNotesfor OwnersandDrivers Afterreadingthis manual, storeit inthesnowmobileforconvenient reference. It shouldremainwiththesnowmobilewhenthesnowmobile is sold. Someoftheillustrations andphotos usedinthis manual aregeneral representations. Yourmodel maydiffer. Followthemaintenanceprogram outlinedinthismanual. Preventive maintenanceensures that critical components ofthesnowmobileare inspectedbyyourdealerat specificmileageintervals. Youandyourdealermust completetheregistrationfo

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INTRODUCTION PreservationoftheEnvironment Polaris is committedtosupportinganenvironmental education campaign. Weencouragestateandprovincial governments across the snowbelt toadopt rigorous safetytrainingprograms that encourage protectionofourenvironment, includingwildlifeandvegetation. Snowmobileclubs andotherorganizations areworkingtogetherto protect ourenvironment. Pleasesupport theirefforts andoperateyour snowmobilewithconsiderationfortheprotectionandpreservationof ourenvironment. NoiseLevel

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INTRODUCTION VehicleIdentificationNumbers Recordyoursnowmobile’s identificationnumbers andkeynumberin thespaces provided. Removethesparekey and storeit in asafeplace. YourkeycanbeduplicatedonlybymatingaPolaris keyblankwith oneofyourexistingkeys, soifbothkeys arelost, theignitionswitch must bereplaced. L VehicleModelNumber: TunnelVIN (L): EngineSerialNumber (onvalvecover): Key Number: 7

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SAFETY Operator Safety Thefollowingsignal words andsymbols appearthroughout this manual andonyourvehicle. Yoursafetyis involvedwhenthesewords andsymbols areused. Becomefamiliarwiththeirmeanings before readingthemanual. The safety alert symbol, on your vehicle or in this manual, alerts you to the potential for injury. WARNING The safety alert warning indicates a potential hazard that may result in serious injury or death. CAUTION The safety alert caution indicates a potential hazard that may resu

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SAFETY Operator Safety Followtherecommendedmaintenanceprogram outlinedbeginningon page87ofthis manual toensurethat all critical components onthe snowmobilearethoroughlyinspectedbyyourdealerat specific mileageintervals. WARNING Driving a snowmobile requires your full attention. DO NOT drink alcohol or use drugs or medications before or while driving or riding as a passenger. They will reduce your alertness and slow your reaction time. Snowmobiles are capable of traveling at high speeds. Use extra

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SAFETY Operator Safety StayClearof Track Yoursnowmobileis propelledbyarevolvingtrackthat must be partiallyexposedforproperoperation. WARNING Serious injuries may result if hands, feet, or clothing become entangled in the track. Be alert when riding, and remain properly seated to stay clear of the track. Never hold the snowmobile up or stand behind it while warming up the track. A loose track or flying debris could cause serious injury or death. We recommend having your dealer perform all track s

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SAFETY Operator Safety Riding Position Operatingasnowmobilerequires skill andbalanceforpropercontrol. Riderpositions mayvarywithexperience; but undermanyconditions, theproperpositionis tobeseatedwithbothfeet ontherunningboards andbothhands onthehandlebargrips forproperthrottle, brakeand steeringcontrol. WARNING Improper riding position may reduce control and could result in serious injury or death. Always ride in a position that allows for control of your vehicle. SurvivalPreparation Foryoursafe

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SAFETY Operator Safety Riding Apparel Beprepared, bewarm and be comfortablewhenriding. Be awareoftheweather forecast, especially the windchill, anddress accordingly. Seethechart onpage22. WARNING Avoid wearing loose clothing or long scarves, which can become entangled in moving parts and cause serious injury. Always wear an approved helmet and eye protection. Disabled Operators Safeoperationofthis rider-activevehiclerequires goodjudgement and physical skills. Operators withcognitiveorphysical di

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SAFETY Operator Safety RiderCapacity Driving1-Up -SomePolaris snowmobiles aredesignedforasingle rideronly. Adecal on theconsoleofthesemodels indicates single rideroperation. Driving2-Up -SomePolaris snowmobiles aredesignedforuptotwo riders. Adecal on thehoodofthesemodels indicates that thevehicle is designedforoneoperatorandonepassengeronly. WARNING Control becomes more difficult with two people on board. More space is required to make turns, and longer distances are needed for stopping. Make su

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SAFETY Operator Safety ExcessiveSpeed WARNING High speed driving, especially at night, could result in serious injury or death. Always reduce speed when driving at night or in inclement weather. Always observeall stateandlocal laws governingsnowmobile operationandspeedlimits. Always bealert andpayattentiontothe trail ahead. Multiplyingspeed(MPH)by1.5will equal the approximatenumberoffeet persecondyoursnowmobiletravels. If yourspeedis 40MPH, yoursnowmobileis travelingabout 60feet per second. Ifyo

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SAFETY Operator Safety DriverAwareness Slowdownwhentravelingnearpoles, posts, orotherobstacles. Beespecially alert ifyou’resnowmobilingafterdark. Always beonthealert forwirefences. Singlestrands areespeciallydangerous, sincetheremay beagreat distance betweenposts. Guywires onutilitypoles arealsodifficult todistinguish. Makesuretheway is clearbeforecrossing railroads andotherroads andhighways. Thenoiseofyoursnowmobilewill drown out thesoundofapproachingvehicles. Look ahead, behind, and to both si

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SAFETY Operator Safety Avalanches Snowmobilers shouldalways beproperly trainedandequippedbeforetravelingin mountainous terrain: S Takean avalancheclass S Travel with experienced people S Travel ondesignatedtrails S Makesureeach person is equipped with ashovel, probeand avalanchebeacon. Youdon’t havetobesnowmobilingonaslopeforanavalancheto occur. Beawarethat all ofthesnowis connected. Youmayberiding onaflat slopeorsnowcoveredroad, but ifthesnowpackaboveis unstableenoughyoucantriggeranavalancheona

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SAFETY Operator Safety Iceand SnowBuild-up WARNING Ice and snow build-up may interfere with the steering of your snowmobile, resulting in serious injury or death. Keep the underhood area free of snow and ice. Beforedriving, manuallyturntheskis totheleft andright tobesure iceandsnowarenot interferingwithfull left andright steering. If difficultyis encountered, removeiceandsnowbuild-upthat maybe obstructingthesteeringlinkage. NOTE: If your snowmobile is equipped with RIDER SELECT, perform this che

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