Руководство по эксплуатации White Rodgers 1F90W-71

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства White Rodgers 1F90W-71

Устройство: White Rodgers 1F90W-71
Категория: Термостат
Производитель: White Rodgers
Размер: 0.13 MB
Добавлено: 10/14/2014
Количество страниц: 36
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Краткое содержание
Краткое содержание страницы № 1

5 Day/2 Day Electronic
Digital Thermostat
Operator: Save this booklet for future use!

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

About Your New Thermostat . . . Your new White-Rodgers Digital Thermostat uses the technology of a solid-state microcomputer to provide precise time/temperature control. This thermostat offers you the flexibility to design heating and cooling programs that fit your needs. Please read this manual thoroughly before operating or programming your thermostat. If you have questions, write to us at the address shown on the back cover of this manual. 2

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In This Guide . . . YOUR NEW THERMOSTAT'S PROGRAMMING YOUR FEATURES ............................................ 4 THERMOSTAT .................................... 19 OPERATING YOUR THERMOSTAT ......... 5 PLANNING FOR YOUR NEEDS PARTS OF THE THERMOSTAT ENTERING YOUR PROGRAM The Back Of the Thermostat Body Set Current Time and Day The Display Enter Heating Program The Thermostat Buttons Enter Cooling Program OPERATING FEATURES CHECK YOUR PROGRAMMING QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ................. 29 Opera

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

YOUR NEW THERMOSTAT’S FEATURES • Separate 5-day (weekday) and 2-day (week- • Compressor short cycle protection end) setback programming • Programmable blower control • Simultaneous heat and cool program stor- • Blower delay in the cooling cycle age • Audio and visual prompting during opera- • Four separate time/temperature settings per tion 24-hour period • Two hour temperature override • Computed Energy Management Recovery • Manual program override (HOLD tempera- (EMR) ture) • Automatic changeo

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OPERATING YOUR THERMOSTAT Before you begin programming your thermo- The subbase is attached to the wall, but you can stat, you should be familiar with its features and remove the thermostat body for easy program- with the display and the location and operation ming. To remove the thermostat body from the of the thermostat buttons. The information in subbase, grasp the thermostat body and gently this section will help you become familiar with pull it straight out from the subbase. To attach yo

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these, then gently pivot the thermostat body programming). Fresh batteries will main- down to connect the three pin connectors on the tain the stored program for approximately a lower portion of the thermostat back. Gently year. If power loss is long enough for the push until the snap connectors engage. DO program to be lost, the thermostat will auto- NOT FORCE OR PRY THE THERMOSTAT, as matically return to the factory programmed this may damage the unit. temperatures (64°F heating and 82°F c

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W14 W22 2. You may adjust the option switches for keypad lockout, limited temperature range, and automatic changeover from heat to cool Batteries 6-pin Connector (see OPERATING FEATURES). Other than and , the buttons are located behind the thermostat door. To open the door, pull the door out from the top, then swing it down on its hinges. (Group A) On the following pages there are brief descrip- (Group B) tions of the display and the thermostat buttons. Option Switches 3-pin Connector BACK OF

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5 The Display The word BATTERY flashes on the display when the "AA" alkaline batteries are weak 1 Continuously displays system mode (HEAT, and should be replaced. The word BAT- OFF, COOL, AUTO, HOLD). During pro- TERY is displayed continuously (non-flash- gramming, the program period is displayed ing) when thermostat is running on battery (MOR, DAY, EVE, or NHT). power only. 2 6 Alternately displays room temperature (F FAN ON is displayed when the blower is denotes degrees Fahrenheit and C den

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12 The Thermostat Buttons Used to initiate or review thermostat pro- gramming. 7 Sets the system mode (HEATing, OFF, 13 Used to start program operation after pro- COOLing, or AUTOmatic changeover). gramming. Also used to return thermostat 8 Selects fan operation (see #6, above). This to program operation after being in HOLD button is also used to program the fan to run mode. continuously during a program period. 14 Used to manually override programming to 9 Runs display forward or backward thr

