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W A D I A 8 3 0 C 0 M P A C T D I S C P All of us at Wadia would like to offer thanks and congratulations L to you for purchasing the Wadia 830 Compact Disc Player. A We sincerely believe that your Wadia 830 is an intelligent Y purchase decision that will bring you many years E of musical pleasure and satisfaction. R While every new owner is anxious to begin listening, we encourage you to take a few minutes to read this manual and familiarize yourself with the full capabilities of the Wadia 830
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Connecting Directly to an Amplifier Connecting to a Preamplifier Optimizing the Analog Output Level Frequently Asked Questions Should I use Balanced or Unbalanced connection? Why Should I bypass the Preamplifier? Does the Wadia Digital Volume Control compromise resolution? Can I bypass the Wadia Digital Volume Control? What about Analog Sources? Should I leave the Wadia 830 with the power on? ,,*o,, ” I I I 1 (, ,’ ._~~~&f_~.. : .J i 1 ‘11;,‘,!, ,’ ;rpJ&;, L ‘,,,,‘, _ f
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DIGITAL Wadia Digital Corporatio n was founded in 1988, making it one of the oldest digital audio companies in existence. Wadia was formed by a group of engineers from the Minneapolis- based 3M Corporation (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing) who had compiled many years of experience in advanced digital and telecommunications research and development. In the early 1980’s, this group had become intrigued by the emerging CD technology. Disappointed by the sound of early CD players, they examined t
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After carefully unpacking your Wadia 830 Compact Disc Player, inspect it for any shipping damage and call your dealer immediately if any is found. Da not plug you r Wadia 830 Compact Disc Player into any out/et if you find shipping damage. B Please save all packing materials so the unit can be easily and safely shipped if the need arises. Included in the carton, you will find an accessory kit that contains the following: l AC power cord l Remote Control l Two type-AAA batteries The Wadia 830 rem
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CHECK VOLTAGE HERE! Check to make sure your Wadia 830 Compact Disc Player has been manufactured for Q operation at your AC line voltage. Attempting to use your Wadia 830 Compact Disc Player at any voltage other than specified on the rear of the unit may cause damage which is not If the voltage specified is different from your AC voltage, covered by Wadia’s warranty contact your Wadia USING AC LINE CONDITIONERS In most cases, best performance is obtained when the Wadia 830 is plugged directly
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Avoid allowing static shocks to be applied to the inputs or outputs. To prevent static shocks, touch any grounded surface, such as the Wadia 830 chassis, before connecting or removing a cable. It is unlike/y that a static shock will damage the unit, but it may cause the Wadia 830 Compact Disc Player circuifry to “lock-up” (see lock-Up under Trouble Shooting in Appendices) lnputs and otputs can be safely connected to the Wadia 830 Compact Disc Player: 1. When the AC power is switched off -OR- 2.
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SHOULD I USE A BALANCED OR UNBALANCED CONNECTION? We recommend using the balanced analog output from your Wadia 830 Compact Disc Player connected to a true balanced input. All things being equal, properly implemented balanced (also called differential) circuitry sounds better than unbalanced circuitry. The Wadia 830 is a true balanced design. It generates the inverted signal in the digital domain and all subsequent processing is done in balanced mode. Your Wadia 830 is designed to maintain many
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The Wadia 830 is a modular design. It can be equipped with any combination of the following options: l Digital Inputs l Digital Outputs l PHAST component interface control card The standard version of the Wadia 830 is not equipped with these options, but any of them can be added - either at the time of purchase, or at a later date. If you are interested in adding any of these options, consult your dealer. Digital Inputs allow you to decode other digital sources and receive all the benefits of Wa
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For maximum performance, we recommend using an ST glassoptical cable, which can be purchased from your Wadia dealer. Wadia Digital was the first company to use glass fiber-optic data transmission in digital audio. We have continually improved this format and believe that it offers the best, most consistent performance of all the available options. Based on our experience, here is a list of digital interface methods in descending order of performance: 1. ST-type Glass optical (as implemented by W
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NOTE: The disc should be placed on the loading fray with the printed label facing down. v Volume Display Volume Up/Down Pause Indicator Drawer Open/Close Repeat Disc Indicator Repeat Track Indicator stop _ Phase Invert Indicator \ v / Mute Indicator Input Indicator Plby Pause Track Forward/Back Phase Invert Repeat Input Select Drawer Open/Close Play stop Pause Next Track/Previous Track Volume Up/Down Search Forward Search Back
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Pressing play causes the unit to begin playing. If the drawer was opened, the unit will close the drawer, and then begin playing. STOP: Pressing stop causes the disc to stop playing. PAUSE: Pressing pause suspends playing until play is pressed, or until pause is pressed again VOLUME U P and VOLUME DOWN: Pressing these increases or decreases volume by 0. 5 The LED bar graph on the front panel indicates the volume level, with one light illuminating for every 5 increase in volume. At the maximum
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LOCK-UP If the Wadia 830 experiences a powerful static shock or sudden AC surge, it is possible to “lock-up” the computer circuitry. A locked-up computer may result in erratic display, no output, and no response to remote commands. If your Wadia 830 should lock-up, unplug the AC cord. Wait at least 30 seconds before plugging the unit in again. If the unit still does not operate normally, contact your dealer. THIS AGREEMENT SETS FORTH TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE DigiMaster SOFTWARE. The DigiMast
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To get the best performance from your Wadia 830 CD Player, and for your own safety, please read and follow these important safety instructions. 1. Before operating the Wadia 830 CD Player please read all of the operating and safety instructions. 2. Never place the Wadia 830 CD Player near heat sources such as radiators, fireplaces, stoves, or other appliances that produce heat. Avoid placing the Wadia 830 CD Player where it will be subject to direct sunlight or low temperatures. 3. This product
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Pickup Mechanism Pioneer Stable Platter Decoding Software 32-Times Resampling DigiMaster Digital Processing Capability 24 Bits Digital Volume Control Range 50 dB in one-hundred l/2 dB steps Digital Resolution 21 Bits One pair of Balanced (XLR); One pair of Unbalanced (RCA). Analog Outputs Both can be used simultaneously. 1 - Glass Fiber-Optic (ST); 1 - S/PDIF (BNC) Optional Digital Outputs 1 - Glass Fiber-Optic (ST); 2 - S/PDIF (BNC); Optional Digital Inputs 1 - Plastic Optical (Toslink). Less