Руководство по эксплуатации Bard CHDM Dehumidification Module CH4S1

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Bard CHDM Dehumidification Module CH4S1

Устройство: Bard CHDM Dehumidification Module CH4S1
Категория: Тепловой насос
Производитель: Bard
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Добавлено: 4/22/2014
Количество страниц: 28
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This is an R-410a
h igh PRessuRe
RefRigeRT an s ysTem
Bard Manufacturing Company, Inc. Manual : 2100-455M
Bryan, Ohio 43506 Supersedes: 2100-455L
File: Volume III Tab 17
Since 1914...Moving ahead just as planned.
Date: 02-06-12
Manual 2100-455M
Page 1 of 27

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

CONTENTS Getting Other Information and Publications Start Up For More Information ................................................3 Application ............................................................16 Safety Practices ....................................................17 Wall Mount General Important Installer Note .........................................17 Heat Pump Wall Mount Model Nomenclature .........4 Pressure Service Ports .........................................17 Shipping Damage

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Getting Other Information and Publications These publications can help you install the air FOr m Ore InFOrmat IOn, c Ontact conditioner or heat pump. You can usually find these these Publ Ishers: at your local library or purchase them directly from the publisher. Be sure to consult current edition of each ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America standard. 1712 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20009 Telephone: (202) 483-9370 National Electrical Code .....................

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Wall mOunt General InFOrmat IOn heat PumP Wall mOunt mODel nOmenclature ch 4s 1 – a 05 b P X X X X mODel number c Ontr Ol mODules KW c OIl OPt IOns ca Pac It Y X - Standard re VIsIOns 3S - 3 ton 4S - 4 ton Outlet OPt IOns 5S - 5 ton VOlts & Phase X - Front (Standard) A - 230/208/60/1 T - Top Outlet B - 230/208/60/3 C - 460/60/3 Vent Ilat IOn OPt IOns c Ol Or OPt IOns B - Blank-off Plate X - Beige (Standard) R - Energy Recovery FIlt

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

Manual 2100-455M Page 5 of 28 FIGure 1 un It DImens IOns 39 7/8" 6 7/8" Optional Top Outlet 1 3/8" "CH3S1" Unit Dimensions Top View 43" 43 7/8" 31"" 6 9/16" 29 7/8" 42 3/16" 7/8" Slope Top Supply Heater Access 9 13/16" Opening Door 16" Blower Access 6 1/8" Door 84 11/16" 48 1/16" Return 16" 15 7/8" Opening Filter Access Control Panel Door Door 5 13/16" Top Rain Flashing C. Breaker Vent Option 16" Access Door Access Door 13 3/8" Low Voltage Entrance 2 1/4" 8 9/16" 16" High Voltage Cond. Entranc

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Manual 2100-455M Page 6 of 28 FIGure 2 un It DImens IOns "CH4S1 and CH5S1" Unit Dimensions 39 7/8" 6 7/8" Optional Top Outlet 1 3/8" Top View 43" 6 9/16" 29 7/8" 31" 43 7/8" Slope Top 7/8" 42 3/16" Supply 9 13/16" Heater Access Opening 16" Door 6 1/8" Blower Access 94 11/16" Door 48 1/16" Return 15 7/8" Control Panel 16" Filter Access Opening Door Door 5 13/16" Top Rain Flashing Vent Option 16" C. Breaker Access Door 13 3/8" Access Door Low Voltage 8 9/16" 2 1/4" Entrance 16" High Voltage Ent

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

table 2 electr Ical sPec IFIcat IOns sInGle c Ircu It Dual c Ircu It       minimum maximum  maximum  no. Field Power Ground r ated Field model c ircuit external Fuse or minimum external Ground Field Wire size Wire size Volts & Power a mpacity c ircuit breaker Power c ircuit Fuse or Wire Phase Wire c iruits a mpacity c ircuit size c kt. c kt. c kt. c kt. c kt. c kt. c kt. c kt. c kt. c kt. c kt. c kt. size breaker a b c a b c a b c a b c CH3S1-A0Z 230/208-1 1 29 45 8 10 --- --

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

Design the duct work according to methods given by sh IPPInG Dama Ge the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA). Upon receipt of equipment, the carton should be When duct runs through unheated spaces, it should be checked for external signs of shipping damage. If insulated with a minimum of one inch of insulation. damage is found, the receiving party must contact Use insulation with a vapor barrier on the outside of the the last carrier immediately, preferably in writing, ins

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Installat IOn Instruct IOns 4. Position unit in opening and secure with 5/16 lag OPtI Onal t OP Outlet Flan Ge bolts; use 3/4 inch diameter flat washers on the lag Top outlet flange is screwed to the back of the unit bolts. upon delivery. Flange must be installed on to the top of 5. Secure rain flashing to wall and caulk across entire the unit before mounting. See Figure 3 for details. length of top. See Figure 4. mOunt InG the un It 6. For additional mounting rigidity, the return

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Manual 2100-455M Page 10 of 28 FIGure 4 mOunt InG Instruct IOns "CH3S1" Wall Mounting Instructions Rain Flashing (supplied) Foam A B C D E Apply a bead of caulk REQUIRED DIM. TO MAINTAIN 0" along entire length of top MIN. CLEARANCE FROM 30 10 6 1/2 1 6 and behind side mounting COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS flanges REQUIRED DIM. TO MAINTAIN OPTIONAL 1" CLEARANCE FROM 32 12 5 1/2 2 5 Top COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS 7 43" 6 " 8 3 1 " C A C 8 Optional Top Outlet D 0" min. D B Supply Opening * Supply Duct 16" 16

