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and Condllloners,
Dehumldlfie Au Room Compactors. Trash Ovens. MIcrowave Ranges, Units, Surface Ovens Built-In Dishwashers, Makers, Ice Refrigerator-Freezers, Freezers. Is,
ED25EM Model
SERIES &dlZk?E (
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to It to do. Serial When a 1. 2. In In a 2 place handy Number Telephone and Company Service together slop sales and warranty your book, this Keep spaces. these InformatIon this Copy Date Purchase sltp sales from date Purchase Number Serial shown). as located plate the (from Numbers Serial and Model Complete Number Model ready information this have question, with call or service need you here... Numbers and Model your Copy Plate Number Serial and ‘Model Control Cold with
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: 8 9 9 It 9 10 11 Food 11 Foods 12 15 IF 16 I. For 16 2. If 17 T 6 8 3. IfYou 17 8 4. ,,.,...,.,,... 17 : 01985 Whirlpool for out of on a floor room fhe for not 55” not run to of not or not for of not food to not or source. heat other radiator oven, an near is l cold. properly refrigerators. get time has it before with loaded is l home expected jobs only used is l used. be should it how understand grounding. and supply electric right the may who others children b
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I. to a 2 (1 In 1 In 1 or or not front. 1. (.2 cm) on for of 2. flush 3. If to a to door on 9 d.. . . . * I, 8). A 115 60 15 or 20 2. front, turn to It 3. front, turn to a 4. not cord. a off a or 4 package. literature your in sheet instruction grounding and requirements electrical individual See chain. pull switch wlth turned be cannot which receptacle Use extension an use Do provided. be level. with Check applrance this only serving circuit separate left. the screw e
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. . to com- food. hours.) When for for first or 1 5 +. firm. 5 1 @ @ 4 2 not on 234 3 to 2. 1 to 3. to 3. --_ w . If to In l first. or In l Wait 24 hours l if -1.m. .- . -_-, .,. 4 If often of food 3 WARM too _I . . . . “_= ._ -. .~I 3 If often of food 4 room WARM often __.. ill “,_.... .---- I. 2 not If 3 ’ for -r __. _ _, ma-WI” -I 3 If 4 room r_-,.-. -L_-.. often Q . c 3 If often 2 WARM of food o( room ,mL-,- ..I._ .__l-lm-LP.rm~--
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crisper flows of 1. to of 2. to or out of for of fruits 3. Adjust for of fresh ,.. to door to l Lift out food l Into on 1. front. l 2. Lift 3. out. 1. 2. front of front of to Water , ogolnst the a the I and tumbling o froglle 1 a froglle ) the the dlspenslng the not used the bad ularly. enough 5 thesupply. plumbing and chllllng the hold spills. no in this It. spills will IS from from a When a It 50 (1.5 L). a When first from a or a 2 or 3 (1.9 to 2
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Arm 2. Lift OFF no -. a, . r-a, I-PI.e.II- .v___r ; i door 1 d if from 1 1 When a or from or I motor if i a too It to run 3 I too 3. Lift front of out. d . 1 4. hot or to ’ if to If often, i i I 5. Wash not or or to 6. When If not, or not for a to or to If a to If not It 10.000 hours. When out, 1. out from from to rear. the it slide dealer your another purchase and bottom the panel covering the Pull burns it about last should bulb ID-watt heavy-
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shelves.. a for l Lift front or for l Lrft off or turn off l In to For l out to l Lift front to I l out of I I---- off of out. -Lift of off a In l q rnstructrons l on l a front of l l * --._ ./. ~_,_ /L5W -1 a covers.. l out to l Lift front. l doors. l of out. l l l not l front. front out of Lift front. Lift out of l l to l doors. the Close place. into snap firmly Push order. reverse in Replace - clips metal with tabs support grille up Lrne pegs.
