Руководство по эксплуатации Finlandia ELECTRIC SAUNA HEATER JM-17

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Finlandia ELECTRIC SAUNA HEATER JM-17

Устройство: Finlandia ELECTRIC SAUNA HEATER JM-17
Категория: Электрический подогреватель
Производитель: Finlandia
Размер: 0.9 MB
Добавлено: 7/31/2014
Количество страниц: 12
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Finlandia ELECTRIC SAUNA HEATER JM-17 Руководство по эксплуатации - Online PDF
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JM-17, JM-20, JM-30
Instructions for installation and use of Electric Sauna Heater
Finlandia Sauna Products. Inc.
14010-B.S.W., 72nd Ave.,
Portland, OR 97224-0088
1-800-354-3342 503-684-8289
Fax: 503-684-1120

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Purpose of the electric heater: TheJMheaterisdesignedfortheheatingoffamilysaunastobathingtemperature.Itisforbiddentousethe heaterforanyotherpurposes. TheguaranteeperiodofaJM electricheaterinfamilyuseisoneyearandincommunaluse,3months. Pleasereadtheuser’sinstructionscarefullybeforeusingtheheater. NOTE! Theseinstructionsforinstallationanduseareintendedfortheownerorthepersoninchargeofthesauna,aswell asfortheelectricianinchargeoftheelectricalinstallationoftheheater. Aftercompletingtheinstallation,the

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

1. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE This heater shall not be operated unless the rock compartmentinthetopoftheheaterisfilledwiththe rocks, and the guard is in place. 1.1. Piling of the Sauna rocks Thesaunarocksforanelectricheatershouldbe19/16" –31/8"(4–8cm)indiameter.Theheaterrocksshouldbe solidblocksofrockspeciallyintendedforuseintheheater. Neitherlight,porousceramic“rocks“ofthesamesizenor softpotstonesshouldbeusedintheheater,becausethey maycausetheresistancetemperaturetorisetoohighas Figure 1. Piling of t

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Example1. Thehumidityoftheairinthesaunaroomiscontrolled Youwanttogojoggingandhaveasaunabathafter bytheamountofwaterthrownontherocks.Acorrect that. The estimated duration of your run is 5 hours. levelofhumiditymakesthebather’sskinsweatand Turnthetimerclockwiseoverthescale0–1tothepre- makesbreathingeasy.Bythrowingwaterontherocks setsection(scale1–8)atnumber4. withasmallladle,thebathershouldfeeltheeffectof Thetimerwillstart,andafterfourhours,theheater airhumidityonhisskin.Bothtoohighatemperatureand

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

Boththermometersandhygrometerssuitableforusein • Consultyourdoctoraboutanyhealth-related asaunaareavailable.Astheeffectofsteamonpeople limitationstobathing. varies, it is impossible to give an exact, universally • Parentsshouldkeepchildrenawayfromthehot applicable bathing temperature or percentage of heater. moisture.Thebather’sowncomfortisthebestguide. • Consultyourchildwelfareclinicabouttakinglittle The sauna room should be equipped with proper babies to the sauna. ventilationtoguaranteethatth

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

2. THE SAUNA ROOM 2.1. Insulation and Wall Materials of the Sauna Room In an electrically heated sauna, all the massive wall surfaceswhichstoreplentyofheat(suchasbricks, glass blocks, plaster etc.), must be sufficiently insulated in order to keep the heater output at a reasonably low level. A wall and ceiling construction can be considered to have efficient thermal insulation if: • thethicknessofcarefullyfitted insulating woolinsidethehouseis4"(100mm)minimum 2" (50 mm). • the moisture protection

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

2.3. Heater Output 3. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE When the walls and ceiling are covered with panels, INSTALLATION and the insulation behind the panels is sufficient to prevent thermal flow into the wall materials, the heateroutputisdefinedaccordingtothecubicvolume 3.1. Prior to Installation of the sauna. See table 1. • Prior to installing the heater, study the Ifthesaunahasvisibleuninsulatedwallsurfaces,such instructionsforinstallation,aswellaschecking aswallscoveredwithbrick,glassblock,concreteortile