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temperature of 62°F, and that during the OPERATING FEATURES next program period, beginning at 6:00 AM, you have programmed a temperature of Now that you are familiar with the thermostat 70°F. The thermostat will automatically display and buttons, read the following informa- activate the heating system at about 5:00 tion to learn about the many features of the AM, so that the programmed 70°F tempera- thermostat. ture is reached by about 6:00 AM. This feature is controlled by Group B option • COM

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use a pencil or small screwdriver to move system from heating to cooling as needed. the switch to the OFF position (see figure (If you have a heating only system, Group B below). Leave the battery out of the thermo- option switch #1 should be OFF and option stat for at least two minutes, to allow the switch #2 should be ON.) To enable auto- thermostat to reset itself. See AUTOMATIC matic changeover, you must move Group B CHANGEOVER to determine proper posi- option switch #1 to the ON position

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utes, to allow the thermostat to reset itself. NOTE Replace the battery, reprogram the thermo- stat, if necessary, put the thermostat back In the AUTO mode, the thermostat will not allow on the wall, and restore 24v AC power. To the temperature separation between the high- set the thermostat for automatic changeover est heat setting and the lowest cool setting to be less than 1°F. For example, if the highest heat SYSTEM after programming, press to set the HEAT-OFF-COOL-AUTO setting is 75°F, t

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display shows the temperature you want. • "ADVANCE PROGRAM" KEY — Press The thermostat will override current pro- ADV to change the thermostat to the next PRGM gramming and keep the room temperature program period. This will temporarily over- at the selected temperature for two hours. ride the program, until the next program After two hours, the thermostat will auto- period begins (for example, pressing this matically revert to the program. key while in the DAY program will advance • HOLD TEMP

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(long cycles), you may want to adjust the the adjustment is sufficient. If the heat anticipation setting. TIME cycles are too short, press to increase FWD CAUTION ! the cycle time. If the heat cycles are too TIME A cooling anticipation setting of less than long, press to decrease the cycle BACK 10 may cause decreased compressor life. time. To set cooling anticipation, press SET SET and at the same time again. SET CLOCK DAY To adjust heat anticipation, press CLOCK The display will show CO

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be replaced. The word BATTERY will be cause a time delay in COOL: displayed continuously (non-flashing) when 24v AC power is not being supplied to the a) Return of power after a power outage. thermostat and the thermostat is operating SYSTEM b) Pressing to change operating HEAT-OFF-COOL-AUTO on battery power only. modes. • AUDIO PROMPTING — Each time you press a button, the thermostat will beep. c) Pressing , creating a call for COOL too soon after a previous call. • BACKLIT DISPLAY — When you

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peratures. To enable limited temperature Total Keypad Lockout range, move Group A switch #1 to the OFF ON position and switch #2 to the ON position Group A Option (see figure below). To disable limited tem- Switches 12 perature range, move switch #2 to the OFF Switch #1 ON position (see TOTAL KEYPAD LOCKOUT Switch #2 OFF to determine the correct position of option switch #1). To enable total keypad lockout, move Group A option switch #1 to ON (see figure above). NOTE To disable total keypad lo

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PROGRAMMING YOUR THERMOSTAT Now you are ready to program your thermostat. PLANNING FOR YOUR NEEDS This section will help you plan your thermostat's program to meet your needs. First, answer the following questions to help you decide what your needs are. If you are using the For maximum comfort and efficiency, keep the thermostat for a commercial application (a store, following guidelines in mind when planning your office building, etc.), answer questions 1 through program. 4. If you are using

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PROGRAMMING 2a. What time do the building occupants reach IN YOUR HOME: a maximum activity level (using lights, equip- 5a. What time does the first person get up in the ment, meeting rooms, etc.)? morning? b. What temperature should the building be at b. What temperature should the house be at this time? These will be your DAY tempera- this time? These will be your MOR (morn- ture settings. ing) temperature settings. 3a. What time do the building occupants reach 6a. What time does the last per

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