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Owner’s Manual
Installation and Operation
Tested and Portland
Oregon USA
Listed by
OMNI-Test Laboratories, Inc.
• Read, understand and • Leave this manual with
• Important operating
follow these instructions party responsible for
and maintenance
for safe installation and use and operation.
instructions included.
If the informati
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Read this manual before installing or operating this appliance. Please retain this owner’s manual for future references. Congratulations Congratulations on selecting a Heatilator wood burning This Owner's Manual should be retained for future fireplace. The Heatilator fireplace you have selected is reference. We suggest that you keep it with your other designed to provide the utmost in safety, reliability, and important documents and product manuals. efficiency. Your new Heatilator wood burnin
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Safety Alert Key: • DANGER! Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided will result in death or serious injury. • WARNING! Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided could result in death or serious injury. • CAUTION! Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. • NOTICE: Indicates practices which may cause damage to the fireplace or to property. Table Of Contents Congratulations! 2 Warranty
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Hearth & Home Technologies Inc. LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY Hearth & Home Technologies Inc., on behalf of its hearth brands (”HHT”), extends the following warranty for HHT gas, wood, pellet, coal and electric hearth appliances that are purchased from an HHT authorized dealer. WARRANTY COVERAGE: HHT warrants to the original owner of the HHT appliance at the site of installation, and to any transferee taking ownership of the appliance at the site of installation within two years following the date
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WARRANTY CONDITIONS: • This warranty only covers HHT appliances that are purchased through an HHT authorized dealer or distributor. A list of HHT authorized dealers is available on the HHT branded websites. • This warranty is only valid while the HHT appliance remains at the site of original installation. • Contact your installing dealer for warranty service. If the installing dealer is unable to provide necessary parts, contact the nearest HHT authorized dealer or supplier. Additional service
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Listing and Code Approvals 1 A. Appliance Certification 1. An outside air inlet must be provided for combustion and This fireplace system has been tested and listed in must remain clear of leaves, debris, ice and/or snow. It accordance with UL127 and ULC-S610-M87 and (UM) must be unrestricted while unit is in use to prevent room 84-HUD standards, and has been listed by OMNI Test air starvation which can cause smoke spillage and an Laboratory Inc., for installation and operation in the
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F. Electrical Codes C. BTU & Efficiency Specifications EPA Certified: 3.25 grams per hour NOTICE: T h i s a p p l i a n c e m u s t b e e l e c t r i c a l l y w i r e d up to 77.8% Efficiency: a n d g r o u n d e d i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h l o c a l c o d e s o r , i n t h e BTU Output a b s e n c e o f l o c a l c o d e s , w i t h National Electric Code ANSI/ with EPA test fuel: 51,400/ hr. NFPA 70-latest edition or the Canadian Electric Cod
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User Guide Operating Instructions 2 WARNING HOT SURFACES! Glass and other surfaces are hot during operation AND cool down. Hot glass will cause burns. • DO NOT touch glass until it is cooled • NEVER allow children to touch glass • Keep children away • CAREFULLY SUPERVISE children in same room as fi replace. • Alert children and adults to hazards of high temperatures. High temperatures may ignite clothing or other fl ammable materials. • Keep clothing, furniture, draperies and other fl ammable
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INCORRECT POSITIONS B. General Information Fireplaces, as well as other woodburning appliances, have been used safely for many years. It has been our experi- ence that most problems are caused by improper installa- tion and operation of the fireplace. Make certain that instal- lation and operation of the fireplace system is in accordance with these instructions. It is extremely important that the fire be supervised when- ever the fireplace is in use. It is also recommended that an Ceramic B
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E. Wood Fuel Moisture content Hardwood vs. Softwood Regardless of which species of wood you burn, the single most important factor that affects the way your fireplace Your fireplace’s performance depends a great deal on the operates is the amount of moisture in the wood. The majority quality of the firewood you use. Contrary to popular belief, of the problems fireplace owners experience are caused by one species of wood varies very little to the other in terms of trying to burn wet, unsea
