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Reel and Bedknife
Operators Manual
Locke Turf
307 Highway 52E Opp, Alabama 36467 (334) 493-1300
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CONGRATULATIONS You have invested in the best implement of its type on the market today. The care you give your Locke Turf implement will greatly determine your satisfaction with its performance and its service life. We urge a careful study of this manual to provide you with a thorough understanding of you new implement before operating, as well as suggestions for opera- tion and maintenance. If your manual should become lost or destroyed, Locke Turf will be glad to provide you wit
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REEL & BEDKNIFE SHARPENER Operator’s Manual Table of Contents SECTION Dealer Preparation Check List 3 Sharpening Bedknives 20 Getting Acquainted with Your Sharpener 4 Bedknife Grinding Angles 22 Safety 5 Maintenance and Lubrication 24 Federal Laws and Regulations 7 Servicing the Stones 25 Assembly and Setup Instructions 8 Dressing the Stones 25 Operation 13 Belt Tension 25 Spin Grinding 13 Troubleshooting 26 Indexing the Rat
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INTRODUCTION More than merely devices created for mowing grass, the excellence of design, construction and operation of Locke power mowers is unparal- leled. Introduced in 1928, tested and proven, Locke power mowers may be considered, in terms of today’s technology, the ultimate response to the need for the highest degree of quality lawn care. These magnificent green machines are legendary and known throughout the world for gen- eration-spanning durability and unequalled performance in th
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DEALER PREPARATION CHECK LIST REEL and BEDKNIFE SHARPENER BEFORE DELIVERING MACHINE- The following check list should be completed. Use the Operator’s Man- ual as a guide. 1. Assembly completed. 2. Gearbox filled with oil. 3. All fittings lubricated. 4. All shields in place and in good condition. 5. All fasteners torqued to specifications given in Torque Chart. 6. All decals in place and readable. (See decal page.) 7. Overall condition good (i.e. paint, welds) 8.
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Introduction Safety First! Measure of safety awareness. Please read and heed Locke Turf employees are fully aware of the need for all of the safety alert information about your sharp- safe operating procedures around all of our equipment. ener. As the operator of this place of equipment, you We hope that you will make a sincere effort to put are in complete control. Only you can prevent an safety above all other priorities. The Reel and Bed- accident from happening. knife Sharpener req
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SECTION 1 - SAFETY grinding of reels, the following safety precau- Important Safety Information tions must be observed. For your safety and to help in developing a better un- A. A full face shield should be worn when op- derstanding of your equipment, we highly recom- erating the grinder while “Relief” grinding mended that you read the operator’s manual. Reading reels with the canopy in open/raised posi- these sections not only provides valuable training but tion. also familiarizes
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CAUTION Safety Decals 4. DO NOT ROTATE THE REEL BY GRASPING Your Reel and Bedknife Sharpener comes equipped THE BLADES WITH YOUR BARE HAND. THIS with all safety decals in place. They were designed to COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY TO help you safely operate your sharpener. Read and YOUR FINGERS OR HAND. follow their directions. 5. Be sure to check the clearance of the reel and/or 1. Keep safety decals clean and legible. bedkinfe before beginning the grinding operati
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IMPORTANT FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS* CONCERNING EMPLOYERS, EMPLOYEES AND OPERATIONS. *(This section is intended to explain in broad terms the concept and effect of the following federal laws and regula- tions. It is not intended as a legal interpretation of the laws and should not be considered as such.) U.S. Public Law 91-596 (The Williams-Steiger Occupational and Health Act of 1970) OSHA This Act Seeks: “…to assure so far as possible every working man and woman in the nation sa
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SECTION 2—ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS AND SET-UP Uncrating the Sharpener Refer to Figures 2-1 and 2-2: 1. First, remove the eight (8) bolts securing he sharp- 5. Shift the sharpener back over the anchors and ener to the pallet. Fig. 2-1 (#1) replace the legs. 2. Using a fork lift, narrow the forks so they slide un- der the drain pan from the rear. Be careful to 6. Holding the legs to the side wall of the sharp- avoid hoses and electrical components. Make ener, fasten b
