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TYPE 2 Models
42743-01• 04/15/07
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Welcome Your new Hunter ceiling fan is ana ddition to your home or office that ® will providec omfort and performance form any years.Thi s installation ando perationm anual gives youc omplete instructions for installing and operating your fan. We are proud of our work. We appreciate the opportunity tos upply youw itht he bestc eiling fana vailable anywhere in thew orld. Before installing your fan, for your records and warranty assistance, record information from t
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Installer’s Choice and Optional Accessories Understanding Mounting and Installer’s Choice® Support Brace Hunter’s patented3-p ositionm ountings ystemp rovidesy oum aximum installationfl exibility and ease.Y ou canin stally our Hunterf an ino ne of threew ays,d ependingo nc eiling height and your preference: Low Profile,S tandard,o r Anglem ounting. Thes tepsin this manual include Ceiling Standard instructions for all threeI nstaller’s Choice mou
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1 • Getting Ready Toin stalla c eiling fan,b es urey ouc and ot hef ollowing: • Locatet hec eiling joist or others uitable supportin c eiling. • Drill holes fora ndin stall woods crews. • Identifya ndc onnecte lectrical wires. • Lift40 p ounds. Ify ou needh elpin stalling the fan,y ourH unterf an dealerc an direct yout o a licensed installero re lectrician. Gathering the Tools Youw illn eedt hef ollowing tools forin sta
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2 • Installing the Ceiling Plate 2-1. Drill two piloth oles intot he wood supports tructure throught he Isolator outermosth oles in the outlet box. Thep ilot holes should be9/64” indi ameter. Ceiling Plate 2-2. Your fan comes with four neoprenen oise isolators (“Isolators”). Position the isolators between the ceiling plate and ceilingb y insertingt he raised areaso n each isolator into the holes in the Step 2-2 ceiling plate. 2-3. Thread the lead wires from the
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3 • Assembling and Hanging the Fan Steps 3-1 – 3-2 Youc ana ssembley our fan for standard mounting (steps 3-1 – 3-2)o r forl owp rofile mounting(s teps3-3 – 3-5). Downrod 3-1. To assemblef ant o hang down froma fl at ora ngled ceiling,in sert thed ownrodt hrough thec anopya nd canopy trim ring. Feedt he Canopy wiresf romt he fan throught he downrod. 3-2. Loosen the sets crewo n thea dapter to install the pipe andb all Canopy assem
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4 • Wiring the Fan All wiring must be in accordance with national and local electrical codes and ANSI/NFPA 70. If you are unfamiliar with wiring, use a qualified electrician. Wall switches are not included. Selecta n acceptable general-use switch ina ccordance with national and local electricalc odes. 4-1. Disconnect the power by turning off the circuitb reakers to the outlet box anda ssociated walls witch location. 4-2. Decide how you want to set up thef an and light control
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5 • Installing the Canopy and Canopy Trim Ring Step 5-2 CeilingP late 5-1. Holdingt he canopy,r aise thef ano fft heh ook. 5-2. Align the slots int he canopy witht he tabso nt hec eiling plate. 5-3. Raiset hec anopyo vert he ceilingp late.R otate thec anopy clockwiseun tilt het abso nt hec eilingp latet otallye ngage with the slotsin t hec anopy. 5-4. Looselya ssemble the threec anopys crewsin tot he canopy one at Can
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6 • Assembling the Blades Hunter fans use several styles of fan bladeir ons (brackets that hold the blade to thef an). 6-1. Your fanm ay include blade grommets. If your fan has grommets, Step 6-1 (Detail) insert themb yh and into the holeso nt he blades. 6-2. Attach eachb ladet oa b lade iron using three bladea ssembly screws.I fy ou usedg rommets, the bladesm aya ppears lightlyl oose after screwsa re tightened.Thi si sn ormal. 6-3. Some blad
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7 • Completing Your Installation 7-1. To attach the upper switch housing, partially install two housing assembly screws into thes witch housingm ounting plate. 7-2. Feed the upper plug connectort hrough thec enter openingo f the housing. 7-3. Align the keyholes lots in the housing with the housing assembly screws. 7-4. Turn the housing counterclockwise until the housing assembly screwsa re firmly situated in the narrow endo f the keyhole slots. Install the remainings
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8 • Operating and Cleaning Your Ceiling Fan Hunter fans havet hep owert o cut your coolingc osts upt o 40%. Beat the High Cost of Cooling The airm ovement created by a Hunter ceiling fan lets yous et your thermostath ighera nds till stay comfortable. Every degree you raise the thermostat saves up to 7% on energy costs. So, you can cut back on expensive air conditioning...and save up to 40%* on cooling. Inw inter, yourH unter fanr ecirculates warm air and saves up
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8 • Operating and Cleaning Your Ceiling Fan 8-1. Turn on electrical power to the fan. 8-2. The fan pull chainc ontrolsp ower tot he fan. The pullc hainh as four settings in sequence: High,M edium, Low and Off. • Pull the chain slowly to change settings. • Release slowlyt o preventt he chain from recoiling intot he blades. • The chain usesa breakawayc onnector that separates if the chain is jerked. If thish appens,simp ly reinsert the chainin to the connector
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9• Troubleshooting Problem: Nothing happens; fan does not move. 1. Turnp owero n,r eplace fuse,o rr esetb reaker. 2. Loosenc anopy, checka llc onnections accordingt ot hew iringt he fans ection. 3. Checkt hep lugc onnection int he switchh ousing. 4. Push motorr eversings witch firmlyl efto rr ightt o ensure that the switch ise ngaged. 5. Pull thep ullc hain to ensurei ti so n. 6. Removet hes hippingb umpers. Problem: Noisy o