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F. Outside Air Seasoned Wood • Cut logs to size A source of air (oxygen) is required in order for combustion • Split to 6 in. (152 mm) or less to take place. Whatever air is consumed by the fire must • Air dry to a moisture content of around 20% be replaced through cracks around windows, under doors, etc. Most newly constructed houses or existing homes fit- - Soft wood - about nine months ted with tightly sealed doors and windows are relatively - Hard wood - about eighteen months air tight
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OPEN CLOSE Outside Air Control Handle Figure 2.4 General Outside Air operating parts I. Fan Operation G. Clear Space Near the Fireplace Fan operating instructions with Fan Over- Combustible materials must not be stored on the hearth ex- ride Switch in manual postition tension. Room furnishings such as drapes, curtains, chairs or other combustibles must be at least 4 ft (1219mm) from NOTICE: The fan is equipped with a snap disc that will the open front of the fireplace. turn
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2. What To Do if Your Stove is Over-Firing J. Fire Safety • Immediately close the door and air controls to reduce air To provide reasonable fire safety, the following should be supply to the fire. given serious consideration: • If you suspect a chimney fire, call the fire department and 1. Install at least one smoke detector on each floor of evacuate your house. your home to ensure your safety. They should be • Contact your local chimney professional and have your located away from the
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M. Starting a Fire NOTICE: Fireplace should be run full open for a minimum of 30 minutes a day during heating season to keep air pas- Before lighting your first fire in the fireplace, make certain that sages clean. the baffle and the ceramic blanket are correctly positioned. It should be resting against the rear support. Also refer to care WARNING! Risk of Fire! Keep combustible materials, and cleaning of plated surfaces on Section 5 before light- gasoline and oth
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Final stage: The final stage of burning is the charcoal stage. This occurs NOTICE: If reloading a bright, hot coal bed for longer (low) when the flammable gases have been mostly burned and burn time, setting the ACC may not be required. Burn Dry , only charcoal remains. This is a naturally clean portion of well seasoned wood. the burn. The coals burn with hot blue flames. It is very important to reload your fireplace while enough NOTICE: T o establish your sett
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R. Burn Rates P. Manual Timer Override HIGH - Maximum Heat: Fully open (Combustin Air Control all the way to the right). It is important to do this when reload- If timer is unintentionally engaged, push the Timer Over- ing the fireplace. Failure to do this could result in excessive ride Lever to the left. This will disengage the timer and set emissions (smoke). the Fireplace back to the low setting. Figure 2.6 MEDIUM HIGH BURN RATE - 15,000 to 30,000 BTU: After a wood load has been
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Troubleshooting 3 If the fire is hard to start and smoke spills out of the fireplace, This fireplace will operate correctly only if adequate ventila- or you find it difficult to establish and maintain a moderately tion is provided to allow proper draft to the fireplace system. high burn rate, then the flue draft is too low and corrective Hearth & Home Technologies assumes no responsibility for measures must be taken. the improper performance of the fireplace system caused Be sure you ha
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Overhanging tree? Bird's nest or leaves in termination cap? Structural changes in Another appliance in chimney area? home also exhausting air (furnace, fan, Unsealed dryer, etc.)? can lights? Overhead fan operating? Creosote buildup in flue? Air register from furnace near fireplace? Doors opening and closing? Outside air Window closed Combustion closed? for start-up? air control Figure 3.1 Factory-built Fireplaces: Troubleshooting Page 18 4/20/11 Heatilator • Constitution EPA Fireplace • 480
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C. Diagnostics and Problem Solving 1. If I can’t get a good fire going, what am I doing wrong? Diagnostic Question Possible Causes of Condition Solutions Are the air controls open? • No draft Open air controls • No combustion air Is there enough paper? Insufficient heat to ignite kindling Use more paper Is there enough kindling? Insufficient heat to ignite fuel Use drier kindling Is the kindling dry? Is there enough or too much wood? • Insufficient heat to establish draft Use small split wood
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4. I don’t get enough/any heat. What can I do about it? Diagnostic Question Possible Causes of Condition Solutions How much wood is used for fire? Insufficient fuel Make larger fires How well seasoned is the wood? Condition of fuel Burn seasoned wood: (split, covered on top minimum 6 months, preferably a year) (about 20% moisture) Did you install a fan? Snap disc may be faulty Replace snap disc How much heat ouput do you expect? • Unrealistic expectations Replace appliance with one with gre