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Manual 2100-455M Page 11 of 28 FIGure 5 mOunt InG Instruct IOns Rain Flashing (supplied) "CH4S1 and CH5S1" Wall Mounting Instructions Apply a bead of caulk A B C D E Foam along entire length of top REQUIRED DIMS. TO MAINTAIN 0" and behind side mounting MIN. CLEARANCE FROM 30 10 6 1/2 1 6 flanges COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS REQUIRED DIMS. TO MAINTAIN OPTIONAL 1" CLEARANCE FROM 32 12 5 1/2 2 5 Top COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS 43" 6 7/8" C A C 1 3/8" Optional Top Outlet D D 0" min. B Supply Opening * Supp

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

FIGure 6 electr Ic heat clearance Typical Building Wall Frame Outside Sheeting Inside Sheeting Supply Air Duct Unit 1" OPTIONAL CLEARANCE Supply Air Duct RECOMMENDED Flange of Wall Side section view of supply air duct for wall mounted unit showing 0" clearance to combustible surfaces. MIS-2210 Note: This unit is approved for 0" clearance, but the optional 1" clearance is recommended. See Figures 4 & 5. Manual 2100-455M Page 12 of 28

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FIGure 7 Wall mOunt InG Instruct IOns Interior finished wall Exterior wood or steel siding wall Supply opening Framing material: Factory supplied rain 2x4's, 2x6's, and/or flashing. Attach to structural steel unit before installing. Return "CH" Unit opening Follow all local building codes ! when framing wall to support unit. MIS-2024 A FIGure 8 Wall mOunt InG Instruct IOns 44 7/8" 29 7/8" 3" MIN. TO OVER HANG OR EAVES Supply Opening 9 13/16" 1" clearance 6 1/8" Return Opening 15 7/8" 1" cleara

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

FIGure 9 c OmmOn Wall mOunt InG Installat IOns Free Air Flow - No Duct Low Sound With Acoustical Plenums Free Air Flow - No Duct And Isolation Curbs Isolation Curb Rafters WM1CF5-X Unit (outside) Grille Finished Ceiling Supply Air Free Blow Supply Plenum WAFB51-X Return Air Grille Return Air Silencer WAPR11-X RETURN AIR Ducted Supply - Return At Unit False Wall Installation Note: duct maybe in attic or Note: duct maybe in attic or below rafters as shown. below rafters as shown. Rafters Rafte

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WIRING – LOW VOLTAGE WIRING FIGure 10 c OmmOn Wall mOunt InG Installat IOns 230 / 208V, 1 phase and 3 phase equipment have 24V Closet Installation transformers with dual primary voltage. All equipment Note: duct maybe in attic or leaves the factory wired on 240V tap. For 208V below rafters as shown. operation, reconnect from 240V to 208V tap. The Rafters Unit (outside) acceptable operating voltage range for the 240 and 208V taps are: Duct Supply Air taP ranGe Finished Ceiling Grill

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

l OW VOlta Ge c Onnect IOns start uP These units use a grounded 24 volt AC low voltage These units require R-410A refrigerant & Polyol Ester oil. circuit and require at least a 2 stage heating and a 2 stage cooling thermostat. a PPl Icat IOn: 1. Use separate service and manufacturing equipment “G” terminal is the fan input. to avoid cross contamination of oil and refrigerants. “Y” terminal is the compressor Stage 1 input. 2. Use recovery equipment rated for R-410A “Y1” terminal is the c

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

High/Low Pressure control provides protection for the start uP c Ont’ D. compressor. In the event system pressures go above 575 PSI or below 32 PSI, in either cooling or heating mode, sa Fet Y Pract Ices: the compressor will be stopped. This high pressure switch is located on the discharge line and is matched with Bard 1. Never mix R-410A with other refrigerants. Part #8406-113. This will activate the “L” terminal of 2. Use gloves and safety glasses, Polyol Ester oils can the low volt

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

starting compressor and outdoor motor. R-G also make Phase mOnIt Or starting indoor blower motor. Heat pump heating cycle All units with three phase compressors are equipped with now in operation. The second option has no “Auto” a 3 phase line monitor to prevent compressor damage changeover position, but instead energizes the reversing due to phase reversal. valve solenoid constantly whenever the system switch The phase monitor in this unit is equipped with two on subbase is placed in

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

The heat pump defrost control board has an option of 30, 60 DeFr Ost c Ycle or 90-minute setting. By default, this unit is shipped from The defrost cycle is controlled by temperature and time on the the factory with the defrost time on the 60 minute pin. If solid state heat pump control. circumstances require a change to another time, remove When the outdoor temperature is in the lower 40°F the wire from the 60-minute terminal and reconnect to the temperature range or colder, the outdoo

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

There is an initiate defrost jumper (sen jump) on the Low Pressure Switch Bypass Operation - The control has control that can be used at any outdoor ambient during a selectable (SW1) low pressure switch bypass set up to the heating cycle to simulate a 0° coil temperature. ignore the low pressure switch input during the first (30, 60, 120 or 180 seconds) of “Y” operation. This can be used to check defrost operation of the unit without waiting for the outdoor ambient to fall into the After thi

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