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3.2. Fastening the Heater on a Wall 1. Fastenthewall-mountingrackonthewallbyusing the screws which come with the rack. Observe theminimumsafetydistancesgivenintable1and fig.5.Thefasteningofthemountingrackisshown in figure 6. NOTE! There should be a support, e.g. a board, behindthepanel,sothatthefasteningscrewscan be screwed into a thicker wooden material than thepanel.Iftherearenoboardsbehindthepanel, theboardscanalsobefastenedonthepanel.See figure 4. 2. Lifttheheaterontotherackonthewallsothatth

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3.5. Electrical Connections The heater may only be connected to the electrical network in accordance with the current regulations by an authorised, professional electrician. Refertothechartintable2todeterminethewire size and circuit protection required. The complete sauna system should be properly grounded as per NEC or as required by local codes. A grounding terminal is provided in the wiring compartment of each heater, complate the wiring according to the appropriate wiring figure 10. See tabl

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

3.8. Troubleshooting 3.10. Maintenance instructions A. If sauna does not operate after initial installation 1. UseonlycleanwateronSaunastones.Donotuse and wiring: spa or pool water as it will destroy your heater. 1. Check breaker to be sure that it is on. Also, 2. Clean water should always be used in Sauna breaker should be correct size. buckets and water should be dumped out after 2. Makesurethataneutralwirehasbeenincluded everyuse.Scourbucketsanddippersoccasionally 3. Checkcircuitbreakerincont

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

3.11. Guarantee stones;onlyoneortwodippersfulofwatershouldbe This HARVIA SAUNA heater is guaranteed for one pouredoverthehotstonesatonetime.Thisguarantee year date of purchase, and includes all heater parts willbevoidifashowerhasbeeninstalledintheSauna suchasheatingelements,controls,contactors,etc. room. This guarantee covers faults in manufacture and Theguaranteedoesnotcoverdeliverycostsofthe materialonly,andincludestheexchangeofnewparts faulty part or costs of the person carrying out the suppl

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

4. SPARE PARTS 2. Overheating limiter ZSV-330 10. Knob + Cap ZSA-660 3. Thermostat ZSK-762 11. Mountingrakk ZSJ-170 4. Timer 1+8 / 120V ZSJ-290 12. Rock guard ZSJ-180 4. Timer 1h/240V ZSA-720 JM-30 13. Wooden fence ZSJ-190 5. Fitting ZSK-555 14. Water cask ZSJ-200 6. Supply terminal block ZSK-779 15. Axlelock ø6 ZSA-580 7. Lamp ZSJ-245 16. Control compartment cover ZSV-150S 7. Lamp 240 V ZSA-530 JM-30 17. Bulb cover ZSK-750 8. Control box plastic part ZSA-480 18. Heating element ZSJ-110 JM-17 9.

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# Руководство по эксплуатации Категория Скачать
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2 Finlandia ELECTRIC SAUNA HEATER JM-30 Руководство по эксплуатации Электрический подогреватель 27
3 A.O. Smith AH - 290 Руководство по эксплуатации Электрический подогреватель 6
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6 A.O. Smith ST 3000 Руководство по эксплуатации Электрический подогреватель 5
7 A.O. Smith WATER HEATERS Руководство по эксплуатации Электрический подогреватель 13
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10 ACCO Brands H312 Руководство по эксплуатации Электрический подогреватель 28
11 Adams Sun Heat Low Intensity Infra-Red Heater Руководство по эксплуатации Электрический подогреватель 1
12 Addonics Technologies RAID TOWER IX RT93DAHXML Руководство по эксплуатации Электрический подогреватель 1
13 Addonics Technologies RAID TOWER IX RT93DAHX Руководство по эксплуатации Электрический подогреватель 1
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15 AEG WSP 4010 Руководство по эксплуатации Электрический подогреватель 56