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to of floor, of to l Soft fan motors l or defrost a It a l When In for a 11 defrost defrost a (from l of a motor. It will run l It to run of saving l It a of to l door for a to to to of a If firm l l door l on OFF door out foods forms on to for l not to a a door food l fill or It defrost turn to OFF, out It to a month to odors from Of drrectrons. away. right up wiped be should spills course, up. building prevent help once following the accordrng clean and pa
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,a d .-.. *-.-a M. _ . _ - What to to L._ I..._ / I . I ^ ’ or l Wash a l _ ___ _ ,,_,,- 1 / . . . r.. ~__. _.--, .._ “,w-_ _ I ----I l Wash a or not or [or l l a or a a soft not I on rust ,, d ,_-r -1 _-,- -1 ’ soft or l Wash to or mrld [2 (26 to 1 [ 95 I] l .I_ _ ,/. Y .~ .,.., W”.... soft l Wash mrld l or on _ ,m. WP.1 .-r,--_-,_,~~F,-,il__= I.77 l Wash a soft or soft, soft, l a or or or - .x . ..!^. .*. . . . .>_.x. ,.-- ...,-_..-^.,l*l ..-.--, MI /II L
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storage or r aluminum 1011 In IS a 1 to 2 . 1 to2 . time 1 to 2 Ground 3 to 5 In 7 to In ____._._..__._.............. 5to7 3 to 5 humId be longer than the It o the In Fruits Wash, in 0 In 0 o WItbout r Bjr T k ,?I 3 330 a 3301 time In In When In Vacuum In month f It aluminum In It 3Lt aluminum too fine are 13s light with1 cortolners Plost,c cx3ors fooa trorsferrlng lmrrediotely Store foil or wrap plastic and ary!r#g from focx3 keep to loll o,umlnu
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3 6 IS In a r must In ’ gbt IIds. l aluminum l c l 301 l bb l l of or proof. 5 Frults 2 3 o ttme A 5 10 tips Fold package from air Dress food close ends freezing during expand *o liqu,ds OV. Crease air out seal to twice least at food) the [toward al- to space head Leave material recommendea or fold and !ogether erds the Bring food tne around other or contatners wide-mouthed rIgId IP Pack needed as slice arlc pit tr’rn pee!, Sort distance the than longer one-third a
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fresh foods for For no 2 to 3 hours to15 for Wash sort Into of or In to to not or fresh WIII or In foods In If to tn tt fotl lift out forI It to or frrst or a of on or proof If not. of or on or form. to to Fruit do not In to bake. ready when crusts top vents steam Cut sold freeze fillings freezinggrich before pies similar and pecan Bake thawing. without Bake unbaked. frozen best are pies bake. ready when slice enough only Thaw roll in frozen and wrapped be can cook
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not Food to of food. no un- food fish 2 to 3 24 hours. 3 to 6 2 to 3 of fresh or 3 to 4 of foot 6 to 9 of 2 to 9 for to to room tront door 3 6 to8 of to 4 of food, of or Whole 9 to 12 Whites 9 to 12 0” (-17.8”C). 9 to 12 or to or Food Fruit 12 3 fruit 12 fruit 4 to 6 3 B to 12 _. _. 1 month 2 to 3 B unfrosted 2 to 4 B to 12 frosted 8 to 12 Fruit 12 4 or 3 .._...__.,_,,.... 8 to12 1 to 2 1 to 2 4 to 6 1 month Ground 2 to 3 If off 6 to 12 6 to 9 W
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vacations. to off If ~111 off a for four of off off of turn off food foods out of out. shift vacations. food if for a month 1. a turn off of to When of 2. from turn off 3. to or to doors for far for to odor from In doors cord to When out of a to to not 4. to doors or . 171. (page number telephone assistance service COOL-LINE” Refrrgeratcx” Your “Using see refrigerator, restart To your ..call QUESTIONS? trapped. injured become may They open. blocked lrne.
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service or assistance, suggest steps: If not to With often from a find of If not on? to cord If In defrost In hot, full. If If a out: for on 8 If motor to run too of a or a hot 01 if room motor runs If a or or If door a or if a of food motor run on or to on Motor on dif- from of door of for defrost food of room, of defrost to It a of a food 16 one. old your than time running more require may and refrigeration better means this All compartment. frozen inste
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have our 2) of our or if to: Mr. Whirlpool 2000 49022 *If or Whirlpool of a from: of informa- . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 253-1301 to to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 632-2243 for . . . . . . . . . (800) 253-1121 & o Whlrtpocl of our quollty ttls to qualltv o Whlriwl from or, if fit right and right.. a com- the 8 used build Whlrlpoo oppllonce service*... Whirlpool a of our 2) or 999-9999 Maple 123 XYZSERVICECO COMPANIES SERVICE FRANCHlSEDTECH.C
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18 Notes
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19 Notes
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a Orye Clothes Washers, Automatic Dehumidifiers. Conditioners, Au Room Compactors. Trash Ovens. Microwave Ranges. Units. Surlace and Ovens BullI-In Dishwashers. Makers, e U.S.A. in Printed Corporation Whirlpool 01985 1105726 No. Part easier. little world your Making