Руководство по эксплуатации HTC Ozone CEDA100

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства HTC Ozone CEDA100

Устройство: HTC Ozone CEDA100
Категория: Мобильный телефон
Производитель: HTC
Размер: 4.54 MB
Добавлено: 7/2/2014
Количество страниц: 102
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User Manual

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  Please Read Before Proceeding THE BATTERY IS NOT CHARGED WHEN YOU TAKE IT OUT OF THE BOX. DO NOT REMOVE THE BATTERY PACK WHEN THE PHONE IS CHARGING. YOUR WARRANTY IS INVALIDATED IF YOU DISASSEMBLE OR ATTEMPT TO DISASSEMBLE THE PHONE. PRIVACY RESTRICTIONS Some countries require full disclosure of recorded telephone conversations, and stipulate that you must inform  the person with whom you are speaking that the conversation is being recorded. Always obey ther   elevant laws  andr   egulations

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  3 Disclaimers THE  WEATHER INFORMATION, DATA AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED  “AS IS”  AND  WITHOUT  WARRANTY  OR  TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF ANY KIND FROM HTC.  TO  THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE  LAW,HT   C AND ITS AFFILIATES expressly disclaim any and all representations and warranties, express or  implied, arising by law or otherwise, regarding the  Weather Information, Data, Documentation, or anyother     Products and services, includingwithout    limitation any express or implied wa

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4  Important Health Information and Safety Precautions When using this product, the safety precautionsbelo   w must be taken toa   void possible legal liabilities and  damages. Retain and follow allpr   oduct safety and operating instructions. Observe all warnings in the operating  instructions on the product. Tor   educe the risk of bodilyinjur   y, electric shock, fire, and damage to theequipmen   t, observe the following  precautions. ELECTRICAL SAFETY This product is intended foruse    when 

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  5 • Replacethe   ba   ttery only with anotherba   ttery that hasbeen    qualifiedwith    the system perthis     standard, IEEE-Std-175-006.   Use of an unqualified battery may present a risk of fire, explosion,  leakage or other hazard. • Avoid dropping the phoneor    battery. Ifthe   phone    or battery isdr   opped, especially on a hardsur   face,  andthe    usersuspec   ts damage,take    it to a service centerf   or inspection. • If the battery leaks: • Do not allowthe    leakingfluid    

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6  To assure optimal phone performance and ensure human  exposure to RF energy is within the guidelines set forth in  Antenna  ther   elevant standards,alw   ays usey   ourdevic   e only inits     location normal-use position. Do nott   ouch or hold thean   tenna  area unnecessarily when placing or receivinga   phone   call   .  Contactwith    the antennaar   ea mayimpair    call quality and  cause your devicet   ooper   ate at a higher power levelthan     needed. Avoidingc   ontact withthe   an

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  7 • Avoid pushing objects into product Never pushobjec   ts of any kindin   to cabinet slotsor    other openings in the product. Slots and openings  are providedf   or ventilation.  These openings must not be blocked orc   overed. • Mounting Accessories Do not use the product onan    unstable table, cart, stand,tr   ipod, or bracket. Any mounting of the product  should followthe    manufacturer’sinstruc   tions, and shoulduse    a mounting accessory recommended by  the manufacturer. • Avoid un

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8  When Using Your Device Near Other Electronic Devices Your wireless handheldpor   table device is a lowpo   wer radio transmitterand    receiver.  When itis    ON, it receives  and also sends out radio frequency (RF) signals. Most modern electronic equipment is shieldedfr   om RF energy. However, certain electronic equipment may not  be shielded against the RF signals from your wireless device; therefore, use of your devicemust    be restricted in  certain situations. In addition, the computer

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  9 Failure to follow the directions below could result in serious bodily injury and/or property damage due to  batteryliquid    leakage, fire or rupture. DO NOT use or store thisequipmen   t in a place where it will be exposed to hight   emperatures, such as near an  open flame or heat-emitting equipment. DO NOT drop your deviceor    subject it to severeshock   .  When not using, lay down the unit to avoid possible  damage due to instability. DO NOT expose this equipment tor   ain or spilled be