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Figure 2-1 4 5 3 1 Figure 2-2 2 9
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Wiring The 5100 Sharpener DANGER THIS SHOULD BE DONE BY AN EXPERI- ENCED, LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. Wire the sharpener to a 20 amp, 220 volt breaker equipped with a disconnect. The elec- trical junction box is located in the upper center area inside the front panel. IMPORTANT Disconnect all power during routine mainte- nance and when the sharpener will be out of service for extended periods of time. GROUND LINE 110 VOLTS LINE 110 VOLTS A L1 L2 L3 N
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LIVE 240 VOLTS NEUTRAL 0 VOLTS NEUTRAL 0 VOLTS A L1 L2 L3 NE 67 8 E EF 910 T1 T2 T3 LOAD Electrical Wiring Source To Front Panel Models—240 volts (Foreign) 1. Unfasten the front panel on control box and swing the door open. 2. Locate the disconnect. It is the black plastic switch located on the top center of the box. 3. Remove screw A and slip off the cover. 4. Connect a 0V lead to the neutral position and the 240V lead to the live position. 5. Connect the ground wire to
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Prove beneficial in those times when a “quick” refresh- Overview—The RS 5100 is the latest development ing of the reel is needed, I.e. after top dressing. in the family of reel and bedknife sharpeners manufac- tured by Locke Turf. The relief grinding operation is accomplished in most cases without the need to remove the front or rear Incorporating the dual wheel head, which is an exclu- roller of a mowing unit. sive and unique feature of the Locke Turf sharpeners, we now offer a 6”
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Spin Grinding NOTE When discussing spin grinding, any reference to the carriage or its associated parts means the reel carriage, located to the right as viewed for the operator’s side. 1. Open front canopy and adjust wheel head away form work table bars by turning infeed screw hand wheel counter clockwise, bringing wheel head towards operator. Figure 3-1 Right Limit Stop Figure 3-3 3. Close the front canopy and open the rear canopy. 4. Securely attach the mounting bracke
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6. Manually move grinding carriage left and right making sure there is ample clearance between the stone and the end of the reel blades. (It may be necessary to reposition the reel unit slightly.) When satisfied that the grinding wheel clears the reel unit at both ends, tighten the brackets. Figure 3-5. Micro Switch Turned to the Left Figure 3-6 There are two ways to make reel adjustments: A. The grinder’s movable base is used if the bed- knife is adjus
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Now attach the drive coupler from the spin motor to the NOTE reel. In most cases, town wobble extensions work well. The spin motor shaft must be removed and in- Figure 3-8 stalled on the opposite side of the drive unit for left drive reels. Do not turn drive assembly around on work table bars. (Fig 3-9A) Once these steps have been completed, all mounting brackets on the reel unit and bases should be se- curely tightened. When grinding reels of the same make and model, subsequent uni
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REEL REV/MIN DIAL 16. Start the coolant pump, using only a “trickle” of DIAMETER READING coolant for spin grinding. 4 375 10.00 17. Begin the spin grinding operation. Grind the reel 5 300 7.70 until the leading edge has a square and sharp 6 250 6.25 edge. For best results, infeed the wheel at 0.001” (one tooth per stroke). See the following 7 215 5.40 instructions to set the auto infeed indexing ratchet 8 190 4.75 wheel. 9 170 4.30 Indexing The Ratchet Wheel 10 150 3.80
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The total amount of “in-feed” can be pre-selected from 2 to 35 teeth (0.002 to 0.035 inch), by setting the knock-off arm located directly behind the ratchet wheel. In-feeding stops automatically when the knock-off arm has rotated around and makes contact with the ratchet “pawl.” Figure 3-13 Left Ratchet Pawl Figure 3-13 NOTE Look down on the reel from immediately above the Manual Relief Grinding grinding wheel to be certain that the grinding wheel
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7. Starting at the end of a reel blade, carefully move the wheel head in toward the blade. Take extreme care that the blade you are grinding is placed firmly on the finger guide slope. At this point, do not let the grinding stone make contact with the blade. Check for clearance between the “next blade” and the grinding wheel. Figure 3-15 8. Start the wheel head. 9. Start eh coolant pump at full flow. 10. Adjust the wheel head “in” to achieve the desired grind. Thumb Bol