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10  AC Phone Charger Use the Correct External Power Source A product should be operated only fromthe    type of power source indicated on the electrical ratings label. If  you are not sure of thet   ype of power source required, consult your authorized service provider or localpo   wer  company. For apr   oduct that operates from battery power orother    sources, refer to the operating instructions  thatar   e included with the product. • TheA   C phone charger designed for this unit requiresth

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  11 Contents Chapter 1 Getting Started 1.1 Getting to Know Your Phone ..................................................................... 17 Congratulations on getting the HTCO   zone™ Global Phone!  .................................................17 Insidethe    box   ..........................................................................................................................................17 Front  View  ........................................................................

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1  2.5 In-Call Options ............................................................................................ 32 Turning the speakerphone on and off  ............................................................................................3 Enabling Call  Waiting (GSM mode)   ..................................................................................................3 Putting calls on hold  ........................................................................................

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  13 4.6 Protecting Your Phone ............................................................................... 43 Locking the phone andkeyboar   d   ....................................................................................................43 Enablingthe    SIM PIN (GSM)  ................................................................................................................44 Encrypting files  .....................................................................................

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14  Synchronizing e-mail messages  ........................................................................................................56 Customizinge   -mail settings  ...............................................................................................................56 Chapter 7 Working with Company E-mail and Meeting Appointments 7.1 Synchronizing with Your Company E-mail Server.................................... 57 Setting up a company e-mail serverc   onnection  ............

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  15 8.7 Bluetooth .................................................................................................... 73 Supported Profiles   .................................................................................................................................73 Bluetooth partnerships   ........................................................................................................................74 Connecting a Bluetooth hands-free or stereo headset   ......................

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16  Chapter 11 Using Other Applications 11.1 Microsoft® Office Mobile ......................................................................... 91 11.2 Adobe® Reader® LE ................................................................................... 91 11.3 Voice Command ........................................................................................ 92 Appendix A.1 Specifications ............................................................................................. 93 A.2 Reg

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Chapter 1 Getting Started 1.1 Getting to Know Your Phone Congratulations on getting the HTC Ozone™ Global Phone! Havey   ou ever traveled to anotherc   ountry or outside your network carrier service area onlyt   o find that you  have to purchase or lease another cell phone?  Your  HTC  Ozone™  Global  Phone  covers  all  the  bases  by  incorporating  a  GSM  SIM  slot  into  its  CDMA  architecture.  Now when you travel outside the range of your CDMA service provider’s coverage area orr   oam

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18  Getting  Started Front View Earpiece Listent   o a phone call. Notification LED* NAVIGATION CONTROL See descriptionbelo   w • Pressthe   NA   VIGATION  CONTROL buttons to scroll  left, right, up, or down.  • Pressingthe   c   enter acts as  Left SOFT KEY theENTER    button to click  Presst   oper   formthe     itemson   the    screen. commandabo   ve the  button.  Right SOFT KEY TALK/SEND Press to perform the  • Presst   o answeran    incoming  commandabo   ve the  callor   dial    a number.

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Getting  Started  19 Keyboard Entert   ext, numbers, and symbols using the QWERTY keyboard. See  “Entering Information” in    this chapter for  details.  When you are not entering information, use the special keys to perform a function or open a program. Voicemail When you are not  entering text, press and  hold to open yourv   oice  mail. Mute/Speakerphone • When ina   call   ,pr   esst   ot   oggle the  Keypad microphone onand    off. • Press   and this button to toggle  the speakerphone on an

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 0  Getting  Started Left, Back, and Bottom Views Speaker 2.0 Megapixel VOLUME UP Camera Presst   oincr   ease the  See  “TakingP   hoto  phonev   olume.  and  Videos withthe     VOLUME DOWN PhoneC   amera” in     Presst   o decrease the  Chapter10.   phone volume.  Strap Holder Sync Connector/Earphone Jack • Connect the supplied USB cablet   osynchr   onize  information orplug   in    the AC adapter tor   echarge the  battery. • Connect a USB stereoheadset    for hands-free  conversation orf

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